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Worker Substance Use and Workplace Policies and Programs


Appendix E: Selected Data Tables

Table 2.1 Substance Use and Substance Dependence or Abuse among Persons Aged 18 to 64, by Employment Status: Percentages, Numbers in Thousands, and Percentage Distributions, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Employment Status Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use2
Past Year
Illicit Drug
Dependence or Abuse3
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse3
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
2 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
3 Dependence or abuse is based on the definition found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
4 Retired persons, disabled persons, homemakers, students, or other persons not in the labor force are included in the Other Employment category.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 9.2 7.0 8.4 3.2 9.1
Full-Time 8.2 6.4 8.8 2.6 9.2
Part-Time 11.9 9.6 8.6 4.1 10.0
Unemployed 18.6 13.9 13.6 8.0 15.6
Other4 8.3 5.9 5.6 3.5 6.5
Number (in Thousands)          
Total 16,363 12,569 15,017 5,737 16,225
Full-Time 9,413 7,293 10,113 3,030 10,562
Part-Time 2,903 2,339 2,094 989 2,424
Unemployed 1,405 1,050 1,028 608 1,178
Other4 2,642 1,888 1,783 1,110 2,060
Percentage Distribution          
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Full-Time 57.5 58.0 67.3 52.8 65.1
Part-Time 17.7 18.6 13.9 17.2 14.9
Unemployed 8.6 8.4 6.8 10.6 7.3
Other4 16.1 15.0 11.9 19.4 12.7
Table 2.2 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use2
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
2 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 8.2 9,413 6.4 7,293 8.8 10,113
18-25 19.0 2,798 15.9 2,343 16.3 2,398
26-34 10.3 2,573 8.0 1,982 10.4 2,590
35-49 7.0 3,309 5.2 2,444 8.1 3,807
50-64 2.6 733 1.9 525 4.7 1,319
Male 9.7 6,384 7.9 5,167 12.3 8,111
Female 6.2 3,029 4.3 2,126 4.1 2,002
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 8.4 8,389 6.6 6,597 9.1 9,070
White 8.8 6,989 6.9 5,510 10.1 8,048
Black or African American 8.0 1,060 6.4 847 5.4 716
American Indian or Alaska Native 7.3 44 4.7 28 8.7 52
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 13.0 47 9.1 33 9.4 34
Asian 2.2 106 1.3 64 2.9 140
Two or More Races 13.5 143 11.0 116 7.5 80
Hispanic or Latino 6.7 1,024 4.6 696 6.9 1,044
Table 2.3 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use2
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
2 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
3 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UICs), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 8.2 9,413 6.4 7,293 8.8 10,113
Less Than High School 11.2 1,605 8.6 1,227 10.8 1,538
High School Graduate 9.0 3,193 7.0 2,479 10.0 3,550
Some College 8.7 2,604 6.9 2,068 8.9 2,678
College Graduate 5.7 2,011 4.3 1,519 6.7 2,347
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 13.2 1,570 10.0 1,191 9.8 1,168
$20,000-49,999 9.1 3,815 7.3 3,032 9.7 4,039
$50,000-74,999 7.5 1,853 5.7 1,419 9.1 2,249
$75,000 or More 6.0 2,175 4.6 1,652 7.3 2,658
Geographic Region            
Northeast 8.9 1,947 7.4 1,608 8.4 1,845
Midwest 8.0 2,085 6.2 1,613 10.6 2,762
South 7.6 3,143 5.6 2,318 8.5 3,529
West 8.8 2,239 6.9 1,754 7.8 1,978
County Type3            
Large MSA 8.3 5,323 6.5 4,149 8.1 5,195
Small MSA 8.8 2,908 6.9 2,262 9.8 3,233
MiSA 7.1 757 5.4 581 9.2 985
Noncore Adjacent with Town 6.2 311 4.6 228 10.4 518
Noncore Adjacent, No Town 4.5 47 3.1 32 9.1 94
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent 5.7 67 3.5 40 7.5 88
Table 2.4 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Dependence or abuse is based on the definition found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 2.6 3,030 9.2 10,562
18-25 7.5 1,109 18.4 2,709
26-34 3.3 831 12.3 3,053
