US Forest Service

Los Padres National Forest

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Los Padres National Forest
6755 Hollister Avenue
Suite 150
Goleta, CA 93117

(805) 968-6640
(805) 968-6790 TTY

Projects & Plans


Schedule of Proposed Actions

The Schedule of Proposed Actions is published quarterly to provide notice of current projects in Los Padres National Forest that may require environmental analysis. Project descriptions and contact information are provided so that you can be aware of upcoming activities and gain information on Forest projects. Please contact the person listed for specific information on projects of interest.

The Forest Service now has an on-line, web-based Schedule of Proposed Actions located on the national website. This program will allow anyone with access to a computer to view all Schedule of Proposed Actions produced at all forests within the agency. Using this new program, Schedule of Proposed Actions may be searched by multiple subjects, including geography, activity and NEPA document to be produced. Schedule of Proposed Actions »

Travel Management

Between 2005 and 2008, the national forests in California will complete an inventory of all the roads, trails, and areas used by off-highway vehicles, identify a system of routes from that inventory, and designate those routes/areas for off-highway vehicle use. Los Padres National Forest has had a system of designated Off-Highway Vehicle routes in place for more than 30 years. These existing designated Off-Highway Vehicle routes, together with other roads designated "open for motorized travel" are displayed on recently published Motor Vehicle Use Maps. Information and Maps »

Recreation Facility Analysis

Many of the Los Padres' developed recreation sites were built 30-50 years ago. Since then, visitor preferences and demographics have changed. Some sites no longer serve projected recreation demand; some facilities are in poor shape and do not meet visitors' expectations. To respond to these conditions and national direction, the forest is implementing the Recreation Facility Analysis process for developed recreation sites.

Mountain Bicycle Planning for all Forests in California

The Forest Service's regional webpage has information about the mountain bicycle planning efforts for the National Forests.

Santa Barbara Front Country Trails

Agencies and Stakeholders Continue to Explore Enhancements to Public Safety and Enjoyment of Santa Barbara Front Country Trails

Analysis Documents

Proposed actions that will soon begin or are currently undergoing environmental analysis and documentation, providing information so that you can become aware of and indicate your interest in specific proposals. We encourage your early and ongoing involvement in any proposals of interest to you. Environmental Analysis and Management Documents »

Healthy Forest Projects

The President has taken a series of actions to expedite high-priority fuel-reduction and forest restoration projects in our nation's forests and rangelands, including the December 2003 signing of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act. The primary goal of these projects is to reduce the fire danger and return our forests and rangelands to a healthier state. Los Padres Projects List »

Completed Projects


Recreation Residences

Recreation residences are valid use of National Forest System lands and an important component of the overall National Forest recreation program. These residences are under special use permits. Cabins must be used at least 15 days a year, but cannot be occupied as a principle residence.

Land Management Plan

Provides strategic management direction for the 1.78 million acres of Los Padres National Forest for the next 10-15 years.

Los Padres National Forest Land Management Plan »


Los Padres National Forest Business Plan

[Photograph]: Forest Service employees reviewing paperwork. The Los Padres National Forest Business Plan was developed as part of a pilot program involving the four southern California national forests. The plan is intended as a tool to describe for our stakeholders the business of the forest, our programs and financial situation, and strategies for increasing alternative funding sources and enhancing partnerships. more information »

Appeals & Objections

An appeal is a request to a higher authority for administrative review of a decision. An appellant is a person or organization filing a notice of appeal. Usually, all administrative processes established by the Secretary or required by law must be exhausted before a person may bring a court action associated with resource management decisions.

Objections are written documents submitted by an individual or organization seeking a pre-decisional administrative review of a proposed hazardous fuel reduction project authorized by the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003.


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US Forest Service - Los Padres National Forest
Last Modified: 08/12/08

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.