OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education
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High School Education Related Links
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Link to Department of Education notices Non-U.S. Department of Education web sites linked by OVAE contain information related to OVAE and are linked as a public service only. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information.

High School Education and Literacy Organizations and Centers

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
National, voluntary association of colleges and universities with undergraduate or graduate programs that prepare professional educators.

Center for Education Reform
Issues covered include reform overview, charter schools, school choice, standards and curriculum.

Council of Great City Schools
A coalition of nearly 60 of the nation's largest urban public school systems. Works to promote urban education through legislation, research, media relations, instruction, management, technology, and other special projects designed to improve the quality of urban education.

Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication
Educational materials, services, and coursework for those interested in the language arts.

The Institute for Urban and Minority Education (IUME)
IUME conducts research to understand the experiences of diverse urban and minority group populations. Website includes archive of ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education publications.

Edutopia: George Lucas Educational Foundation
Resources on innovative classrooms, assessment, teacher preparation, and community involvement.

Middle College High School Consortium
Sites involve high schools located at community colleges, particularly targeting at-risk learners.

National Association of Secondary School Principals
Information, resources, and professional development opportunities for principals, assistant principals, and aspiring principals.

National Career Development Association
Provides service to the public and professionals involved with or interested in career development, including professional development activities, publications, research, professional standards, and advocacy.

National Commission on Teaching and America's Future
Nonpartisan and nonprofit group dedicated to improving the quality of teaching nationwide.

National Council on Teacher Quality
Organization dedicated to fostering innovation in teacher quality policies by providing information, resources, and technical assistance to states; and promoting research, experimentation, and evaluation.

Recruiting New Teachers, Inc
National non-profit organization formed to increase esteem for teaching, expand the pool of prospective teachers, and improve the nation's teacher recruitment and development policies and practices.

Southern Regional Education Board's High Schools That Work
Combines challenging academic courses and modern vocational studies to raise the achievement of high school students.

Related Organizations and Resources

Active Learning Practices for Schools (ALPS)
Interactive forums, curriculum design resources, model lessons and activities, and opportunities for professional reflection.

American Counseling Association
Professional and educational organization dedicated to the growth and enhancement of the counseling profession.

Contextual Teaching and Learning
Identifies, studies, and disseminates the characteristics of pre-service teacher education programs that prepare teachers to use contextual teaching and learning strategies to improve student achievement.

Education Commission of the States
Provides news, research, analyses, and technical assistance for state education policymakers.

Education Trust
Promotes high academic achievement of students at all levels, K-16, and closing achievement gaps. Website includes interactive state and national data, reports, and data disks.

High School Transcript Studies
Reports on high school students' course-taking patterns. The National Center on Education Statistics has conducted five transcript studies to date, beginning in 1991 and most recently in 1998.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Establishes rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. Also develops and operates a national voluntary system to assess and certify teachers who meet these standards.

National Centers for Research and Dissemination in Career and Technical Education
University-based organizations concerned with promoting a unified, researched-based, national policy for career and technical education. The website features the latest research and reports, information on ongoing projects, exemplary programs, a speakers' bureau, and technical assistance resources.

National Dropout Prevention Center
Provides resources that enable a new or enhanced appreciation for the importance of a quality education and a high school diploma.

National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship
Private organization devoted to teaching entrepreneurial skills to low income young people, ages 11 through 18, so they can become economically productive members of society.

NCES Classroom
National Center on Education Statistics' website for students, with school information, games and activities, feature articles, and a multimedia center.

NFL High School Player Development
Provides inner city public high school students the academic counseling and specific football skill training by position. Each participant gains full awareness of what is necessary to become a successful collegiate student-athlete, along with the resources and information to meet NCAA Clearinghouse requirements.

Play it Smart
National Football Foundation program which enhances the personal and academic development of high school football players from disadvantaged communities. The key to the program is the trained academic coach who works throughout the academic year with the student-athletes, coaches, school personnel, parents and community leaders in 88 underserved high schools nationwide.

Project 540
Organization that provides opportunities for high school students to discuss issues they believe are important and work for community change.


American Journal of Education
Quarterly from the University of Chicago Press, encourages a dialogue between educational scholars and practitioners. (Content available with paid subscription.)

American School Board Journal
Monthly publication that attempts to interpret large education issues and offer practical advice. (Some content available with paid subscription.)

Education Week
Comprehensive weekly filled with articles on various educational issues. Published by Editorial Projects in Education, Inc.

Electronic School
Quarterly technology magazine for K-12 educators.

Journal of Career and Technical Education
Academic research on areas of interest to career and technical educators.

Journal of Career Development
Topics covered include career education, adult career development, career development of special needs populations, and career and leisure. (Content available with paid subscription.)

Journal of In-service Education
International refereed journal, published three times a year, offers original contributions on the subject of teacher education. (Content available with paid subscription.)

Journal of Technology Education
Articles focus on technology education research, philosophy, and theory.

Journal of Workplace Learning
Articles aim to assist researchers, practitioners, and consultants gain insights into workplace learning and development from theories and international research findings. (Content available with paid subscription.)

Phi Delta Kappan
Addresses policy issues for educators at all levels. (Content available with paid subscription.)

Teacher Magazine
Provides general information, articles, and resources for professional teachers. Published by Editorial Projects in Education, Inc.

TCRecord.org: The Voice of Scholarship in Education
A peer-reviewed journal offering thematic content, discussion groups, online learning modules, and book reviews.

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Last Modified: 10/16/2007

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