
Foreign Affairs And Trade

  • 19. H.Res. 60, to congratulate the Iraqi people for participating in the elections of Jan. 30, 2005; thank the Interim Government of Iraq and the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq, Iraqi and Coalition security forces, and the civilian U.S. and international partners for their efforts to create the conditions in which a free election could be held; express condolences to the families of those Iraqis who perished while attempting to vote or while protecting Iraqis who were doing so, and express gratitude to U.S. armed forces personnel for their valiant service and commitment to the highest ideals and traditions of the United States and to their families. Yes. Passed 404-9. 2/2/05.
  • 43. H.R. 912, on passage of the Humanitarian Assistance Code of Conduct Act to require humanitarian aid organizations to adopt safeguards to protect women and children from sexual exploitation and abuse before receiving U.S. disaster assistance, and require the president to report to Congress on the implementation of the act. Yes. Passed 416-0, under suspension of rules. 3/2/05.
  • 68. S. 384, to extend for two years through 2006 the term of the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group, which works to locate and declassify Nazi war criminal records. Yes. Passed 391-0, under suspension of rules. 3/14/05.
  • 239. H.J.Res. 27, to withdraw congressional approval of the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization. No. Failed 86-338. 6/9/05.
  • 270. H.R. 2745, Henry J. Hyde United Nations Reform Act. Amendment to instruct the president to direct the U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States to ensure that the secretary general exercises the right and duty to waive immunity of any United Nations official who is under investigation for or is charged with committing a serious criminal offense. Yes. Passed 405-13. 6/16/05.
  • 271. H.R. 2745. Amendment to require the Office of Management and Budget to submit a report to the House International Relations Committee on the U.S. contributions to the United Nations including assessed, voluntary, and in-kind contributions. Yes. Passed 402-14. 6/16/05.
  • 272. H.R. 2745. Amendment to direct the U.S. permanent representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to ensure that the IAEA adopts a resolution making Iran ineligible to receive any nuclear material, technology, equipment, or assistance from any IAEA member state until Iran is in full compliance with the IAEA. Yes. Passed 411-9. 6/16/05.
  • 274. H.R. 2745. Amendment to add a statement prohibiting the elimination of country-specific resolutions to the list of changes required of the United Nations in the area of human rights reform. Yes. Passed 373-32. 6/17/05.
  • 275. H.R. 2745. Amendment to direct the U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations to seek the adoption and implementation of mechanisms to hold accountable member states engaged or complicit in acts of genocide, war crimes, or crimes against humanity; impose an arms and trade embargo, travel restrictions and asset freeze upon groups or individuals responsible for such acts; deploy a U.N. peacekeeping operation from an international or regional organization to halt such acts; deploy monitors from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees to the area where such acts are occurring, and authorize the establishment of an international commission of inquiry into such acts. Yes. Passed 375-29. 6/17/05.
  • 276. H.R. 2745. Amendment to require the United Nations to release documents about the Oil- for-Food Program upon request by member states and to waive U.S. immunity of U.N. officials for civil or criminal acts under federal or state law that transpired in the United States in connection with the program. Yes. Passed. 366-38. 6/17/05.
  • 277. H.R. 2745. Amendment to direct the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations to oppose anti-Semitic statements and anti-Israel resolutions in the U.N. Yes. Passed 405-2. 6/17/05.
  • 278. H.R. 2745. Amendment to direct the U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations to ensure that the scale of assessments for the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council is no more than five times that of any other permanent member of the Security Council, and provide that if a permanent member is not in compliance, the U.N. representative would seek to deny that member the use of its veto in the Security Council. Yes. Passed 281-126. 6/17/05.
  • 279. H.R. 2745. Amendment to prohibit U.S. assistance to countries that oppose the U.S. position on more than 50 percent of U.N. votes in the General Assembly and Security Council (if the country is a member). No. Failed 108-297. 6/17/05.
  • 280. H.R. 2745. Amendment to increase from 50 percent to 75 percent the percentage of the U.S. contribution to the regular assessed budget of the United Nations that will be withheld under the bill unless certain reforms are made. No. Failed 100-306. 6/17/05.
  • 281. H.R. 2745. Amendment as a substitute to give the secretary of State authority to withhold up to 50 percent of U.S. dues to the United Nations unless the U.N. has complied with 32 of 39 changes by Oct. 1, 2007, and provide that the U.S. could withhold up to 50 percent of its dues if member states do not make substantial progress in raising voluntary contributions for some programs. No. Failed 190-216. 6/17/05.
  • 282. H.R. 2745. On passage of the Henry J. Hyde United Nations Reform Act to withhold up to 50 percent of U.S. dues to the United Nations unless the secretary of State certifies by Oct. 1, 2007, that the U.N. has complied with 32 of 39 changes in its operations, 14 of them mandatory, and cap overall U.S. contributions at 22 percent of the regular (non-peacekeeping) U.N. budget. Yes. Passed 221-184. 6/17/05.
