Press Release

Mica Announces Transportation Committee Republicans

January 9, 2009

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. John L. Mica (R-FL), the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Republican Leader, today announced the Committee’s Republican roster for the opening of the new 111th Congress.

Thirty Republicans will sit on the 75-member committee in 2009 and 2010, including four Members of Congress new to the Transportation Committee: Steve Scalise of Louisiana, and Freshman Members, Anh “Joseph” Cao of Louisiana, Brett Guthrie of Kentucky, and Aaron Schock of Illinois.

“At a time when we need to rebuild this nation’s infrastructure, restore the economy and create new jobs, I’m pleased to have this experienced and dedicated group of Transportation Committee Republicans to rely on to help set the policies that can move this country forward,” Mica said.  “Their backgrounds and contributions will be invaluable as the Committee faces the challenges in the coming Congress, including developing a substantial economic stimulus package and writing the most significant reauthorization of transportation programs in the nation’s history.”

The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Republican roster is:

Rep. John L. Mica (FL), Ranking Member

Rep. Don Young (AK)

Rep. Thomas E. Petri (WI)

Rep. Howard Coble (NC)

Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. (TN)

Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers (MI)

Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo (NJ)

Rep. Jerry Moran (KS)

Rep. Gary G. Miller (CA)

Rep. Henry E. Brown Jr. (SC)

Rep. Timothy V. Johnson (IL)

Rep. Todd Russell Platts (PA)

Rep. Sam Graves (MO)

Rep. Bill Shuster (PA)

Rep. John Boozman (AR)

Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (WV)

Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA)

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (FL)

Rep. Charles W. Dent (PA)

Rep. Connie Mack (FL)

Rep. Lynn A. Westmoreland (GA)

Rep. Jean Schmidt (OH)

Rep. Candice Miller (MI)

Rep. Mary Fallin (OK)

Rep. Vern Buchanan (FL)

Rep. Bob Latta (OH)

Rep. Steve Scalise (LA)

Rep. Ahn “Joseph” Cao (LA)

Rep. Brett Guthrie (KY)

Rep. Aaron Schock (IL)
