
In June 2008, I introduced a privileged resolution calling for greater protection of congressional computer and information systems.  

My resolution helped to spark national attention regarding the protection of our government, business, and infrastructure networks from foreign cyberattacks.

In August 2006, four of the computers in my personal office were compromised by an outside source.  On these computers was information about all of the work I have done on behalf of political dissidents and human rights activists around the world.

Computers in the offices of several other Members were similarly compromised, as well as a major committee of the House -- the Foreign Affairs Committee.

The FBI revealed that the outside sources responsible for this attack came from within the People's Republic of China.  My suspicion is that I was targeted by Chinese sources because of my long history of speaking out about China's abysmal human rights record.

My office's computers were cleaned and I have since implemented a strict computer security policy to protect my work and my constituents.

But ever since this happened, I have been deeply concerned that this institution is not adequately aware of or protected from these types of threats.

I am also deeply concerned about the threat when Members travel overseas. Members are at risk of having their conversations and information recorded or stolen from their cell phones and Blackberry devices.

As I have shared my office's experience with other Members, it has become clear to me that many Members, committees and other offices of the House do not fully understand the extent of this threat against the security of their offices and how to protect themselves from it.

In September 2008, I joined with several colleagues to introduce H.R. 7007, the American Cybersecurity Commission Act to establish a bipartisan commission to study weaknesses to our non-classified government, business, and national infrastructure computer networks.  The Commission would make recommendations to Congress on how to best protect these.

I am also a charter member of the new House Cybersecurity Caucus that will be launching in January 2009. 

I will continue to work to ensure that the federal government is taking all precautions to safeguard America’s sensitive information and infrastructure.

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