***This event is postponed for a later date***

Scalise: American Energy Tour: Part II - Schedule for August 25 - 26


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Washington, DC -- U.S. Reps. Steve Scalise (R-Jefferson) and Charles Boustany (R-Lafayette) today released the schedule for the American Energy Tour: Part II. The Members of Congress will tour offshore oil and natural gas production facilities, receive briefings from the U.S. Minerals and Management Services (MMS) and look at the regions’ hurricane recovery progress.

“The American people want Congress to act now in addressing the national energy crisis our country is facing.  Lifting the moratoria on Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) exploration needs to be a top priority in Congress. We want to show our colleagues that Louisiana is model for how new technologies allow exploration and drilling to be done in an environmentally friendly way.” Scalise said. “We want an ‘all of the above’ strategy that will open places like the OCS and ANWR up for exploration and drilling, but also promote conservation and renewable energy.”

In July a Congressional delegation including Scalise visited the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to learn more about oil and gas exploration in the area as part of the American Energy Tour: Part I. The tour also went to the National Renewable Energy Lab to learn more about renewable energy sources.

The Scalise-led tour will also look at the hurricane recovery progress in the region and the work that still needs to be done.

“This is a great opportunity to show my colleagues in Congress the needs we still have in Southeast Louisiana,” Scalise said. “I greatly appreciate the recovery help we have received from across the country, but there is much work that still needs to be done.
As we approach the 3-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina it is important that Louisiana stays proactive in our recovery efforts by making sure we have stronger flood protection to protect us against future storms.”

Below is the schedule for the Aug. 25 – 26 American Energy Tour: Part II

Monday, August 25
9 am – 1 pm Briefings with MMS at the Elmwood headquarters

***Paul Rainwater with the Louisiana Recovery Association will be leading Scalise and the other Members of Congress on the Hurricane Recovery Tour of New Orleans

1:30 – 2 pm Tour of the Tulane Community Health Center at Covenant House

2 – 2:30 pm Meeting with healthcare representatives

2:30 – 3 pm Driving tour of New Orleans housing devastation

3:15 – 4 pm Briefing on levee reconstruction at the 17th St. Canal

Tuesday, August 26
6 am – 3 pm Offshore Tour
The members of Congress will tour offshore oil rigs, receive briefings from production experts on safety issues, and fly over the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP)

3 – 3:15 pm Press Conference  


Contact: Luke Bolar


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