Press Release

Information on Rep. Mica's High Speed Rail Initiative

December 15, 2008

On October 16, 2008, the President signed into law a proposal by Rep. Mica to help bring true high-speed passenger rail service to the United States.  The nation currently lacks a true high-speed rail system comparable to those of Europe and Asia.

According to the law, on December 16, 2008, USDOT requested proposals to establish high-speed rail in 11 corridors across the country, taking the next step toward a new era in U.S. transportation.  Link to the Federal Register notice.

Link to a brief presentation on Rep. Mica's high-speed rail proposal.

Link to Public Law 110-432, the legislation that includes Rep. Mica's high-speed rail proposal.  Link to the language in P.L. 110-432 specifically pertaining to high-speed rail.

Press Releases:

More information regarding the need for true high-speed rail in the United States: