
Energy, Environment And Interior

  • 96. H.R. 135, to authorize $9 million to establish the 21st Century Water Commission to study and develop recommendations for a comprehensive water strategy to address future water needs. Yes. Passed 402-22, under suspension of rules. 4/12/05.
  • 97. H.R. 541, to convey 8.75 acres of land from Kingston Cemetery to Lander County, Nevada, and 10 acres from Maiden’s Grave Cemetery to Eureka County, Nevada, for continued cemetery use. Yes. Passed 423-0, under suspension of rules. 4/12/05.
  • 115. H.R. 6, Energy Policy Act. Amendment to strike a provision in the bill to allow an expedited review and approval process to open refineries in areas that have experienced manufacturing-sector layoffs and have unemployment rates that exceed the national average by at least 10 percent. No. Failed 182-248. 4/20/05.
  • 116. H.R. 6. Amendment to rename the Strategic Petroleum Reserve the Strategic Fuels Reserve and give the Department of Energy authority to include alternate fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, in the reserve. No. Failed 186-239. 4/20/05.
  • 117. H.R. 6. Amendment to require federal agencies to develop steps to reduce demand for oil by 1 million barrels per day by 2013. No. Failed 166-262. 4/20/05.
  • 118. H.R. 6. Amendment to require electric utility companies to reduce dependence on non- renewable energy sources and authorize $50 million over 10 years for the development of new electricity reliability standards for bulk power; provide tax benefits for energy-efficient homes and other energy-efficient buildings, and prohibit oil and gas drilling in the Great Lakes. No. Failed 170-259. 4/20/05.
  • 119. H.R. 6. Amendment as a substitute to direct the EPA to revise certain federal vehicle fuel economy measurement standards to factor in higher speed limits, variations in temperature and other fuel depleting features to provide consumers with accurate fuel economy data on new vehicle labels, rather than an amendment to require the EPA’s fuel economy test procedures to reflect current driving patterns and conditions, and provide consumers with fuel economy information. No. Passed 259-172. 4/20/05.
  • 120. H.R. 6. Amendment as amended to direct the EPA to revise certain federal vehicle fuel economy measurement standards to factor in higher speed limits, variations in temperature and other fuel depleting features to provide consumers with accurate fuel economy data on new vehicle labels. No. Passed 346-85. 4/20/05.
  • 121. H.R. 6. Amendment to require the Transportation Department to issue regulations by model year 2007 that would increase fuel efficiency standards to at least 33 miles per gallon in automobiles manufactured by model year 2015. Yes. Failed 177-254. 4/20/05.
  • 122. H.R. 6. Amendment to strike the provision in the bill that would allow leases for oil and gas exploration, development and production in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. No. Failed 200-231. 4/20/05.
  • 123. H.R. 6. Amendment to authorize the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to refund electricity overcharges and increase the penalties for violations of the Federal Power Act; strike a provision in the bill repealing the Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA), and direct the Securities and Exchange Commission to review utility companies compliance with PUHCA. No. Failed 188-243. 4/20/05.
  • 124. H.R. 6. Amendment to strike a provision in the bill that would authorize $10 million annually from FYs 2006-2008 for a program to develop improved technologies for mining uranium and for environmental restoration of uranium mine sites. No. Failed 204-225. 4/21/05.
  • 125. H.R. 6. Amendment to make producers of all renewable fuels approved by the Department of Energy eligible for grants to build production facilities for renewable fuels. No. Passed 239- 190. 4/21/05.
  • 126. H.R. 6. Amendment to direct the U.S. comptroller general to conduct a study and report to Congress within one year on the impact of the consolidation of gasoline refiners, importers, producers, and wholesalers on the retail gasoline market. Yes. Passed 302-128. 4/21/05.
  • 127. H.R. 6. Amendment to authorize a study by the National Academy of Sciences on the feasibility of mustard seed as a feedstock for biodiesel. No. Passed 259-171. 4/21/05.
  • 128. H.R. 6. Amendment to strike a provision in the bill that would authorize the Interior Department to suspend collection of royalties to the Treasury for certain wells leased for offshore oil and gas production on the Outer Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico. No. Failed 203-227. 4/21/05.
  • 129. H.R. 6. Amendment to strike a provision in the bill that would provide liability protection for manufacturers of the gasoline additive methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE). Yes. Failed 213- 219. 4/21/05.