  • 291. H.J.Res. 52, to extend for one year import restrictions on products from Myanmar, formerly called Burma, until the president certifies that the Myanmar government has made significant progress in democracy and human rights. Yes. Passed 423-2, under suspension of rules. 6/21/05.
  • 329. H.R. 3057, FY 2006 foreign operations appropriations. Amendment to reduce by $100 million the bill’s $735 million for the Andean Counterdrug Initiative (Plan Colombia). No. Failed 189-234. 6/28/05.
  • 330. H.R. 3057. Amendment to insert a new section providing a limitation on assistance to foreign countries that refuse to extradite to the United States any individual accused in the U.S. of killing a law enforcement officer. Yes. Passed 327-98. 6/28/05.
  • 331. H.R. 3057. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill for assistance to Saudi Arabia. No. Passed 293-132. 6/28/05.
  • 332. H.R. 3057. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill for the Export-Import Bank to approve federal loans or loan guarantees for the construction of nuclear power plants in the People’s Republic of China. Yes. Passed 313-114. 6/28/05.
  • 333. H.R. 3057. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill by the State Department – other than funds provided for international narcotics control and law enforcement – to provide assistance to any country that has an extradition treaty with the United States but refuses to extradite any individual accused of a crime punishable by imprisonment. Yes. Passed 294-132. 6/28/05.
  • 334. H.R. 3057. Amendment to cut discretionary spending in the bill by 1 percent across-the- board. No. Failed 117-309. 6/28/05.
  • 335. H.R. 3057. On passage of the bill to provide $20.3 billion in FY 2006 appropriations for foreign operations and economic aid. Yes. Passed 393-32. 6/28/05.
  • 374. H.R. 3100, to require the president to report to Congress 180 days after the bill’s enactment and every year subsequently identifying foreign countries that have exported any arms or dual- use technology to China for military use since Jan. 1, 2005. Yes. Failed 215-203, under suspension of rules. 7/14/05. [Note: 2/3 vote required for passage under suspension of rules.]
  • 385. H.R. 2601, FY 2006 State Department authorization. Amendment to add to the bill the Henry J. Hyde United Nations Reform Act which would withhold up to 50 percent of U.S. dues to the United Nations unless the secretary of State certifies by Oct. 1, 2007, that the U.N. has complied with 32 of 39 changes in its operations, such as more rigorous budget control, creation of a U.N. independent oversight board and detailed financial disclosure for top U.N. officials. Yes. Passed 226-195. 7/19/05.
  • 386. H.R. 2601. Amendment to require the State Department to annually certify that the five largest exporters and importers of certain methamphetamine precursors are fully cooperating with U.S. law enforcement to prevent diversion of these chemicals for illicit purposes, and provide that countries not certified would be subject to foreign aid eligibility provisions already in law. Yes. Passed 423-2. 7/19/05.
  • 387. H.R. 2601. Amendment to direct the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement to make a priority of stemming the influx of methamphetamine from Mexico into the United and improving border security with Mexico. Yes. Passed 424-1. 7/19/05.
  • 388. H.R. 2601. Amendment to require a State Department report on extradition requests for Afghans who have committed violations of narcotics laws in the United States. Yes. Passed 426- 1. 7/19/05.
  • 389. H.R. 2601. Amendment to increase access to emergency obstetrical care for women suffering from obstetric fistula, increase the FY 2007 authorization from $5 million to $7.5 million for new treatment centers, provide access to family planning services, and make prevention activities discretionary. Yes. Passed 223-205. 7/19/05.
  • 390. H.R. 2601. Amendment to condemn the attacks on U.S. citizens by Palestinian terrorists and urge the Palestinian Authority to work with Israel to protect all innocent individuals, regardless of citizenship, from terrorist acts. Yes. Passed 423-0. 7/20/05.
  • 391. H.R. 2601. Amendment to require the president to direct the U.S. representative to the United Nations to begin negotiations for an international treaty banning space-based weapons. No. Failed 124-302. 7/20/05.
  • 392. H.R. 2601. Amendment to require the State Department to develop a strategy to attract foreign students to study in the United States to counter perceptions among foreign students that the U.S. is no longer a welcoming country; undertake annual consultations with non-governmental organizations, university officials, foreign students, and other interested parties on development of the strategy, and identify and report on priority posts where declines in student visa application rates have occurred and best practice posts which have improved application rates. Yes. Passed 373-56. 7/20/05.
  • 393. H.R. 2601. Amendment to state that Congress recognizes the efforts of the Great Lakes governors and Canadian premiers in developing a common standard for decisions relating to water withdrawal from the Great Lakes and urges that the management authority remain vested with the governors and premiers of the eight Great Lakes states and two Canadian provinces respectively that share stewardship over the Great Lakes. No. Failed 156-273. 7/20/05.
