
Transportation, Treasury, Housing And District Columbia

  • 56. H.R. 3, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), reauthorization of federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs. Amendment to exempt commercial drivers working in field operations for the natural gas and oil industry from hours-of-service rules issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in 2003. No. Failed 198-226. 3/9/05.
  • 57. H.R. 3. Amendment to expand exemptions from hours-of-service rules for drivers of trucks transporting agricultural commodities to include livestock, food, feed, fiber and other farm products. No. Passed 257-167. 3/9/05.
  • 58. H.R. 3. Amendment to exempt Nebraska from vehicle length restrictions of 65 feet and increase the limit to 81.5 feet for custom harvesters operating in the state during the harvesting of certain crops. No. Passed 236-184. 3/9/05.
  • 59. H.R. 3. Amendment to authorize new tolls on any existing toll road or newly constructed lane on the interstate system to manage congestion or address air pollution problems, and allow an unlimited number of new, toll-eligible express traffic lanes. No. Failed 155-265. 3/9/05.
  • 60. H.R. 3. Amendment to eliminate liability under state laws for car- and truck-rental companies for injuries and damage caused by vehicles they rent, provided there is no negligence or criminal wrongdoing by the company. Yes. Passed 218-201. 3/9/05.
  • 62. H.R. 3. Amendment to remove the requirement in the bill that toll rates on high occupancy toll lanes be differentiated for low income drivers. Yes. Passed 224-201. 3/10/05.
  • 63. H.R. 3. Amendment to provide small transit systems in urban areas with populations that recently exceeded 200,000 with flexibility in using federal transit formula funds. Yes. Passed 228-197. 3/10/05.
  • 64. H.R. 3. Motion to recommit the bill to the Transportation and Infrastructure and Ways and Means committees with instructions to add a provision to increase funding in the bill to $318 billion and provide offsets for the increase by eliminating certain tax provisions for companies that move jobs and operations offshore. No. Failed 190-235. 3/10/05.
  • 65. H.R. 3. On passage of the surface transportation reauthorization (SAFETEA-LU) to authorize $283.9 billion for federal aid highway, mass transit, safety and research programs from FY 2004-2009 and provide a state minimum guarantee rate of return on contributions to the Highway Trust Fund at 92.6 percent. Yes. Passed 417-9. 3/10/05.
  • 227. H.R. 3. Motion to instruct conferees on SAFETEA-LU to insist on a conference report that would increase the guaranteed rate of return for states to at least 92 percent, without reducing the amount each state was provided by the $283.9 billion, six-year bill. No. Failed 189-223. 5/26/05.
  • 336. H.R. 3058, FY 2006 Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development appropriations. Amendment to strike provisions in the bill to prohibit use of federal funds for 18 specific Amtrak routes, all of which require federal subsidies of more than $30 per passenger. No. Passed 269-152. 6/29/05.
  • 337. H.R. 3058. Amendment to increase funding by $100 million for homeless assistance grants and offset the increase by reducing funding for Amtrak. No. Failed 59-362. 6/29/05.
  • 338. H.R. 3058. Amendment to increase funding by $7.7 million for fair housing and equal opportunity funding and offset the increase by reducing funding for the Internal Revenue Service information systems and telecommunications support. No. Passed 231-191. 6/29/05.
  • 339. H.R. 3058. Amendment to increase funding by $100 million for the section 8 housing voucher program and offset the increase by reducing by $120 million the working capital fund from the Housing and Urban Development management and administration account. No. Passed 225-194. 6/29/05.
  • 340. H.R. 3058. Amendment to increase funding by $60 million for severely distressed public housing (Hope VI) grants and offset the increase by reducing funding for the General Services Administration federal buildings fund. No. Passed 248-173. 6/29/05.
  • 341. H.R. 3058. Amendment to reduce funding by $1.5 million for salaries and expenses of the Supreme Court of the United States. No. Failed 42-374. 6/29/05.
  • 342. H.R. 3058. Amendment to increase funding by $6.9 million for the salaries and expenses for courts of appeals, district courts, and other judicial services and offset the increase by reducing funding for the General Services Administration. No. Failed 188-232. 6/29/05.
  • 343. H.R. 3058. Amendment to increase funding by $9 million for the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program and offset the increase by reducing for salaries and expenses for the Office of Management and Budget. No. Passed 315- 103. 6/29/05.
  • 344. H.R. 3058. Amendment to increase funding by $25 million for federal drug control programs to support a national youth and anti-drug media campaign and offset the increase by reducing funding for the General Services Administration. No. Passed 268-151. 6/29/05.
  • 345. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to enforce restrictions on travel to Cuba by individuals to visit immediate family members. No. Failed 208-211. 6/30/05.
  • 346. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to enforce restrictions on travel to Cuba by academic institutions. No. Failed 187-233. 6/30/05.
  • 347. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to provide for the competitive sourcing of flight service stations, nullifying a $1.9 billion competitive contract awarded by the Department of Transportation to Lockheed Martin Corporation in February 2005. No. Passed 238-177. 6/30/05.
  • 348. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to implement, administer, or enforce the economic embargo of Cuba. No. Failed 169-250. 6/30/05.
  • 349. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to enforce District of Columbia laws requiring that a registered firearm be unloaded and disassembled or with the trigger locked unless it is kept at a place of business or used for lawful recreation. No. Passed 259-161. 6/30/05.
  • 350. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to enforce the Supreme Court ruling of June 23, 2005, in the case of Kelo v. New London which ruled that the power of eminent domain could be used to take private property for private development. No. Passed 231- 189. 6/30/05.