35-49 1.9 887 7.8 3,679
50-64 0.7 203 4.0 1,121
Male 3.3 2,152 11.8 7,776
Female 1.8 878 5.7 2,786
Hispanic Origin and Race        
Not Hispanic or Latino 2.6 2,546 9.1 9,035
White 2.5 2,020 9.6 7,646
Black or African American 2.9 382 7.3 961
American Indian or Alaska Native 4.5 27 10.7 64
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 4.3 16 9.4 34
Asian 1.1 56 4.6 224
Two or More Races 4.3 46 10.1 107
Hispanic or Latino 3.2 484 10.0 1,527
Table 2.5 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Dependence or abuse is based on the definition found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
1 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UICs), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 2.6 3,030 9.2 10,562
Less Than High School 5.1 725 11.9 1,705
High School Graduate 2.9 1,018 9.4 3,324
Some College 2.9 863 9.7 2,894
College Graduate 1.2 425 7.5 2,639
Family Income        
Less Than $20,000 5.6 661 13.3 1,581
$20,000-49,999 3.0 1,255 9.8 4,075
$50,000-74,999 2.0 500 8.7 2,162
$75,000 or More 1.7 613 7.6 2,744
Geographic Region        
Northeast 2.6 570 8.3 1,813
Midwest 2.4 614 10.5 2,719
South 2.7 1,104 8.5 3,505
West 2.9 742 9.9 2,525
County Type1        
Large MSA 2.7 1,725 9.3 5,912
Small MSA 2.7 902 9.5 3,145
MiSA 2.7 283 8.2 872
Noncore Adjacent with Town 1.7 87 9.2 458
Noncore Adjacent, No Town 1.1 11 8.0 84
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent 1.9 22 7.9 92
Table 3.1 Sample Sizes, Average Age, and Percentage Distribution of Males among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Occupational Category Sample Size Population
(in Thousands)
Average Age Percent Male
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Total1 73,325 114,675 40.1 57.3
Management Occupations 7,097 14,272 42.7 59.7
Chief Executives 333 962 46.6 83.0
Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations, and Sales Managers 408 798 40.3 60.3
Financial Occupations 1,482 2,734 41.3 50.3
Mathematical and Computer Scientists 1,685 3,216 39.0 71.9
Engineering, Architecture, and Surveyors 1,452 2,883 41.7 88.1
Drafters and Engineering Technicians 355 597 39.6 80.9
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 792 1,370 40.5 59.3
Physical Scientists 360 690 40.4 67.6
Social Scientists and Related Workers 190 327 41.5 46.7
Community and Social Services Occupations 1,180 2,010 42.7 38.5
Legal Occupations 719 1,401 42.3 43.4
Lawyers 327 758 42.7 64.5
Education, Training, and Library Occupations 3,679 6,241 42.5 28.4
Elementary and Middle School Teachers 1,359 2,456 42.3 21.3
Secondary School Teachers 587 1,010 42.3 47.3
Special Education Teachers 201 347 43.2 15.7
Other Teachers and Instructors 1,024 1,590 41.6 38.6
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 1,298 2,155 38.9 58.6
Table 3.1 Sample Sizes, Average Age, and Percentage Distribution of Males among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Occupational Category Sample Size Population
(in Thousands)
Average Age Percent Male
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 4,823 7,605 40.8 22.2
Health Diagnosing and Treatment Practitioners 1,782 3,609 42.8 27.4
Registered Nurses 1,000 2,057 43.8 9.5
Health Care Technical and Support Occupations 3,041 3,995 39.0 17.4
Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides 1,238 1,564 39.8 9.8
Protective Service Occupations 1,532 2,605 40.1 80.3
Protective Service Managers and Supervisors, Firefighter and Prevention Workers, Law Enforcement Workers 943 1,747 40.0 84.3
Other Protective Service Workers 589 858 40.4 72.4
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 4,779 4,660 33.9 49.8
Food Preparation Supervisors and Managers 599 595 34.2 37.4
Cooks 1,540 1,745 36.1 60.8
Food Preparation Workers 513 570 34.5 61.7
Food and Beverage Serving and Other Food Preparation Serving Related Occupations 2,127 1,751 31.5 39.1
