
Lowey Statement on Obama National Security Team

White Plains, NY – Congresswoman Nita Lowey (NY-18) today released the following statement on President-elect Obama’s announcement of his national security team:

“President-elect Obama has chosen individuals of great experience and talent to serve as Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Homeland Security Secretary, Attorney General, National Security Advisor, and Ambassador to the United Nations.

“Hillary Clinton is the perfect choice for Secretary of State. As Chairwoman of the House Appropriations State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee, I look forward to working with Hillary Clinton to address the extraordinary international challenges our nation faces.

“At a time when it is critical for the United States to repair our alliances around the world and work cooperatively with the international community, she has the experience and leadership to serve as America’s foremost diplomat. As First Lady and as a Senator, Hillary Clinton has maintained strong relationships with foreign leaders and earned the respect of people around the world. She has been a thoughtful voice on critical issues including women’s rights, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and international basic education. I am confident she will marshal the international support we need to address terrorism; the impact of the global financial crisis; climate change; and poverty, disease, and oppression in the developing world.

“I look forward to working with Governor Napolitano to ensure our communities have the tools they need to prevent and respond to emergencies and with the entire national security team to make our nation safer and more respected around the world.
