

  • 72. H.R. 1268, FY 2005 supplemental appropriations. Amendment to provide $5 million to establish a select committee to investigate reconstruction efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. No. Failed 191-236. 3/15/05.
  • 73. H.R. 1268. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill for the security, construction and maintenance of U.S. embassies. [Note: the bill would provide $592 million to construct a new embassy in Baghdad.] No. Passed 258-170. 3/15/05.
  • 74. H.R. 1268. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill for assistance to Saudi Arabia. No. Failed 196-231. 3/15/05.
  • 75. H.R. 1268, FY 2005 supplemental appropriations. Amendment to reaffirm the U.S. commitment to the U.N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and prohibit the use of funds in the bill to contravene U.S. laws implementing the U.N. Convention Against Torture. Yes. Passed 420-2. 3/16/05.
  • 76. H.R. 1268. Motion to recommit the bill to the Appropriations Committee with instructions to add language to increase funding for military health care by $100 million and for transitional job training for military personnel by $50 million. No. Failed 200-229. 3/16/05.
  • 77. H.R. 1268. On passage of the bill to provide $81.4 billion in FY 2005 supplemental appropriations for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan and for disaster relief and recovery assistance to victims of the December 2004 tsunami in Asia. Yes. Passed 388-43. 3/16/05.
  • 133. H.R. 1268. Motion to instruct conferees on the FY 2006 supplemental appropriations bill to insist on a conference report that would include the highest possible funding for additional border patrol agents and increase funds for other immigration and law enforcement programs, and accept the Senate provision that future funding for military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq be included in the president’s annual budget. Yes. Passed 417-4. 4/26/05.
  • 160. H.R. 1268. Motion to recommit the conference report on the FY 2005 supplemental appropriations bill to the conference committee with instructions to include Senate language to provide for the highest levels of funding for immigration and customs enforcement. No. Failed 201-225. 5/5/05.
  • 161. H.R. 1268. To adopt the conference report to provide $82 billion in FY 2005 supplemental appropriations for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan and for disaster assistance to victims of the December 2004 tsunami. Yes. Passed 368-58. 5/5/05.
  • 362. H.R. 3130, to provide $975 million in supplemental FY 2005 appropriations for veterans’ medical care. Yes. Passed 419-0. 6/30/05.
  • 460. H.R. 3673, to provide $51.8 billion in FY 2005 supplemental appropriations for disaster relief to areas affected by Hurricane Katrina. Yes. Passed 410-11, under suspension of rules. 9/8/05.
  • 507. H.J.Res. 68, to provide continuing appropriations through Nov. 18, 2005, for all federal departments and agencies whose FY 2006 appropriations bills have not been enacted. Yes. Passed 348-65. 9/29/05.
  • 599. H.J.Res. 72, to provide continuing appropriations through Dec. 17, 2005, for all federal departments and agencies whose FY 2006 appropriations bills have not been enacted. Yes. Passed 413-16. 11/17/05.