  • 394. H.R. 2601. Amendment to declare that it is the policy of the United States to seek the extradition of former Liberian president Charles Taylor to the jurisdiction of the U.N. Special Court for Sierra Leone to be tried for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other violations of international humanitarian law. Yes. Passed 422-2. 7/20/05.
  • 395. H.R. 2601. Amendment to declare that it is the policy of the United States to promote the emergence of a democratic Palestinian government that denounces and combats terrorism and state that no more than 25 percent of the aid provided for the Palestinian Authority could be obligated and expended during any calendar quarter. Yes. Passed 330-100. 7/20/05.
  • 396. H.R. 2601. Amendment to express the sense of Congress that the detention and lawful, humane interrogation of international terrorists including U.S. detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are essential to national defense and the successful prosecution of the war on terrorism. Yes. Passed 304-124. 7/20/05.
  • 397. H.R. 2601. Amendment to declare that it is the policy of the United States to pursue a transfer of responsibility for Iraqi security to Iraqi forces and not to withdraw U.S. forces prematurely, but to do so only when it is clear that United States national security and foreign policy goals relating to a free and stable Iraq have been or are about to be achieved. Yes. Passed 291-137. 7/20/05.
  • 398. H.R. 2601. Motion to recommit the bill to the International Relations Committee with instructions to add a provision asking the president to advise Congress on the benchmarks for a successful strategy in Iraq. No. Failed 203-227. 7/20/05.
  • 399. H.R. 2601. On passage of the bill to authorize $10.8 billion in FY 2006 and $10 billion in FY 2007 for the State Department, international broadcasting activities, international assistance programs and related agencies. Yes. Passed 351-78. 7/20/05.
  • 421. H.R. 3283, U.S. Trade Rights Enforcement Act to authorize appropriations in FYs 2006- 2007 for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the U.S. International Trade Commission; require the Treasury secretary to report to Congress on actions of foreign countries regarding currency manipulation; express the sense of Congress about making the countervailing duty law under the Tariff Act of 1930 applicable to actions by nonmarket economy countries, and the impact on the U.S. economy of the huge growth in trade with the People’s Republic of China, and establish mechanisms to ensure that China abides by previous trade commitments including creating a system to monitor compliance with trade obligations on intellectual property rights, market access for U.S. goods, services and agriculture and the accounting of Chinese subsidies. Yes. Failed 240-186, under suspension of rules. 7/26/05. [Note: 2/3 vote required for passage under suspension of rules.]
  • 436. H.R. 3283, U.S. Trade Rights Enforcement Act. Motion to recommit the bill to the Ways and Means Committee with instructions to add a provision to require the U.S. trade representative to conduct an investigation, make applicable determinations and implement any necessary action on China’s currency practices. No. Failed 195-232. 7/27/05.
  • 437. H.R. 3283. On passage of the bill to establish mechanisms to ensure that China abides by previous trade commitments including creating a system to monitor compliance with trade obligations on intellectual property rights, market access for U.S. goods, services and agriculture and the accounting of Chinese subsidies; authorize appropriations in FYs 2006-2007 for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the U.S. International Trade Commission; require the Treasury secretary to report to Congress on actions of foreign countries regarding currency manipulation, and express the sense of Congress about making the countervailing duty law under the Tariff Act of 1930 applicable to actions by nonmarket economy countries, and the impact on the U.S. economy of the huge growth in trade with the People’s Republic of China. Yes. Passed 255-168. 7/27/05. [Note: bill reconsidered under a rule after passage failed under suspension of rules (roll call 421).]
  • 443. H.R. 3045, to implement a free trade agreement between the U.S. and Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua and a separate agreement with the Dominican Republic. Yes. Passed 217-215. 7/27/05.
  • 525. H.R. 1409, to establish a special adviser within the U.S. Agency for International Development who would be responsible for reviewing and approving all assistance provided by the agency to orphans and vulnerable children in developing countries. Yes. Passed 415-9, under suspension of rules. 10/18/05.
  • 554. H.R. 3057. Motion to instruct House conferees on the FY 2006 foreign operations appropriations bill to include language agreeing with a Senate provision allowing for $3 billion to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, including $500 million for U.S. contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Yes. Passed 259-147. 10/27/05.
  • 569. H.R. 3057. To adopt the conference report to the bill to provide $21 billion in FY 2006 appropriations for foreign operations, export financing and related programs. Yes. Passed 358- 39. 11/4/05.
  • 571. H.R. 1973, Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act to authorize foreign assistance for programs in developing countries to provide access to safe water and sanitation. Yes. Passed 319-34, under suspension of rules. 11/7/05.
  • 616. H.R. 4340, to implement a free trade agreement between the United States and Bahrain. Yes. Passed 327-95. 12/7/05.
  • 632. H.R. 972, to reauthorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. Yes. Passed 426-0, under suspension of rules. 12/14/05.