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 2,269 3,439 40.4 65.2
Personal Care and Service Occupations 1,845 2,357 38.3 16.4
Personal Appearance Workers 457 622 37.7 18.9
Child Care Workers 784 922 37.7 5.0
Personal and Homecare Aides 270 446 41.5 14.4
Sales and Related Occupations 8,102 11,581 39.1 58.3
Retail Sales 1,621 1,956 37.4 62.3
Sales Representatives, Services 259 473 38.9 71.7
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing 708 1,393 40.5 74.2
Table 3.1 Sample Sizes, Average Age, and Percentage Distribution of Males among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Occupational Category Sample Size Population
(in Thousands)
Average Age Percent Male
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Estimates in the Total row include respondents with unknown or other occupational information.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Office and Administrative Support Occupations 10,504 15,587 40.0 27.0
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations 746 1,022 40.3 82.8
Construction and Extraction Occupations 5,881 8,234 37.5 97.4
Carpenters 1,387 1,892 37.3 98.8
Carpet, Floor, Tile Installers, and Finishers 197 241 33.4 99.9
Construction Laborer 805 927 33.1 97.7
Construction Equipment Operator 261 409 42.5 96.6
Electricians 516 815 38.9 99.0
Roofers 218 217 33.0 *
Other Construction Related Workers 1,682 2,377 37.6 94.9
Extraction Workers 115 117 36.2 *
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 3,001 4,931 39.6 96.2
Production Occupations 5,502 8,930 40.0 70.0
Transportation and Material-Moving Occupations 4,469 6,752 39.6 87.2
Motor Vehicle Operators 119 236 42.9 *
Bus Drivers 162 405 44.6 48.1
Truck Drivers, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer 1,945 3,379 40.2 95.7
Material-Moving Workers 1,782 2,010 36.2 80.6
Table 3.2 Sample Sizes, Average Age, and Percentage Distribution of Males among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Industry Category Sample Size Population
(in Thousands)
Average Age Percent Male
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Total1 73,325 114,675 40.1 57.3
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting 1,258 1,740 41.4 80.9
Crop Production 486 721 40.7 81.5
Animal Production 491 643 42.4 82.9
Mining 377 516 43.7 89.1
Utilities 535 1,077 43.6 81.1
Construction 7,231 10,671 38.3 92.6
Manufacturing 9,369 16,946 40.8 70.2
Food Manufacturing 940 1,443 39.3 64.4
Textile Mills and Textile Product Mills 194 385 39.4 *
Apparel Manufacturing 192 378 38.8 40.6
Wood Product Manufacturing 797 1,205 39.2 78.5
Paper Manufacturing 281 552 41.0 72.1
Printing and Related Support Activities 458 798 39.9 64.2
Chemical Manufacturing 677 1,329 40.7 67.4
Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 437 762 39.9 69.2
Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 278 494 40.7 72.4
Metal Industries Manufacturing 992 1,696 40.6 79.6
Machinery Manufacturing 710 1,324 42.6 77.1
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing 799 1,653 39.9 68.6
Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing 295 521 41.6 57.0
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 1,439 2,725 42.7 73.6
Miscellaneous Manufacturing 651 1,238 40.3 65.0
Wholesale Trade 2,399 3,928 39.3 73.0
Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods 1,134 1,964 39.8 75.5
Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods 1,265 1,964 38.9 70.5
Table 3.2 Sample Sizes, Average Age, and Percentage Distribution of Males among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Industry Category Sample Size Population
(in Thousands)
Average Age Percent Male
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Retail Trade 8,532 10,831 37.7 53.7
Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers 975 1,325 38.4 76.2
Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores 412 559 38.6 53.0
