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Your search for forms belonging to Food and Drug Administration retrieved 121 results.
FDA 1571 Investigational New Drug Application (IND) Form Only  Apr 01, 2006
FDA 1572 Statement of Investigator Instructions Only  May 01, 2006
FDA 1572 Statement of Investigator Form Only  May 01, 2006
FDA 1815 Certificate/Transmittal for an Application Form Only  Feb 01, 2006
FDA 1932 Veterinary Adverse Drug Reaction, Lack of Effectiveness, Product Defect Report Form Only  Jan 01, 2007
FDA 1932 a Veterinary Adverse Drug Reaction, Lack of Effectiveness or Product Defect Report Form Only  Mar 01, 2007
FDA 1993 Application for Permit to Ship or Transport Milk and/or Cream into US Form Only  Feb 01, 2006
FDA 1994 Report of Tuberculin Tests of Cattle Form Only  Feb 01, 2006
FDA 1995 Report of Physical Examination of Cows Form Only  Feb 01, 2006
FDA 1996 Dairy Farm Sanitation Report Form Only  Feb 01, 2006
FDA 1997 Score Card for Sanitation Inspections of Milk Plants Form Only  Feb 01, 2006
FDA 2252 Transmittal of Annual Report for Drugs and Biologics for Human Use Form Only  Jun 01, 2005
FDA 2253 Transmittal of Advertisements and Promotional Labeling for Drugs And Biologics For Human Use Form Only  Jun 01, 2008
FDA 2253 Transmittal of Advertisements and Promotional Labeling for Drugs And Biologics For Human Use Form Only  Oct 01, 2007
FDA 2301 Transmittal of Periodic Reports and Promotional Material for New Animal Drugs Form Only  Mar 01, 2007
FDA 2511 Registration of Cosmetic Product Establishment Instructions Only  Jun 01, 2006
FDA 2511 Registration of Cosmetic Product Establishment Form Only  Jun 01, 2006
FDA 2512 Cosmetic Product Ingredient Statement Form Only  Jun 01, 2006
FDA 2512 Cosmetic Product Ingredient Statement Instructions Only  Jun 01, 2006
FDA 2512 a Cosmetic Product Ingredient Statement Form Only  Jun 01, 2006
FDA 2512 a Cosmetic Product Ingredient Statement Instructions Only  Jun 01, 2006
FDA 2514 Notice of Discontinuance of Commercial Distribution. of Cosmetic Product Formulation Form Only  Jun 01, 2006
FDA 2514 Notice of Discontinuance of Commercial Distribution. of Cosmetic Product Formulation Instructions Only  Jun 01, 2006
FDA 2541 a Food Process Filing For All Methods Except Low-Acid Aseptic Instructions Only  Oct 01, 2003
FDA 2541 c Food Process Filing For Low-Acid Aseptic Systems Form Only  Aug 01, 2005
FDA 2541 Food Canning Registration Instructions Only  Oct 01, 2005
FDA 2541 a Food Process Filing For All Methods Except Low-Acid Aseptic Form Only  Oct 01, 2003
FDA 2541 c Food Process Filing For Low-Acid Aseptic Systems Instructions Only  Aug 01, 2005
FDA 2541 Food Canning Registration Form Only  Oct 01, 2005
FDA 2567 Transmittal of Labels & Circulars Form Only  Oct 01, 2005
FDA 2656 Registration Of Drug Establishment/Labeler Code Assignment Instructions Only  Aug 01, 2007
FDA 2656 Registration Of Drug Establishment/Labeler Code Assignment Form Only  Aug 01, 2007
FDA 2657 Drug Product Listing Both Form and Instructions  Feb 01, 2005
FDA 2657 Drug Product Listing Both Form and Instructions  Feb 01, 2008
FDA 2658 Registered Establishments Report of Private Label Distributors Both Form and Instructions  Aug 01, 2007
FDA 2767 Notice of Availability of Sample Electronic Product Form Only  May 01, 2007
FDA 2830 Blood Establishment Registration and Product Listing Form Only  Jul 01, 2006
FDA 2877 Declaration for Imported Electronic Products Subject to Radiation Control Standards Form Only  Dec 01, 2003
FDA 2914 Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC) Report on Research Use of Radioactive Drugs Membership Summary Form Only  Nov 01, 2006
FDA 2914 Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC) Report on Research Use of Radioactive Drugs Membership Summary Form Only  Aug 01, 2008
FDA 2915 Report on Research Use of Radioactive Drug Study Summary Form Only  Nov 01, 2006
FDA 3038 Interstate Shellfish Dealer's Certificate Form Only  Mar 01, 2007
FDA 3147 Application for a Variance From 21 CFR 1040.11(c) for a Laser Light Show, Display, or Device Form Only  Dec 01, 2003
FDA 3331 NDA Field Alert Report Form Only  Feb 01, 2006
