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A Preliminary Report on Fire Protection Research Program Fire Barriers and Fire Retardant Coatings Tests (NUREG/CR-0381)

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Publication Information

Leo J. Klamerus

Manuscript Submitted: August 1978
Date Published: September 1978

Sandia Laboratories Albuquerque, NM 87185
operated by Sandia Corporation for the
U.S. Department of Energy

Prepared for Division of Reactor Safety Research
Office of Water Reactor Safety Research

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555
Under Interagency Agreement DOE 40-550-75

NRC FIN No. A1010

Availability Notice


An exposure fire test at Sandia Laboratories showed that the Regulatory Guide 1.75 separation guidelines and IEEE-383 fire retardancy standards for safety cables are not sufficient, in themselves, to protect against such fires. Additional measures have been required by NRC to protect essential safety systems against the effects of fires. Two of these measures are fire barriers or fire-retardant coatings on cabling. This report describes the second phase of a small scale and full scale testing program which has been undertaken to assess the adequacy of coatings. In addition, full scale tests are described using exposure fires to appraise the adequacy of some fire barriers placed between horizontal cable trays. The preliminary results show that all coatings and barriers offer some measure of additional protection. Their relative effectiveness is demonstrated by quantitative information obtained in the donor and donee cable trays. An evaluation of other protective measures will be undertaken in future studies.

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