  • 351. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to carry out a contract with a U.S. company incorporated or chartered in Bermuda, Barbados, the Cayman Islands, Antigua, or Panama to avoid U.S. taxes. No. Failed 190-231. 6/30/05.
  • 352. H.R. 3058. Amendment to cut discretionary spending in the bill by 1 percent across-the- board. No. Failed 88-338. 6/30/05.
  • 353. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill for the Treasury Department to recommend approval of the sale of Unocal Corporation to China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC ). Yes. Passed 333-92. 6/30/05.
  • 354. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to contravene an Office of Management and Budget directive regarding administration officials providing frank and complete congressional testimony and communications. No. Failed 208-215. 6/30/05.
  • 355. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill by the Council of Economic Advisers to produce an Economic Report of the President estimating that the average cost of developing and introducing a new prescription drug to the market would be $800 million or more. No. Failed 141-284. 6/30/05.
  • 356. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill by the General Services Administration to carry out the eTravel Service program. No. Passed 233-192. 6/30/05.
  • 357. H.R. 3058. Amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to implement a May 29, 2003, Office of Management and Budget directive relating to the public-private competition for federal jobs and services. No. Passed 222-203. 6/30/05.
  • 358. H.R. 3058. On passage of the bill to provide $139.1 billion in FY 2006 appropriations for the departments of Transportation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies, the federal judiciary and operations of the District of Columbia. Yes. Passed 405-18. 6/30/05.
  • 453. H.R. 3. To adopt the conference report to SAFETEA-LU to reauthorize the federal-aid highway, mass transit, safety and research programs providing $286.5 billion through 2009, increasing the rate of return to states on Highway Trust Fund contributions to 92 percent by FY 2008, and making the Department of Transportation the lead agency in the environmental review process for transportation projects. Yes. Passed 412-8. 7/29/05.
  • 473. H.R. 889, Coast Guard authorization. Amendment to require the Coast Guard to conduct a comprehensive security and safety review of the proposed construction, expansion, or operation of a waterfront facility for the transfer of liquefied natural gas between ships and land, including proposed shipping routes to or from the facility. No. Failed 163-254. 9/15/05.
  • 474. H.R. 889. On passage of the bill to authorize $8.7 billion in FY 2006 for the Coast Guard including operations and maintenance. Yes. Passed 415-0. 9/15/05.
  • 509. S. 1786, to authorize the Transportation Department to provide emergency grants for FYs 2005-2006 for capital and operating costs of repairing or replacing public use airport facilities damaged by hurricanes Katrina or Rita in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, or Texas. Yes. Passed 420-0, under suspension of rules. 10/6/05.
  • 511. H.R. 3439, to provide housing assistance for victims of hurricanes Katrina or Rita by allowing waivers of eligibility requirements for the Section 8 housing voucher program for those residing in a federal disaster area whose residences became uninhabitable because of hurricane damage. Yes. Passed 418-0, under suspension of rules. 10/6/05.
  • 513. H.R. 3895, to allow the Agriculture Department, in the event of a presidentially declared natural disaster, to convert rural rental assistance into urban and rural housing vouchers. Yes. Passed 335-81, under suspension of rules. 10/6/05.
  • 514. H.R. 3896, to allow the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide temporary suspension of the Community Development Block Grant public services cap for FY 2005-2008 for communities directly affected by hurricanes Katrina or Rita. Yes. Passed 415-0, under suspension of rules. 10/6/05.
  • 541. H.R. 1461, Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) reform. Amendment to sunset the affordable housing fund in the bill after five years and require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to allocate 3.5 percent of their profits for the fund in the first two years and 5 percent in the final three years, with priority for funds in the first two years going to areas affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and prohibiting the use of funds in the bill for such purposes as political activities, lobbying, travel expenses or providing advice on tax returns. Yes. Passed 210-205. 10/26/05.
  • 542. H.R. 1461. Amendment to allow the new Federal Housing Finance regulatory agency created in the bill to establish a minimum capital level for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or any Federal Home Loan Bank if it is needed for the long-term viability of any of the institutions. No. Failed 36-378. 10/26/05.
  • 543. H.R. 1461. Amendment to authorize the new Federal Housing Finance regulatory agency created in the bill to require Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac to sell or acquire assets or liabilities if an asset or liability is found to be a potential systemic risk to the housing market, the capital markets, or the financial system. No. Failed 73-346. 10/26/05.
  • 544. H.R. 1461. Amendment to eliminate the ability of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to borrow from the U.S. Treasury. No. Failed 47-371. 10/26/05.
  • 545. H.R. 1461. Amendment to strike a provision in the bill that raises by 50 percent the maximum mortgages Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can buy in areas with high home prices. No. Failed 57-358. 10/26/05.
  • 546. H.R. 1461. Motion to recommit the bill to the Financial Services Committee with instructions to add a provision clarifying that housing must be among a nonprofit organization’s primary purposes and that recipients of money from the affordable housing fund may participate in any voter registration or get-out-the-vote activity conducted on a nonpartisan basis. No. Failed 200-220. 10/26/05.
  • 547. H.R. 1461. On passage of the bill to reform the regulation of Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the 12 Federal Home Loan banks; create a new independent regulatory agency – the Federal Housing Finance Agency – to regulate GSEs, and establish an affordable housing fund. Yes. Passed 331-90. 10/26/05.
  • 605. H.R. 3058. To adopt the conference report to the bill to provide $137.6 billion in FY 2006 appropriations for the departments of Transportation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban Development and related agencies, the federal judiciary and the District of Columbia. Yes. Passed 392-31. 11/18/05.
  • 625. H.R. 3422, to exempt qualified small public housing authorities from the requirement to prepare an annual housing agency plan. Yes. Passed 387-2, under suspension of rules. 12/13/05.