  • 130. H.R. 6. Amendment to expand the definition of environmental justice, direct each federal agency to establish an office of environmental justice, and re-establish the interagency Federal Working Group on Environmental Justice. No. Failed 185-243. 4/21/05.
  • 131. H.R. 6. Amendment to strike a provision in the bill that specifies that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, instead of state and local agencies, would have the authority to approve the construction, expansion or operation of any facility that imports or processes natural gas including liquefied natural gas. Yes. Failed 194-237. 4/21/05.
  • 132. H.R. 6. On passage of the Energy Policy Act to overhaul the nation’s energy policy and provide for some $8 billion in energy-related tax incentives. Yes. Passed 249-183. 4/21/05.
  • 173. H.R. 2107, to transfer control of the National Law Enforcement Memorial Maintenance Fund from the National Park Service to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Inc., a nonprofit corporation that operates and maintains the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Yes. Passed 392-0, under suspension of rules. 5/16/05.
  • 191. H.R. 2361, FY 2006 Interior and environment appropriations. Amendment to reduce funding for the National Endowment for the Arts by $15 million and apply $4.8 million of the reduction to the payments in lieu of taxes account. No. Failed 109-311. 5/19/05.
  • 192. H.R. 2361. Amendment to lift the moratorium on natural gas production in the Outer Continental Shelf. No. Failed 157-262. 5/19/05.
  • 193. H.R. 2361. Amendment to increase funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund hazardous waste cleanup program by $130 million and offset the increase by a cut of $130 million in the EPA’s science and technology account. No. Failed 76-344. 5/19/05.
  • 194. H.R. 2361. Amendment to increase funding for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund by $100 million and offset the increase by a cut in state and tribal assistance grants. No. Failed 186- 235. 5/19/05.
  • 195. H.R. 2361. Amendment to increase funding for the U.S. Forest Service by $27.5 million and offset the increase by a cut of $30 million for the National Endowment for the Arts. No. Failed 122-298. 5/19/05.
  • 196. H.R. 2361. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill for the sale or slaughter of wild free-roaming horses and burro. No. Passed 249-159. 5/19/05.
  • 197. H.R. 2361. Amendment to cut the bill’s discretionary spending by 1 percent across-the- board. No. Failed 90-326. 5/19/05.
  • 198. H.R. 2361. Motion to recommit the FY 2006 Interior and environment appropriations bill to the House Appropriations Committee with instructions to add $242 million for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and $110 million for State and Tribal Assistance Grants. No. Failed 191- 228. 5/19/05.
  • 199. H.R. 2361. On passage of the bill to provide $26.2 billion in FY 2006 appropriations for the Department of the Interior, the EPA and related agencies. Yes. Passed 329-89. 5/19/05.
  • 207. H.R. 2419, FY 2006 energy and water appropriations. Amendment to transfer $15.5 million from interim storage and nuclear waste management reprocessing programs and direct the funds toward energy efficiency and conservation programs. No. Failed 110-312. 5/24/05.
  • 208. H.R. 2419. Amendment to increase funding for the Army Corps of Engineers by $20 million and offset the increase by an equal cut in the Energy Department’s administration account. No. Failed 152-275. 5/24/05.
  • 209. H.R. 2419. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to accept oil deliveries to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. No. Failed 174-253. 5/24/05.
  • 210. H.R. 2419. Motion to recommit the FY 2006 energy and water appropriations bill to the Appropriations Committee with instructions to include a provision directing $500,000 toward a study on imported oil and providing $1 million for the Energy secretary to conduct a conference with Oil Producing Export Countries (OPEC) nations on oil prices. No. Failed 167-261. 5/24/05.
  • 211. H.R. 2419. On passage of the bill to provide $29.7 billion in FY 2006 appropriations for energy and water development programs. Yes. Passed 416-13. 5/24/05.
  • 373. H.R. 6. Motion to instruct House conferees to reject the inclusion of any provisions in the conference report on the energy policy act that would provide liability protection for manufacturers of the gasoline additive MTBE. Yes. Failed 201-217. 7/14/05.
  • 376. H.R. 2864, Water Resources Development Act. Amendment to allow U.S. ports to levy a fee on containers in addition to tonnage fees and currently allowed fees on imports and expand the allowed use of collected fees to include construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure and security services related to the port that levies the fee. No. Failed 111-310. 7/14/05.
