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Your search for forms belonging to Veterans Benefits Administration retrieved 115 results.
VBA 20-8734 Equal Opportunity Compliance Review Report Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 20-8734a Supplement To Equal Opportunity Compliance Review Report Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-0304 Benefits for Certain Children with Disabilities Born of Vietnam Veterans Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-0307 Award Attachment for Certain Children with Disabilities Born of Vietnam Veterans Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-0510 Eligibility Verification Report Instructions Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-0513-1 Old Law and Section 306 Eligibility Verification Report (Children Only) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-0514-1 Parent's DIC Eligibility Verification Report Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-0516-1 Improved Pension Eligibility Verification Report (Veteran With No Children) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-0517-1 Improved Pension Eligibility Verification Report (Veteran with Children) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-0571 Application for Exclusion of Children's Income Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-1775 Statement of Disappearance Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-1995 Request for Change of Program or Place of Training Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-2008 Application for United States Flag for Burial Purposes Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-22 Appointment of Veterans Service Organization as Claimant's Representative Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4103 Information From Remarried Widow/er Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4138 Statement in Support of Claim Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4165 Pension Claim Questionnaire for Farm Income Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4171 Supporting Statement Regarding Marriage Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4176 General Instructions for Report of Accidental Injury in Support of Claim for Compensation and Pension Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4192 Request for Employment Info in Connection with Claim for Disability Benefits Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4502 Application for Automobile or Other Conveyance and Adaptive Equipment (Under 38 U.S.C. 3901 - 3904) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4706b Federal Fiduciary's Account Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4706c Court Appointed Fiduciary's Account Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4709 Certificate as to Assets Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-4718a Certificate of Balance on Deposit and Authorization to Disclose Financial Record Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-509 Statement of Dependency of Parent(s) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-526 Vet's Application for Compensation and/or Pension-Part A Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-527 Income-Net Worth And Employment Statement Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-530 Application for Burial Benefits Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-534 Part 1 Application for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation, Death Pension and Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-535 Application for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation by Parent(s) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-551 Application for Accrued Benefits by Veteran's Surviving Spouse, Child, or Depend Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-601 Application for Reimbursement From Accrued Amounts Due a Deceased Beneficiary Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-609 Application for Amounts Due Estates of Person Entitled to Benefits Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-614 Application for Accrued Amounts of Veteran's Benefits Payable to Surviving Spous Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-674 Request for Approval of School Attendance Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-686c Declaration Of Status Of Dependents Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-8049 Request for Details of Expenses Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-8416 Medical Expense Report Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-8416b Report of Medical, Legal, and Other Expenses Incident to Recovery for Injury or Death Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-8924 Application of Surviving Spouse or Child for REPS Benefits Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-8940 Veteran's Application for Increased Compensation Based on Unemployability Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 21-8951-2 Notice of Waiver of VA Comp or Pension to Receive Military Pay and Allowance Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 22-1990 Application for VA Education Benefits Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 22-1995 Request for Change of Program or Place of Training Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 22-5495 Request for Change of Program or Place of Training Survivors' and Dependents' Education Assistance (Under Provisions of Chapter 35, Title 38 U.S.C.) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 22-8691 Application for Work-Study Allowance Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 22-8692 Student Work Study Agreement (Student Services) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 22-8864 Other On-The-Job Training and Apprenticeship Training Agreement and Standards Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 22-8865 Employer's Application to Provide Job Training Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 22-8889 Application for Educational Assistance Test Program Benefits Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 24-0296 Direct Deposit Enrollment Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 24-5281 Application for Refund of Education Contributions Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-1805 Request for Determination of Reasonable Value Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-1817 Determination of Loan Guaranty Eligibility-Unremarried Surviving Spouses 1 Jan 3 2002 Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-1820 Report of Certification of Loan Disbursement Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-1839 Compliance Inspection Report Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-1849 Escrow Agreement for Postponed Exterior Onsite Improvements Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-1874 Claim Under Loan Guaranty Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-1874a Claim Form Addendum - Adjustable Rate Mortgage Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-1880 Request for A Certificate of Eligibility Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-4555 Veteran's Application in Acquiring Specially Adapted Housing or Special Home Adaption Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-4555c Veteran's Supplemental Application For Assistance in Acquiring Specially Adapted Housing Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-4555d Veteran's Application for Assistance in Acquiring Special Housing Adaptations Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6381 Application for Assumption Approval and/or Release from Personal Liability Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6382 Statement of Purchaser Or Owner Assuming Seller's Loan Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6393 Loan Analysis Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6681 Fee or Roster Designation - Application for Fee Personnel Designation Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6705 Offer to Purchase and Contract of Sale Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6705b Credit Statement of Prospective Purchaser Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6705d Addendum to Offer to Purchase and Contract of Sale Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6807 Financial Statement Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6850 Notice of Default Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6850a Notice of Default and Intention to Foreclose Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-6851 Notice of Intention to Foreclose Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-8084 Claim for Repurchase of Loan Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-8497 Request for Verification of Employment Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-8497a Request for Verification of Deposit Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-8630 Manufactured Home Loan Claim Under Loan Guaranty Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-8736 Application For Authority to Close on an Automatic Basis Nonsupervised Lenders Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-8736a Nonsupervised Lender's Nomination and Recommendation of Credit Underwriter Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-8778 Present Status of Loan Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-8923 Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan Worksheet Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 26-8937 Verification of VA Benefit - Related Indebtedness Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 28-1900 Disabled Veterans Application for Vocational Rehabilitation Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 28-1902 Counseling Record - Personal Information Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 28-1905 Authorization And Certification Of Entrance Or Reentrance Into Rehabilitation And Certificate of Status Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 28-1905m Request for Supplies (Chapter 31 - Vocational Rehabilitation) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 28-1917 Monthly Statement of Wages Paid to Trainee (Chapter 31, Title 38, U.S.C.) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 28-8832 Application for Counseling Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-0165 VA Matic Change Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-0188 Application for Supplemental Service Disabled Veterans (RH) Life Insurance Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-0543 Veteran Mortgage Life Insurance Inquiry Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-0563 Veteran Mortgage Life Insurance - Change of Address Statement Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-1549 Application for Change of Permanent Plan (Medical) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-336 Designation of Beneficiary Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-352 Application for Reinstatement Both Form and Instructions  Oct 01, 2003
VBA 29-357 Claim for Disability Insurance (Government Life) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-4125 Claim for One Sum Payment (Government Life Insurance) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-4125a Claim for Monthly Payment - National Service Life Insurance Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-4125k Claim for Monthly Payment - United States Government Life Insurance (USGLI) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-4364 Application for Service-Disabled Insurance Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-4499a Notice - Payment Not Applied - Government Life Insurance Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-459 Claim For Disability Insurance Benefits Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-551b Reviewing Disability Insurnace Benefits Claim Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-8146 Supplemental Physical Examination Report Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-8158 Attending Physician's Statement Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-8160 Supplemental Physician Examination Report (Diabetes-Physician's Report) Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-8313-1 Disability Benefits Questionnaire Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-8485 Application for Ordinary Life Insurance Replacement Insurance for Modified Life Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-8485a Application for Ordinary Life Insurance Replacement Insurance for Modified Life Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-8636 Veterans Mortgage Life Insurance Statement Both Form and Instructions   
VBA 29-888 Insurance Deduction Authorization Both Form and Instructions   
VBA FL29-551a Report of Treatment in Hospital Both Form and Instructions  Oct 01, 2003

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