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Defense, Nonproliferation, and Foreign Policy
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Foreign Affairs/Armed Services

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Banning Torture/Human Rights


Press Releases

Jan. 14, 2009 - Report: Nuclear Bomb Materials Can Be Eliminated From Production Of Medical Supplies

Jan. 14, 2009 - Markey: Bush to Fast-Track Sensitive Exports to China Undermining U S Security

Jan. 5, 2009 - Markey Statement on Situation in Gaza

Dec. 17, 2008 - Markey Hails Decision to Tighten Controls on Sensitive Tech Exports to China

Dec. 2, 2008 - Markey: WMD Prevention Report Paints Grim Picture of Possible Nuclear Attack

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Jun. 18, 2008 - H.R. 6298 - Prevents the administration from moving forward with any kind of transfer of nuclear power technology to Saudi Arabia and instead encourages the president to establish a solar power development and assistance program with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Documents & Videos

January 15, 2009: LETTER from Rep. Markey to Pres-elect Obama urging opposition to the UAE Agreement for Nuclear Cooperation

Nov. 20, 2008: LETTER from State Dept. responding on reported China-Pakistan nuclear reactor agreement

October 23, 2008: LETTER from Rep. Markey to Sec. Rice about reported China-Pakistan nuclear reactor agreement

June 12, 2008: Rep. Markey TESTIMONY on Russia 123 nuclear agreement before hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

Updated May 14, 2008: LETTERS related to nuclear cooperation agreement with Russia

Updated March 20, 2008: LETTERS related to China and Validated End-User (VEU) export control program

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Office of Congressman Markey | 2108 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC 20515 | p: 202-225-2836