Electronics and Appliance Stores 523 722 37.2 70.6
Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers 710 972 38.9 65.0
Food and Beverage Stores (including Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores) 1,544 2,008 37.7 55.6
Health and Personal Care Stores 571 721 37.2 40.1
Gasoline Stations 442 433 35.2 38.4
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores 865 930 35.0 39.4
Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores 453 522 36.9 58.0
General Merchandise Stores 187 242 38.0 41.9
Department Stores 762 771 35.4 33.5
Miscellaneous Store Retailers 544 853 41.7 46.5
Non-Store Retailers 544 774 38.9 47.2
Transportation and Warehousing 2,628 5,094 42.3 77.5
Air Transportation 241 441 41.7 66.0
Rail Transportation 127 249 43.5 93.7
Truck Transportation 802 1,522 41.4 91.1
Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation 266 634 43.6 68.0
Support Activities for Transportation 384 656 41.0 78.8
Postal Service 325 783 46.7 61.5
Warehousing and Storage 143 254 40.3 *
Information 1,721 2,821 39.2 61.0
Publishing Industries (except Internet) 525 826 38.0 63.3
Broadcasting (except Internet) and Telecommunications 978 1,642 39.4 61.1
Internet Publishing and Broadcasting, Internet Service Providers, Web Search Portals, and Data Processing Services 195 323 41.6 54.3
Table 3.2 Sample Sizes, Average Age, and Percentage Distribution of Males among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Industry Category Sample Size Population
(in Thousands)
Average Age Percent Male
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Finance and Insurance 3,678 5,795 39.9 42.8
Securities, Commodity Contracts, Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities 560 1,116 39.7 63.4
Insurance Carriers and Related Activities 1,232 2,097 41.6 38.8
Banking, Savings Institutions (including Credit Unions), and Related Activities 1,252 1,702 39.1 32.3
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 1,057 1,992 42.3 49.4
Real Estate 803 1,691 43.3 49.2
Rental and Leasing Services (including Leasers of Non- Financial Intangible Assets) 254 301 36.7 50.5
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 4,115 7,508 40.2 58.0
Management of Companies and Enterprises, Administrative, Support, Waste Management, and Remediation Services 2,948 4,133 37.9 65.5
Investigation and Security Services 407 573 39.0 72.7
Janitorial Services 573 912 39.4 58.9
Landscaping Services 712 937 36.1 93.4
Waste Management and Remediation Services 214 376 39.8 88.1
Educational Services 4,709 8,929 43.6 31.6
Elementary and Secondary Schools 3,676 7,036 43.7 26.8
Colleges 811 1,523 43.6 49.0
Health Care and Social Assistance 8,467 13,326 41.0 21.3
Home Health Care Services 322 598 43.5 7.6
Hospitals 1,941 3,272 41.3 25.2
Nursing and Residential Care Facilities 1,267 1,707 40.0 18.4
Social Assistance 1,741 2,224 39.3 11.2
Individual and Family Services 561 887 42.2 17.5
Child Day Care Services 1,069 1,212 37.4 3.5
Table 3.2 Sample Sizes, Average Age, and Percentage Distribution of Males among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Industry Category Sample Size Population
(in Thousands)
Average Age Percent Male
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Estimates in the Total row include respondents with unknown or other industry information.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 1,253 1,607 37.9 58.3
Performing Arts, Spectator, and Related Industries 325 533 38.7 58.0
Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries 779 840 37.0 59.1
Accommodations and Food Services 5,887 5,771 34.1 51.6
Traveler Accommodation 659 814 39.2 45.7
Food Services and Drinking Places 5,174 4,916 33.2 52.7
Other Services (except Public Administration) 3,504 5,236 39.5 60.6
Repair and Maintenance 1,672 2,428 38.3 91.8
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 1,126 1,585 37.1 93.7
Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment 208 356 40.3 95.7
Personal and Laundry Services 960 1,392 38.7 31.9
Personal Care Services 565 779 37.9 22.4
Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations 537 944 43.3 50.9
Religious Organizations 274 553 44.7 66.7
Civic and Social Organizations 204 289 40.0 29.3
Public Administration 3,443 6,373 42.9 54.0
Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support 934 1,705 44.1 48.0
Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities 1,351 2,545 41.2 66.3
Table 3.3 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Occupational Category Past Month
Illicit Drug Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Total1 8.2 9,413 6.4 7,293 8.8 10,113
Management Occupations 6.1 876 4.5 641 7.9 1,121
Chief Executives 3.6 35 3.1 30 5.5 53
Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations, and Sales Managers 6.2 50 3.5 28 10.5 84
Financial Occupations 4.9 133 3.3 91 6.2 170
Mathematical and Computer Scientists 6.9 222 5.5 178 5.9 191
Engineering, Architecture, and Surveyors 6.9 199 6.0 172 8.3 238
Drafters and Engineering Technicians 12.7 76 10.2 61 13.2 79
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 7.0 95 5.0 68 5.3 73
Physical Scientists 7.2 50 4.6 32 4.7 32
Social Scientists and Related Workers 7.4 24 6.7 22 6.3 21
Community and Social Services Occupations 4.0 80 2.4 49 2.8 56
Legal Occupations 4.8 68 3.9 55 5.9 82
Lawyers 4.3 33 3.0 23 6.5 49
Education, Training, and Library Occupations 4.1 254 3.2 198 3.7 231
Elementary and Middle School Teachers 3.1 76 2.3 57 3.3 82
Secondary School Teachers 4.4 44 3.3 33 4.7 48
Special Education Teachers 5.3 19 2.9 10 6.4 22
Other Teachers and Instructors 5.1 82 4.4 70 3.4 54
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 12.4 267 10.1 218 7.5 161
Table 3.3 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Occupational Category Past Month
Illicit Drug Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 6.1 463 3.9 293 3.9 294
Health Diagnosing and Treatment Practitioners 4.4 159 2.6 95 2.5 92
Registered Nurses 4.6 95 3.3 68 2.2 46
Health Care Technical and Support Occupations 7.6 303 4.9 198 5.1 202
Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides 7.5 117 5.7 89 4.6 71
Protective Service Occupations 3.4 89 2.4 63 8.7 227
Protective Service Managers and Supervisors, Firefighter and Prevention Workers, Law Enforcement Workers 1.5 25 1.1 19 9.1 158
Other Protective Service Workers 7.4 63 5.2 44 8.0 69
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 17.4 809 14.2 661 12.1 564
Food Preparation Supervisors and Managers 12.6 75 10.1 60 8.6 51
Cooks 16.8 294 14.2 248 11.9 208
Food Preparation Workers 9.2 53 7.4 42 6.9 39
Food and Beverage Serving and Other Food Preparation Serving Related Occupations 22.2 388 17.7 310 15.2 265
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 8.2 284 6.6 225 9.5 328
Personal Care and Service Occupations 7.7 181 5.7 135 5.4 127
Personal Appearance Workers 8.2 51 7.0 44 6.6 41
Child Care Workers 6.9 64 4.6 43 3.3 31
Personal and Homecare Aides 6.6 30 5.2 23 4.4 20
Sales and Related Occupations 9.6 1,114 7.4 857 10.2 1,183
Retail Sales 11.7 229 9.1 179 12.4 242
Sales Representatives, Services 9.8 46 7.3 34 14.7 69
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing 9.8 137 7.0 98 14.6 204
Table 3.3 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Occupational Category Past Month
Illicit Drug Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
NOTE: Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
1 Estimates in the Total row include respondents with unknown or other occupational information.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Office and Administrative Support Occupations 7.5 1,172 5.7 892 6.9 1,071
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations 8.7 89 3.3 34 9.5 97
