Bureau of Reclamation Banner, Upper Colorado Region
Crystal Spill

ASPINALL – December unregulated inflow into Blue Mesa Reservoir was 28,000 acre-feet or 107 percent of average.  Precipitation during December was a whopping 210 percent of average, while November’s precipitation was recorded at 70 percent of average.  However, the current basin snowpack as of January 9, 2009 was averaging 123 percent.  The current inflow rate into Blue Mesa Reservoir is about 500 cfs while reservoir releases are averaging about 600 cfs. The past three months have seen slightly below average reservoir inflows.  Blue Mesa's present elevation is 7489.94 feet, which corresponds to a storage content of about 581,000 acre-feet.

The first Water Supply Forecast for Water Year 2009 has been issued and the April through July unregulated inflow is forecasted to be at 750,000 acre-feet (104% of normal).  Based on this forecast, Blue Mesa Reservoir is projected to fill by July 2009.

Releases from Crystal are currently set at 700 cfs, with an additional 100 cfs increase set for January 12th.  The Gunnison Diversion Tunnel was shut down for the season on October 30th, with the exception of some small 50 to 100 cfs diversions taken bi-weekly for municipal water needs in Montrose, Colorado.  Reservoir releases will most likely change as conditions warrant, primarily as we respond to changes in forecasted inflows.

To view the most current reservoir elevation, content, inflow and release, click on: Blue Mesa Reservoir Data or Crystal Reservoir Data.

The next meeting of the "Aspinall Unit Working Group" will be held on Thursday January 22nd in Montrose, Colorado, starting at 1:00 PM.   At this meeting, review of last summer and fall 2008 reservoir operations, and plans for this winter and next spring 2009 operations will be discussed. These meetings are open forum discussions on the Aspinall Unit reservoir operations with many interested groups participating. Anyone needing further information about these meetings should contact Dan Crabtree in the Grand Junction Area Office at (970) 248-0652.   To view minutes from the last Aspinall meeting, click on: Meeting Notes.

Paul Davidson
updated January 9, 2009

Email comments/inquires to: ResourceMgr@uc.usbr.gov