  • 377. H.R. 2864. Amendment to allow the Army Corps of Engineers to construct seven new locks authorized in the bill for the Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Water Way Project only if 35 million tons of commodities are processed on average for 2007-2009 and require the Corps to set up an appointment system to schedule and prioritize barge traffic and provide evaluation reports on projects that proceed. No. Failed 105-315. 7/14/05.
  • 378. H.R. 2864. On passage of the bill to reauthorize the Water Resources and Development Act and authorize $11.6 billion for some 700 water resource development projects and studies by the Army Corps of Engineers for flood control, navigation, beach erosion control and environmental restoration. Yes. Passed 406-14. 7/14/05.
  • 422. H.R. 2361. Motion to instruct House conferees to accept Senate language in the FY 2006 Interior appropriations bill providing an additional $1.5 billion for veterans’ medical care in FY 2005. Yes. Passed 426-0. 7/26/05.
  • 445. H.R. 6. To adopt the conference report to the Energy Policy Act to overhaul the nation’s energy policy and provide for some $14 billion in energy-related tax incentives. Yes. Passed 275- 156. 7/28/05.
  • 450. H.R. 2361. To adopt the conference report to the bill to provide $26.2 billion in FY 2006 appropriations for the Department of the Interior, the EPA and related agencies. Yes. Passed 410- 10. 7/28/05.
  • 466. H.R. 3649, to extend the authorization through FY 2005 for various recreational boating safety and sportfishing programs. Yes. Passed 401-1, under suspension of rules. 9/13/05.
  • 467. S. 276, to authorize the Department of the Interior to acquire 5,675 acres of land to expand the Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota. Yes. Passed 295-106, under suspension of rules. 9/13/05.
  • 505. H.R. 3824, Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Act. Amendment as a substitute to reauthorize the Endangered Species Act through 2010; change the species recovery plan process to require plans to identify publicly owned land necessary to achieve species recovery; establish a program to promote voluntary habitat conservation for endangered species on privately owned land, and change the definition of placing a species in jeopardy to any action that directly or indirectly "makes it less likely" that a threatened or endangered species would recover, or significantly delays or increases the cost of species recovery. Yes. Failed 206-216. 9/29/05.
  • 506. H.R. 3824. On passage of the bill to reauthorize the Endangered Species Act through 2010; replace the critical habitat designation with expanded authority to develop recovery plans for species that take into account areas of ìspecial valueî in conserving an endangered or threatened species; require the Interior Department to reimburse landowners who are not allowed to develop their land because of protections for endangered species, and authorize grants for private landowners to protect endangered species. No. Passed 229-193. 9/29/05.
  • 517. H.R. 3893, expedite construction of new refining capacity. Amendment as a substitute to outlaw gasoline price gouging in a time of a presidentially declared energy emergency, authorize the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to impose civil penalties against companies which engage in price gouging, and increase U.S. refinery capacity by authorizing the Energy Department to construct new refineries or open closed refineries to establish a federal Strategic Refinery Reserve with a capacity equaling 5 percent of the daily U.S. demand for gasoline, home heating oil and other refined petroleum products. No. Failed 199-222. 10/7/05.
  • 518. H.R. 3893. Motion to recommit the bill to the Energy and Commerce Committee with instructions to add a provision to provide for stricter penalties dealing with gasoline price gouging, outlaw market manipulation and empower state attorneys general to enforce the law. No. Failed 200-222. 10/7/05.
  • 519. H.R. 3893. On passage of the bill to expedite construction of new U.S. refining capacity and allow state governors to opt into a streamlined regulatory process for refinery expansion and construction projects; require the president to designate federal sites for new oil refineries and allow the federal government to pay new refineries for the costs of significant delays due to lawsuits and government regulations; ban price gouging in times of emergencies, and direct the FTC to investigate price gouging after Hurricane Katrina. Yes. Passed 212-210. 10/7/05.
  • 580. H.R. 2419. To adopt the conference report to the bill to provide $30.5 billion in FY 2006 appropriations for energy and water development projects. Yes. Passed 399-17. 11/9/05.
  • 586. H.R. 1564, to transfer nine acres of federal land and several buildings to the Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District in Washington state. Yes. Passed 420-0, under suspension of rules. 11/15/05.