NCI-Frederick Biotechnology Available Services

Below is a list of available Research Support Services at the NCI-Frederick, along with the preferred access method. To learn more about a particular service, simply click on the service's name; investigators may also place requests directly by clicking on "access method" link. Each resource is listed under the discipline or technology that it supports. Availability of these resources may be on a open or limited basis.

Open – Open and available to all NCI intramural investigators.
Limited – Available on a limited basis to NCI investigators who are outside the lab/branch that sponsors this resource.

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Service Area   Availability Access Method

Animal Resources

  Comparative Molecular Pathology Unit, CCR   Open   Direct
  Gene Targeting Facility, CCR   Open   Direct

Laboratory Animal Sciences Program, SAIC

  • Animal Technical and Veterinary Services (Bethesda/Frederick)
  • Animal Care and Use Committee (Bethesda/Frederick)
  • Transgenic/Knockout Services
  • Speed Congenics
  • Cryopreservation/Breeding
  • Histotechnology/Veterinary Pathology
  • Mouse Models of Human Cancers Repository
  • Animal Health & Molecular Diagnostic Services
  • Receiving & Quarantine Services
  • In Vivo Imaging Services
  Open   Direct

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

  Advanced Biomedical Computing Center, SAIC/ATP   Open   Direct
  Biostatistics and Data Management Section, CCR   Open   Direct
  Genome Analysis Unit, CCR   Open   Direct
  Statistical Consultation Directorate, C&SS   Open   Direct

Chemistry and Structural Biology

  Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology, CCR        
  • Molecular Modeling Core
  Open   Direct
  Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, CCR        
    Limited   Direct
    Open   Direct

Laboratory of Proteomics and Analytical Technology, SAIC/ATP

  • Mass Spectrometry Center
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Group
  • Separations Technology Group
  Open   CSAS
  Synchrotron X-Ray Data Collection Facility, CCR   Open   Direct

Chromosome Sorting

  Chromosome Flow Sorting Core Facility   Open   CSAS

Clinical Research Support

  Clinical Monitoring Research Program, SAIC   Limited   Direct

Clinical Services Program, SAIC

  • Flow Cytometry
  • Lymphokine/Cytokine Testing
  • Process/Cryopreservation of Clinical Samples
  • DNA Extraction
  • Cell Mediated Immunological Assays
  Limited   Direct

Laboratory of Pathology, CCR

  Open   Direct


  Comparative Molecular Cytogenetics Core Facility   Limited   CSAS

EconomyAct/Work For Others

  Economy Act/Work For Others Program, SAIC/ATP   Open   Direct

Flow Cytometry

  Laboratory of Experimental Immunology, CCR        
    Limited   Direct
  Laboratory of Cellular Carcinogenesis and Tumor Promotion, CCR        
  • FACS Core Laboratory
  Open   Direct

Genetics, Genomics, DNA Sequencing

  NCI Core Genotyping Facility, ATC   Open   Direct

Laboratory of Experimental Carcinogenesis, CCR

  Open   Direct
  Laboratory of Molecular Technology, SAIC/ATP   Open   Direct


  Image Analysis Laboratory, SAIC/ATP   Open   CSAS

Laboratory of Experimental Carcinogenesis, CCR

  Open   Direct

Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression, CCR

  Open   Direct

Mass Spectrometry


Mass Spectrometry Center, SAIC/ATP

  Open   CSAS

Microarray and Quantification of Gene Expression


Laboratory of Molecular Technology, SAIC/ATP

  • Realtime Quantitative PCR
  • Microarray Analysis
  Open   CSAS

NCI Microarray Facility

  Open   Direct

Protein Chemistry and Biophysics

  Biophysics Resource in the Structural Biophysics Laboratory   Open   Direct

Laboratory of Protein Dynamics and Signaling, CCR

  • Protein Chemistry Core
  Open   Direct
  Protein Chemistry Laboratory, SAIC/ATP   Open   CSAS

Protein Expression/Purification

  Protein Expression Laboratory, SAIC/ATP
  • Adenovirus and Lentivirus Production
  Open   CSAS



NCI Proteomics Program


Repository Services


The Repositories at NCI-Frederick

  • Central Repository, Fisher BioServices/SAIC
    Mouse Models of Human Cancers Repository, CCR
  • Natural Products Repository, DTP
  • Preclinical Repository, DTP
  • Tumor Bank Repository, DTP
  Open   Direct

Scientific Graphics and Media

  Scientific Publications, Graphics, and Media, SAIC/ATP   Open   Direct

*Click the Service Name for more info, click the indicated Access Method to request service...