portrait of Representative Rush Holt   
 Representative Rush Holt, 12th District of New Jersey
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National Defense

Rush Holt attending a farewell ceremony for members of the New Jersey National Guard
Rush Holt attends a farewell ceremony for members of the New Jersey National Guard bound for Iraq, December 2004
When the Founding Fathers drafted our Constitution charging the Congress to "provide for the common defense," the most complex piece of military equipment in the Continental Army was the single-shot musket. Today, our armed forces rely on the most sophisticated equipment in the world - much of it developed at Fort Monmouth here in New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District - to help protect you and me from those who would do us harm. But "providing for the common defense" involves far more than simply buying hi-tech hardware; it requires recruiting, retaining, and caring for the men and women who protect America everyday. Below you’ll find a summary of what I’ve tried to do to help those who wear the uniform of our country, along with links to other useful information on this topic.

Holt Statements on National Defense

Reports of interest
