NCI-Frederick at Ft. Detrick Carpool

Welcome to the NCI-Frederick Car Pool website. On this website you may ...

  • Register your information so that others can search and contact you with regard to car pool opportunities
  • Login and UPDATE or REMOVE your information
  • Search by City, State, or Zip Code to locate others who want to car pool

You may use the sidebar to navigate the site at any time.

Special Notice

Commuter Connections Logo

NCI-Frederick has been selected by TransIT and Commuter Connections as a site to showcase innovation in transportation. As part of this project we are conducting a travel survey. As an employee of NCI-Frederick you have been selected to take part and we are writing to ask for your participation. Your participation will help us learn more about your travel needs. The survey results will be used to inform and guide transportation programming for NCI-Frederick and the Ft. Detrick Community.

This is a very exciting project and we hope you will take part by participating in a unique survey. As a thank you for your assistance and participation in this survey initiative, once we have received your completed survey, your name will be entered into a drawing for NCI-Frederick “gear”.

We look forward to receiving your survey and, more importantly, finding out how we can improve transportation programs in and around our campus.

Please return your completed survey to Julie Hartman, Building 427/Room 11 or Fax to 301-846-1494.

Download Survery in PDF Format

Please go to for further information including programs such as the Guaranteed Ride Home Program.