FDA 3356 Establishment Registration and Listing for Human Cells, Tissues, and Celllular and Tissue-Based Products Form Only  Apr 01, 2008
FDA 3397 User Fee Cover Sheet Both Form and Instructions  Jan 01, 2007
FDA 3419 Medical Device Reporting Annual User Facility Report Instructions Only  Oct 01, 2007
FDA 3419 Medical Device Reporting Annual User Facility Report Form Only  Oct 01, 2007
FDA 3422 Government Entity Declaration Form Only  Aug 01, 2007
FDA 3427 Supplemental Data Sheet Form Only  Jan 01, 2003
FDA 3429 General Device Classification Questionnaire Form Only  Jan 01, 2003
FDA 3448 Medicated Feed Mill License Application Form Only  Sep 01, 2007
FDA 3454 Certification: Financial Interests and Arrangements Clinical Investigators Form Only  Apr 01, 2006
FDA 3455 Disclosure: Financial Interests and Arrangements Clinical Investigators Form Only  Apr 01, 2006
FDA 3458 Notice of Claimed Investigational Exemption Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3458 Notice of Claimed Investigational Exemption Instructions Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3479 Notification for a Food Contact Substance Formulation Form Only  Mar 01, 2005
FDA 3480 Notification For New Use Of A Food Contact Substance Form Only  Sep 01, 2005
FDA 3486 Biological Product Deviation Report Instructions Only  Aug 01, 2007
FDA 3486 Biological Product Deviation Report Form Only  Aug 01, 2007
FDA 3487 Notice of Final Disposition of Animals not Intended for Immediate Slaughter Both Form and Instructions  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3488 Notice of Intent to Slaughter for Human Food Purposes Both Form and Instructions  Jul 07, 2007
FDA 3489 Request for a Meeting or Teleconference Both Form and Instructions  Jul 07, 2007
FDA 3500 MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program- Voluntary Both Form and Instructions  Oct 01, 2005
FDA 3500 A MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program - Mandatory Instructions Only  Oct 01, 2005
FDA 3500 A MedWatch: FDA Medical Products Reporting Program - Mandatory Form Only  Oct 01, 2005
FDA 3503 Food Additive Petition Submission Form Only  Sep 01, 2007
FDA 3504 Color Additive Petition Submission Form Only  Sep 01, 2007
FDA 3514 CDRH Premarket Review Submission Cover Sheet Form Only  Mar 01, 2008
FDA 3514 CDRH Premarket Review Submission Cover Sheet Form Only  Sep 01, 2007
FDA 3536 Protocol for Non-Clinical Laboratory and Effectiveness Studies Both Form and Instructions  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3537 Food Facility Registration Form Only  May 01, 2007
FDA 3537 Food Facility Registration Instructions Only  May 01, 2007
FDA 3537 a Cancellation of Food Facility Registration Form Only  May 01, 2007
FDA 3537 a Cancellation of Food Facility Registration Instructions Only  May 01, 2007
FDA 3538 Electronic Submission System Participant Password or Addition Both Form and Instructions  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3540 Prior Notice Submission Both Form and Instructions  May 01, 2007
FDA 3541 Premarket Notificaiton [510(k)] Status request and Response Form Only  Sep 01, 2007
FDA 3542 a Patent Information Submitted With the Filing of An NDA, Amendment, or Supplement Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3542 Patent Information Submitted Upon and After Approval of An NDA or Supplement Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3546 Animal Drug User Fee Cover Sheet Form Only  Jun 01, 2008
FDA 356 v New Animal Drug Application (VET) Form Only  Apr 01, 2008
FDA 356 v New Animal Drug Application (VET) Form Only  Dec 01, 2004
FDA 356 h Application to Market a New Drug, Biologic or an Antibiotic Drug for Human Use Form Only  Oct 01, 2005
FDA 3570 Model Small Business Food Labeling Exemption Notice Form Only  Feb 01, 2007
FDA 3571 Infusion Pump Information Submission Report Both Form and Instructions  Jun 01, 2006
FDA 3601 Medical Device User Fee Cover Sheet Form Only  Jan 01, 2007
FDA 3602 FY 2009 MDUFMA Small Business Qualification Certification For a Business Headquartered in the United States Both Form and Instructions  Oct 01, 2008
