
Agriculture And Rural Affairs

  • 230. H.R. 2744, FY 2006 agriculture appropriations. Amendment to increase funding by $19 million for the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and offset the increase by a cut of $21 million in the Agriculture Department common computing environment account. No. Passed 226-201. 6/8/05.
  • 231. H.R. 2744. Amendment to strike a provision that would prohibit the Agriculture Department from using funds in the bill to enforce country-of-origin labels for meat and meat products. No. Failed 187-240. 6/8/05.
  • 232. H.R. 2744. Amendment to prohibit use of funds to grant a waiver of financial conflict of interest requirements for any voting member of an advisory committee or panel of the Food and Drug Administration. No. Passed 218-210. 6/8/05.
  • 233. H.R. 2744. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to pay salaries and expenses of personnel to inspect horses and regulate transportation of horses intended for slaughter, including for meat, under the Federal Meat Inspection Act or under the guidelines issued under the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act. Yes. Passed 269-158. 6/8/05.
  • 234. H.R. 2744. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill for salaries or expenses of personnel who make loans in excess of 17 cents per pound for domestically grown raw sugar cane or 21.6 cents per pound for refined beet sugar from domestically grown beets. No. Failed 146-280. 6/8/05.
  • 235. H.R. 2744. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill for salaries or expenses of personnel to carry out activities of the Market Access Program which helps fund advertising and marketing for agricultural exports. No. Failed 66-356. 6/8/05.
  • 236. H.R. 2744. Amendment to require a 1 percent across-the-board cut in discretionary spending in the bill. No. Failed 80-335. 6/8/05.
  • 237. H.R. 2744. Amendment to prohibit use of funds under the food stamp program to contravene existing immigration law requiring that sponsors of legal aliens be financially liable for government benefits provided to the aliens. No. Failed 169-258. 6/8/05.
  • 238. H.R. 2744. On passage of the bill to provide $100.3 billion in FY 2006 appropriations for the Department of Agriculture and related agencies including the Food and Drug Administration. Yes. Passed 408-18. 6/8/05.
  • 241. S. 643, to authorize $7.5 million from FYs 2006-2010 for grants for state agricultural mediation programs. Yes. Passed 371-2, under suspension of rules. 6/13/05.
  • 535. H.R. 2744. Motion to instruct House conferees on the agriculture appropriations bill to include language to agree to a Senate provision to block funds from being used to close or relocate state Farm Service Agency offices unless the Agriculture Department reports that such closures are necessary and cost-effective, and to agree to a new provision to prohibit a state agency from using federal funds for administrative costs related to food stamp program operations that are contracted to a private entity. No. Failed 209-216. 10/20/05.
  • 555. H.R. 2744. To adopt the conference report to the bill to provide $101 billion in FY 2006 appropriations for the Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration and related agencies, including the food stamp program, child nutrition and Women, Infants and Children program. Yes. Passed 318-63. 10/28/05.