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Congressman Brad Sherman, Proudly Representing California's 27th District
May17, 2006

Congressman Sherman Sees 100 mpg Cars Saving Money, Helping Environment

Congressman Brad Sherman, a leading proponent of hybrid cars that use less gasoline and reduce pollution, takes a spin in a plug-in hybrids with rechargeable batteries that may be the next wave in automobile technology.
Congressman Brad Sherman, a leading proponent of hybrid cars that use less gasoline and reduce pollution, takes a spin in a plug-in hybrids with rechargeable batteries that may be the next wave in automobile technology.
Congressmen Brad Sherman (L) and Eliot L. Engel go for a ride on Capitol Hill in a plug-in hybrid Toyota Prius that gets more than 100 miles per gallon.

Congressmen Brad Sherman (L) and Eliot L. Engel go for a ride on Capitol Hill in a
plug-in hybrid Toyota Prius that gets more than 100 miles per gallon.
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