Construction and Extraction Occupations 15.1 1,247 12.9 1,063 17.8 1,467
Carpenters 20.0 378 16.5 312 17.9 338
Carpet, Floor, Tile Installers, and Finishers 18.7 45 17.4 42 17.6 42
Construction Laborer 14.8 137 11.6 107 17.6 164
Construction Equipment Operator 8.6 35 6.1 25 12.8 53
Electricians 13.0 106 12.7 104 19.0 155
Roofers 16.9 37 14.1 31 25.7 56
Other Construction Related Workers 15.1 359 13.0 310 17.4 415
Extraction Workers 9.9 12 5.9 7 * *
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 9.5 468 8.1 401 14.7 724
Production Occupations 7.4 663 5.7 510 9.7 865
Transportation and Material-Moving Occupations 8.4 569 6.3 427 11.2 760
Motor Vehicle Operators 7.2 17 5.4 13 8.6 20
Bus Drivers 1.5 6 * * 2.7 11
Truck Drivers, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer 7.4 249 5.2 176 11.2 380
Material-Moving Workers 12.7 255 10.1 204 14.1 284
Table 3.4 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Occupational Category Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Total1 2.6 3,030 9.2 10,562
Management Occupations 1.7 236 8.7 1,246
Chief Executives * * 7.9 76
Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations, and Sales Managers 1.5 12 8.1 65
Financial Occupations 1.6 43 6.9 189
Mathematical and Computer Scientists 1.3 40 7.2 230
Engineering, Architecture, and Surveyors 1.6 47 9.2 265
Drafters and Engineering Technicians 5.4 32 11.7 70
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 1.2 16 8.1 111
Physical Scientists 0.9 6 6.6 46
Social Scientists and Related Workers 1.9 6 11.7 38
Community and Social Services Occupations 1.4 29 6.9 138
Legal Occupations 0.3 4 8.1 113
Lawyers 0.0 0 9.7 74
Education, Training, and Library Occupations 0.9 55 4.8 298
Elementary and Middle School Teachers 0.4 10 4.6 112
Secondary School Teachers 1.1 11 7.8 79
Special Education Teachers 1.9 7 3.1 11
Other Teachers and Instructors 0.9 14 3.6 57
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations 3.2 69 8.2 177
Table 3.4 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Occupational Category Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 1.4 103 5.4 408
Health Diagnosing and Treatment Practitioners 0.8 29 4.6 167
Registered Nurses 0.8 17 4.0 82
Health Care Technical and Support Occupations 1.9 74 6.0 241
Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides 2.0 31 5.5 86
Protective Service Occupations 1.0 25 7.3 190
Protective Service Managers and Supervisors, Firefighter and Prevention Workers, Law Enforcement Workers 0.2 4 7.3 127
Other Protective Service Workers 2.5 21 7.3 63
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations 6.5 303 14.7 684
Food Preparation Supervisors and Managers 5.0 30 9.4 56
Cooks 5.5 96 12.0 209
Food Preparation Workers 3.7 21 13.4 77
Food and Beverage Serving and Other Food Preparation Serving Related Occupations 8.9 156 19.6 342
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations 3.4 118 10.0 344
Personal Care and Service Occupations 2.7 63 6.6 156
Personal Appearance Workers 1.8 11 8.5 53
Child Care Workers 1.8 16 4.2 39
Personal and Homecare Aides * * 7.3 32
Sales and Related Occupations 3.1 355 10.3 1,198
Retail Sales 3.6 70 12.2 238
Sales Representatives, Services 2.3 11 20.7 98
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing 3.4 47 12.4 173
Table 3.4 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Occupational Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Occupational Category Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
NOTE: Dependence or abuse is based on the definition found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
1 Estimates in the Total row include respondents with unknown or other occupational information.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Office and Administrative Support Occupations 2.5 385 7.6 1,189
