portrait of Representative Rush Holt   
 Representative Rush Holt, 12th District of New Jersey
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Campaign Finance Reform

Rush Holt marching with “Granny D” and other campaign finance reform advocates
Rush Holt marching with “Granny D” and other campaign finance reform advocates in May, 2000.
My first legislative act as a newly elected member of Congress in January 1999 was to sign onto the Shays-Meehan campaign finance reform legislation. The passage of that legislation was a big step in the quest to clean up our campaign finance system, but much work remains to be done as the Abramoff scandal has shown. When the House returns for the second session of the 109th Congress, I will be joining Rep. Dave Obey (D-WI) and many other House members in introducing a lobbying reform package that will weaken lobbyist influence, strengthen fiscal discipline, curb abuses of power, outlaw the use of earmarks to buy votes for questionable legislation, create more time for serious Congressional oversight, and prevent last-minute legislative items from being slipped into conference reports between the House and Senate without a full public vote by the conference committee. Once the legislation has been formally introduced, it will be posted to my website. On this page, you’ll find other information to help you better understand the state of the campaign finance reform struggle.”

Holt Statements on Campaign Finance Reform