FDA 3602 a FY 2009 MDUFMA Small Business Qualification Certification For a Business Headquartered Outside the United States Both Form and Instructions  Oct 01, 2008
FDA 3608 Medical Device Fellowship Program Student Application Both Form and Instructions  Jun 01, 2005
FDA 3613 a Supplementary Information Certificate of Exportability Requests Form Only  Sep 01, 2006
FDA 3613 d Office of Cosmetics and Colors "Certificate" Export Application Form Only  Feb 01, 2006
FDA 3613 c Supplementary Information Non-Clinical Research Use Only Certificate Form Only  Sep 01, 2006
FDA 3613 Supplimentary Information Certificate to Foreign Government Requests Form Only  Sep 01, 2006
FDA 3613 e Food Export Certificate Application Form Only  Feb 01, 2006
FDA 3613 b Supplementary Information Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product Form Only  Jun 01, 2006
FDA 3626 A Guide for the Submission of Initial Reports on Diagnostic X-ray Systems and Their Major Components Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3627 Diagnostic X-Ray CT Products Radiation Safety Report Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3630 Guide for Preparing Product Reports on Sunlamps and Sunlamp Products Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3631 Guide for Preparing Annual Reports on Radiation Safety Testing of Sunlamps and Sunlamp Products Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3632 Guide for Preparing Product Reports on Lasers and Products Containing Lasers Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3634 Television Products Annual Report Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3636 Guide for Preparing Annual Reports on Radiation Safety Testing of Laser and Laser Light Show Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3638 Guide for Filling Annual Reports for X-Ray Components and Systems Both Form and Instructions  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3639 Guidance for Submission of Cabinet X-Ray System Reports Pursuant to 21 CFR 1020.40 Both Form and Instructions  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3640 Reporting Guide for Laser Light Shows and Displays Both Form and Instructions  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3641 Cabinet X-Ray Annual Report Both Form and Instructions  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3643 Microwave Oven Products Annual Report Both Form and Instructions  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3644 Guide for Preparing Product Reports for Ultrasonic Therapy Products Both Form and Instructions  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3645 Guide for Preparing Annual Reports for Ultrasonic Therapy Products Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3646 Mercury Vapor Lamp Products Radiation Safety Report Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3647 Guide for Preparing Annual Reports on Radiation Safety Testing of Mercury Vapor Lamps Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3654 Standards Data Report for 510(K)s Form Only  Sep 01, 2007
FDA 3659 Reporting and Compliance Guide for Television Products Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3660 Guidance for Preparing Reports on Radiation Safety of Microwave Ovens Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3661 A Guide for the Submission of an Abbreviated Report on X-ray Tables, Cradles, Film Changers or Cassette Holders Intended for Diagnostic Use Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3662 A A Guide for Submission of an Abbreviated Radiation Safety Reports on Cephalometric Devices Intended for Diagnostic Use Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3663 Abbreviated Reports on Radiation Safety for Microwave Products (Other than Microwave Ovens) Form Only  Jul 01, 2007
FDA 3670 Medical Product Saftey Network Form Only  Mar 01, 2008
FDA 3671 Common EMEA/FDA Application for Orphan Medicinal Product Designation Both Form and Instructions  Nov 01, 2007
FDA 766 Application for Authorization to Relabel or to Perform Other Action of the Federal Food, Drug, Form Only  Dec 01, 2004

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