portrait of Representative Rush Holt   
 Representative Rush Holt, 12th District of New Jersey



April 25, 2007
Contact: Matt Dennis
202-225-5801 (office)

Supplemental Provides Resources for Troops, Accountability for Administration

Washington, D.C. --- Rep. Rush Holt (NJ-12) today voiced support for the Iraq Accountability Act, legislation that provides the resources needed by American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, while ensuring that the Administration develops a plan for a responsible withdrawal of American troops.

“After four years in Iraq, thousands of lives lost, hundreds of billions of dollars spent, and international respect squandered, it is time for a new direction,” said Rep. Holt.  “The war was ill-advised from the outset and has been mismanaged at nearly every step by the Bush Administration and civilian leadership.  The days of blank checks to fund a failed policy are over.”

The Iraq Accountability Act requires President Bush to determine that substantial progress is being made on security, political, and reconstruction benchmarks by July 2007.  If President Bush cannot certify such progress, redeployment must start by July with a goal of being completed within 180 days.  If President Bush can certify such progress, redeployment must begin by October 1, with a goal of being completed within 180 days.

“The American troops in Iraq have performed admirably,” said Holt.  “However the multi-faceted civil war in Iraq, which includes extensive Shia on Sunni violence, internal sectarian feuding, al Qaeda and Sunni attacks on rivals and on Coalition forces themselves, and widespread criminally motivated violence, cannot be solved with foreign troops.  Pretending otherwise does a disservice to our men and women in uniform.

“With this legislation, Congress is establishing a direction for American strategy in Iraq.  I encourage President Bush to sign this bill to provide troops with the resources they need and to force Iraq’s squabbling leaders to take responsibility for their country’s security and its future.”
