Faculties & Interest Groups

NCI Faculties Index
In 2001, the NCI announced the formation of Faculties composed of scientists from diverse laboratories and branches working cooperatively with a common interest in a particular discipline, disease, or approach to scientific discovery. Faculties provide mechanisms to enhance and enable collaborations, interdisciplinary research, and translational (bench-to-bedside) science. NCI Intramural Principal Investigators (PIs) may join any of the Faculties in which they wish to participate. Although the Faculty membership is intended primarily for NCI Intramural PIs, some Faculties permit Staff Scientists, Senior Clinicians, and senior scientists from other Institutes and Centers to participate. Membership is also open to local NCI Extramural Science Administrators. For more specific information, visit the Faculty websites via the link above.

NCI-Frederick Mass Spectrometry Interest Group
The NCI-Frederick Mass Spectrometry Interest Group (MSIG) holds informal monthly meetings aimed at improving communication and awareness among those scientists with an interest in mass spectrometry through discussion of current literature, techniques, applications, and continuing education (scientific conferences, workshops, short courses, etc). For more information, visit the MSIG website.

NIH Special Interest Groups
There are also many inter-institute special interest groups available to the wider NIH research community. Initiated by scientists with common research interests, there are currently seven broad, process oriented parent groups, and more than 30 smaller groups focusing on specific research models, subjects, or techniques. Interest groups sponsor symposia, poster sessions, and lectures; offer mentoring and career guidance for junior scientists; and help researchers share the latest techniques and information.