U.S. Representative Silvestre Reyes.  Proudly Serving the 16th District of Texas.
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Click here for a DTV public service announcement by Congressman Reyes


Washington, D.C. B Rep. Reyes joined a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in passing the Fiscal Year 2009 National Defense Authorization bill (H.R. 5658), authorizing $531.4 billion in spending for the Department of Defense.  The bill provides $1.553 billion in funding for Fort Bliss, and would provide a 3.9 percent pay raise for servicemembers.   


The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) sets policies and funding levels for national defense programs for the upcoming year.  Congressman Silvestre Reyes, D-El Paso, a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, worked to secure funding for El Paso and Fort Bliss as the bill moved through the Committee. 


AThese funds are the latest installment in the multi-year plan to continue the unprecedented expansion and transformation of Fort Bliss,@ said Congressman Reyes.  AThis bill represents a major investment in Fort Bliss and the El Paso community, and also underscores the Department of Defense=s confidence in our ability to accommodate the influx new troops.@  


The bill includes $12.5 million for the construction of a parking garage at William Beaumont Army Medical Center.  The construction of this new facility has been a top priority for Congressman Reyes.       


"For too long, sick and disabled patients visiting their doctors at William Beaumont have been forced to navigate through a large crowded parking lot, which is particularly difficult for those using crutches and wheelchairs," said Reyes. "Our veterans and military families deserve much better, and I am pleased this project is moving forward.@


The bill authorizes a 3.9 percent pay increase for servicemembers, which is .5 percent above the President=s budget request, and extends the authority for the Defense Department to offer bonuses and incentive pay.  The bill prohibits fee increases in TRICARE and the TRICARE pharmacy program. 


H.R. 5658 includes extensive military construction funding to support Fort Bliss growth.  In addition to the William Beaumont parking facility, the bill funds construction projects to support the Army=s Grow the Force initiative and the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) and makes additional investments in military housing at Fort Bliss.  The legislation also provides nearly $3.4 billion in funding for Future Combat Systems, the U.S. Army=s principal modernization program, headquartered at Fort Bliss.  A list of Fort Bliss projects included in this year=s Defense Authorization bill is provided below:


_    $384 million - BRAC


o $145 million   Brigade Combat Team (BCT) #3, Increment 2

o $103 million   Combat Aviation Brigade - Phase 3

o $79 million     Tactical Equipment Maintenace Facility

o $32 million     Community Infrastructure  

o $25 million     Division Headquarters


_    $1,301.8 million B Grow the Army


o $148 million   Barracks and Dining Hall

o $148 million   Barracks and Dining Hall

o $100 million   Infrastructure - Infantry BCT #2

o $98 million     Infrastructure - Infantry BCT #1

o $90 million     Company Operations Facility

o $90 million     Company Operations Facility

o $81 million     Vehicle Maintenance Shops

o $81 million     Vehicle Maintenance Shops

o $44 million     Brigade/Battalion Headquarters

o $44 million     Brigade/Battalion Headquarters

o $42 million     Digital Multipurpose Range Complex

o $34 million     Battalion Complex

o $12.6 million  Training Support Center

o $10.2 million  Unit Maintenance Facilities

o $9 million        Chapel


_    $127 million - Army Family Housing Investment


Congressman Reyes worked to secure funding for the following projects, which benefit Fort Bliss and the El Paso community:


_    $5 million for the Fort Bliss Data Center to ensure that computer and network resources are in place as new troops arrive at Fort Bliss.

_    $4.5 million for the Common Active Protection System (APS) Radar.  APS is an external vehicle armor system that identifies incoming fire and launches countermeasures before the vehicle is hit.  This funding is required to ensure that this technology is sufficiently mature to integrate into the Future Combat Systems (FCS) manned ground vehicle.


_    $4 million for training instrumentation and support for 1st Armored Division maneuver forces.



_    $3 million for the continued development of Mobile Optical Tracking Systems for Fort

Bliss Ranges.


_    $3 million for the continued development of Miniaturized Sensors for Small and Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) by El Paso company Aerospace Missions Corporation.


_    $1 million for the University of Texas at El Paso's Center for Defense Systems Research.


_    $1 million for continued development of the Cognitive Air Defense Trainer to support soldiers at Fort Bliss.


_    $610,000 to upgrade technology at the US Army Sergeants Major Academy at Fort Bliss.
