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Congressman Ed Whitfield
News | Congressman Ed Whitfield | United States Representative
Series of Border Security Bills Pass House September 21, 2006 WASHINGTON, September 21 - U.S. Rep. Ed Whitfield on Thursday voted for three major pieces of legislation that will secure the nations borders and crack down on illegal immigration.

The three bills, which all passed the U.S. House of Representatives, were developed after Congress held more than 20 field hearings in the months of July and August to examine the issue of border security and identify ways to improve our nations current immigration system.

The three bills passed by the House were H.R. 6094, the Community Protection Act of 2006; H.R. 6095, the Immigration Law Enforcement Act of 2006, and; H.R. 4830, the Border Tunnel Prevention Act of 2006.

"Our current immigration and border security laws are riddled with loopholes that are easily evaded by people entering our country illegally. These three bills, if enacted, will make an immediate impact in securing our nation," said Whitfield.

"First District residents deserve and expect Congress to control our borders. This issue is too important to be derailed by political posturing, and the House will not wait for the Senate to pass a comprehensive immigration package that endorses amnesty for illegal aliens. By passing these bills today, we are signaling our commitment to ensuring the security of our borders. It is vital the Senate act on these bills so they can be signed into law," he added.

H.R. 6094, the Community Protection Act of 2006

- The Community Protection Act ensures that dangerous illegal immigrants who cannot be deported cannot likewise be released into society.

- The Community Protection Act toughens laws against alien gang members. Under the bill, an illegal immigrant who is found to be part of a criminal street gang would be subject to detention, deportation, and would be ineligible for receiving asylum or temporary protected status.

H.R. 6095, the Immigration Law Enforcement Act of 2006

- The Immigration Law Enforcement Act reaffirms the authority of state and local law enforcement to voluntarily investigate, identify, apprehend, arrest, detain, and transfer to federal custody illegal immigrants.

- Many state and local law enforcement officers want to assist in the enforcement of immigration laws, and they can play a valuable role in assisting federal law immigration officers.

- The Immigration Law Enforcement Act authorizes an increase in the number of attorneys to prosecute alien smuggling cases, and expresses Congress support for attorneys general to establish uniform guidelines for the prosecution of alien smugglers.

H.R. 4830, the Border Tunnel Prevention Act of 2006

- The Border Tunnel Prevention Act enacts criminal penalties of up to 20 years imprisonment for individuals who knowingly construct or finance the construction of an unauthorized tunnel across a U.S. international border.

- In addition, individuals who recklessly permit the construction of such a tunnel on their own property are subject to imprisonment of up to 10 years. Individuals caught using such a tunnel to smuggle aliens, contraband, drugs, weapons, or terrorists are subject to twice the penalty that would have otherwise been imposed.

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