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Other crash rating sites

There are other organizations throughout the world who also crash test vehicles. Each organization’s test results are generally for vehicles sold in its respective country or region. Note: Vehicle specifications, and therefore crash results, may vary between countries. As such, comparing test results from different countries should be done with care as there can be differences in the testing protocols and rating systems as well as the vehicle model itself.


Insurance Institute for highway SAfety logo

1. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS): IIHS is an independent, nonprofit, scientific and educational organization dedicated to reducing the losses -- deaths, injuries, and property damage -- from crashes on the U.S.’s highways. The Institute is wholly supported by auto insurers. IIHS conducts a frontal offset crash test, a side-impact crash test, a low-speed rear bumper test and rates head restraints.

2. Euro NCAP: Established in 1997 and now backed by five European Governments, the European Commission and motoring and consumer organizations in every EU country, Euro NCAP has rapidly become a catalyst for encouraging significant safety improvements to new car design. Euro NCAP conducts a frontal offset crash test, a side-impact crash test, a side-impact pole test and a pedestrian impact test.

NASVA logo
3. New Car Assessment Japan: The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, in cooperation with the National Agency for Automotive Safety & Victims' Aid (NASVA), tests and evaluates the safety of automobiles currently on the Japanese market. Test results are publicly released under the title New Car Assessment Japan. NASVA conducts a frontal crash test, an offset frontal crash test, a side-impact crash test, braking tests, a pedestrian head test and child safety seat performance tests.

A N C A P logo
4. Australian NCAP (ANCAP): Australian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) is supported by Australian and New Zealand automobile clubs, various government agencies and the National Roads and Motorists’ Association (NMRA) Insurance Group. ANCAP conducts a frontal offset crash test, a side-impact crash test and uses the same test protocols as Euro NCAP.
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