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Rec. 92-4
Multi-Function Waste Tank Facility at the Hanford Site

  • 92-4 BY YEAR:
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 
 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 
 1993 1992 
              This page last updated Wednesday, December 8, 2004

No document links for 2009

No document links for 2008

No document links for 2007

No document links for 2006

No document links for 2005

No document links for 2004

No document links for 2003

No document links for 2002

             No document links for 2001

             No document links for 2000


No document links for 1999.


  • December 16, 1998, Department letter proposing closure of Recommendation 92-4. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 30, 1998, Department letter forwarding commitment 5.2.3(c) per the 92-4 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 19, 1998, Department letter forwarding completion of milestones 5.2.1.a and 5.2.1.b per the 92-4 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 27, 1998, Department letter forwarding commitment 5.2.2(c), revision 2N per the 92-4 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 24, 1998, Department letter forwarding completion of commitment 5.2.3.a for the 92-4 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 2, 1998, Department letter forwarding completion of commitments 5.2.1.(A) and 5.2.1.(B) for implementation plan 92-4. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 23, 1998, Department letter forwarding completion of commitment 5.2.2.b for implementation plan 92-4. [HTML]  [WP] [PDF]


  • December 30, 1997, Department letter forwarding completion of milestones 5.2.1 (A) and (B) for implementation plan 92-4. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 29, 1997, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 5.2.2.a in implementation plan 92-4 revision 2N, Multi-Function Waste Tank Facility at the Hanford Site, by providing a procedure for translating TWRS technical baseline data into project design specifications.[HTML] [DOC] [PDF]
  • December 19, 1997, Department letter forwarding commitment 5.2.2.e. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 12, 1997, Board acceptance of revised implementation plan for recommendation 92-4. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 24, 1997, Department letter forwarding documentation completing commitment 5.2.2.(d) under 92-4 implementation plan revision 2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 8, 1997, Department forwards 92-4 implementation plan revision 2N. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 11, 1997, Department letter reporting completion of milestone 3.4.g. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • May 2, 1997, Board letter [HTML] forwarding staff trip report reviewing the Tank Waste Remediation System at Hanford  (trip conducted April 10, 1997. ) [HTML]
  • April 28, 1997, Department letter forwarding Second Quarter FY 1997 Status Report. [PDF]
  • April 28, 1997, Department forwards Second Quarter FY 1997 Status Report. [PDF]
  • April 11, 1997, Board letter [HTML] providing staff trip report on Hanford implementation of Board recommendation 92-4, dated July 12, 1996, prepared by Ralph Arcaro. [HTML]
  • March 27, 1997, Department forwards TWRS Privatization Alternative Path Plan Draft G. [PDF]
  • March 27, 1997, Department forwards TWRS Privatization Alternative Path Plan. [PDF]
  • March 18, 1997, Department letter forwarding TWRS Final Staffing Analysis Report to satisfy commitment 3.4.g. [HTML]
  • February 7, 1997, Department forwards Hanford Tank Initiative Test Implementation Plan, Revision 2, Draft 2. [PDF]
  • February 3, 1997, Department letter forwarding First Quarter Status Report for FY 1997. [PDF]
  • February 3, 1997, Department forwards First Quarter Status Report for FY 1997. [PDF]
  • January 1997, Department forwarded March 18, 1997, Tank Waste Remediation System Final Staffing Analysis Report. [PDF]


  • October 31, 1996, Department forwards Fourth Quarter Report Revision 1. [HTML]
  • October 31, 1996, Department letter forwarding the Fourth Quarter FY 96 Status Report. [HTML]
  • September 30, 1996, Department forwards completed TWRS commitment 3.6.c., 3.7.h, and 3.7.i. [PDF]
  • September 30, 1996, Department forwards completed TWRS commitment 3.5.A. [PDF]
  • September 30, 1996, Department forwards completed TWRS commitment 2.4.h. [PDF]
  • July 31, 1996, Department letter forwarding Third Quarterly Status Report April 1 - June 30, 1996. [PDF]
  • July 31, 1996, Department forwards Third Quarterly Status Report for period April 1 - June 30, 1996. [PDF]
  • July 15, 1996, Department letter forwarding the completion of sitewide commitments 2.2.b (1), 3.7.E. and 3.7.F. [PDF]
  • May 2, 1996, Department letter forwarding status report for six months ending March 31, 1996. [PDF]
  • May 2, 1996, Department forwards status report for six months ending March 31, 1996. [PDF]
  • February 14, 1996, Department letter forwarding completed milestone  [PDF]
  • February 1996, Department completed milestone of the Ferrocyanide Program Plan, "Tank Characterization Report for Single-Shell Tank." [PDF]
  • January 16, 1996, Department letter forwarding the Quarterly Status Report for three-month period ending September 30, 1995. [PDF]
  • January 16, 1996, Department forwards Quarterly Status Report for three-month period ending September 30, 1995. [PDF]


  • November 6, 1995, Department forwards revisions to 92-4 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • September 9, 1995, Department letter regarding the training and qualification commitments under 92-4 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • July 28, 1995, Department forwards Quarterly Status Report ending June 30, 1995 for 92-4 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • July 25, 1995, Board staff trip report on Hanford waste tank farms operations. [HTML]
  • June 19, 1995, Department letter from FM reviewing the DOD Systems Engineering and Design Review Statards in light of  92-4 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • June 9, 1995, Department letter delegating reporting responsibility for 92-4 Quarterly Reports to the Richland Operations Office. [PDF]
  • May 23, 1995, Department forwards Quarterly Status Report ending March 31, 1995 for 92-4 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • April 25, 1995, Department letter forwarding TWRS deliverables 3.5.a., 3.5.b., and 3.5.c. [PDF]
  • March 10, 1995, Department forwards Quarterly Status Report ending December 31, 1994 for 92-4 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • February 3, 1995, Board letter noting major deficiencies with the proposed revision of DOE Order 4700.1. [HTML]


  • December 13, 1994, Board letter accepting revision 1 to the 92-4 implementation plan. [HTML]
  • November 7, 1994, Department letter forwarding revised 92-4 implementation plan derived from comments by the Board. [PDF]
  • November 7, 1994, Department forwards revised 92-4 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • August 15, 1994, Department letter acknowledging 92-4 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • June 2, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff comments on the revised implementation plan dated March 18, 1994, for recommendation 92-4. [PDF]
  • March 18, 1994, Department letter forwarding revised implementation plan for 92-4. [PDF]
  • March 18, 1994, Department forwards revised implementation plan for recommendation 92-4. [PDF]


  • May 24, 1993, Department letter responding to the Board's rejection of the implementation plan for recommendation 92-4. [PDF]
  • April 23, 1993, Board response to the implementation plan for recommendation 92-4. [PDF]
  • February 4, 1993, Department forwarded Revision 0 of  92-4 implementation plan. [HTML]
  • February 4, 1993, Department letter forwarding Revision 0 of 92-4 implementation plan. [HTML]
  • January 8, 1993, Board letter authorizing a 45 day extension for submittal of the implementation plan for recommendation 92-4. [PDF]
  • January 4, 1993, Department letter requesting a 45 day extension for submittal of the implementation plan for recommendation 92-4. [PDF]


  • August 28, 1992, Department letter accepting recommendation 92-4. [PDF]
  • July 6, 1992, Board letter on Multi-Function Waste Tank Facility. [HTML]
  • July 6, 1992, Board letter concerning recommendation 92-4. [HTML]

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