portrait of Representative Rush Holt   
 Representative Rush Holt, 12th District of New Jersey
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Rush Holt with young Jack Morgan
Rush Holt with young Jack Morgan at the Princeton Child Development Institute, September 2004.
As a former college professor and an employer, I know the difference a good education can make in the lives of Americans of all ages. Moreover, if we want to ensure that our future is decided by us—and not for us by others—it is critical that we make the necessary investments in education and sustain those investments over the long term. From my position on the Education and Workforce Committee, I've worked for increased funding for Pell grants for college students; lobbied for college tuition tax credits for families; and tried to ensure that the No Child Left Behind Act is fully funded. Below you’ll find a detailed description of my work on education issues, as well as other resources on the topic.

Holt-sponsored legislation

Holt Congressional Record Statements