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations 2.8 28 8.9 91
Construction and Extraction Occupations 6.2 514 16.9 1,391
Carpenters 7.4 139 16.6 314
Carpet, Floor, Tile Installers, and Finishers 7.0 17 16.8 41
Construction Laborer 9.8 91 21.7 201
Construction Equipment Operator 2.4 10 10.6 43
Electricians 4.1 33 14.8 120
Roofers 8.0 17 21.1 46
Other Construction Related Workers 6.0 143 18.0 429
Extraction Workers * * 10.9 13
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 2.1 105 9.9 489
Production Occupations 2.9 256 9.5 847
Transportation and Material-Moving Occupations 3.1 207 11.1 749
Motor Vehicle Operators 3.2 8 * *
Bus Drivers * * 3.1 13
Truck Drivers, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer 2.6 88 11.6 393
Material-Moving Workers 4.8 96 12.8 257
Table 3.5 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Industry Category Past Month
Illicit Drug Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Total1 8.2 9,413 6.4 7,293 8.8 10,113
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting 6.2 108 2.3 40 9.7 169
Crop Production 5.7 41 1.7 12 7.6 55
Animal Production 3.1 20 1.1 7 10.3 66
Mining 7.3 38 2.5 13 13.3 69
Utilities 3.8 41 3.3 36 10.1 109
Construction 13.7 1,465 11.7 1,251 15.9 1,699
Manufacturing 6.5 1,109 5.1 857 9.5 1,608
Food Manufacturing 6.5 93 5.3 76 8.0 115
Textile Mills and Textile Product Mills 5.3 20 3.9 15 9.8 38
Apparel Manufacturing 7.2 27 3.6 14 4.6 18
Wood Product Manufacturing 8.1 98 6.3 76 13.2 159
Paper Manufacturing 6.0 33 4.8 26 8.5 47
Printing and Related Support Activities 9.2 74 7.7 62 8.9 71
Chemical Manufacturing 5.6 74 4.4 58 9.5 126
Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 6.3 48 4.4 34 13.4 102
Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 6.2 31 5.1 25 9.5 47
Metal Industries Manufacturing 10.8 182 8.3 140 9.9 168
Machinery Manufacturing 6.1 80 4.4 59 12.6 167
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing 4.2 69 3.7 61 5.9 98
Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing 5.7 30 5.2 27 5.8 30
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 5.4 147 3.9 105 9.9 269
Miscellaneous Manufacturing 6.6 82 4.8 59 8.6 106
Wholesale Trade 8.5 335 6.5 255 11.5 452
Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods 9.2 181 7.3 144 12.1 238
Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods 7.8 154 5.7 111 10.9 214
Table 3.5 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Industry Category Past Month
Illicit Drug Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Retail Trade 9.4 1,015 7.3 786 8.8 950
Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers 11.1 147 8.5 113 12.3 163
Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores 10.2 57 7.8 44 7.4 42
Electronics and Appliance Stores 9.8 70 8.8 64 7.7 55
Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers 9.0 88 6.8 66 13.2 128
Food and Beverage Stores (including Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores) 7.8 158 6.0 120 9.1 182
Health and Personal Care Stores 8.8 64 5.8 42 4.3 31
Gasoline Stations 11.0 48 7.9 34 6.6 29
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores 10.2 95 7.9 73 4.8 45
Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores 11.5 60 8.8 46 12.2 64
General Merchandise Stores 15.4 37 9.3 23 8.4 20
Department Stores 4.9 38 3.9 30 6.8 53
Miscellaneous Store Retailers 8.6 73 7.4 63 8.3 71
Non-Store Retailers 10.5 81 8.8 68 8.7 67
Transportation and Warehousing 6.2 318 4.5 230 8.6 440
Air Transportation 3.4 15 1.9 8 6.0 26
Rail Transportation 3.3 8 2.1 5 7.4 18
Truck Transportation 6.4 98 5.2 79 11.1 169
Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation 4.3 27 2.2 14 6.3 40
Support Activities for Transportation 7.6 50 5.5 36 7.2 47
Postal Service 6.1 48 3.6 29 6.0 47
Warehousing and Storage 3.1 8 2.8 7 7.5 19
Information 11.3 318 9.2 260 10.4 293
Publishing Industries (except Internet) 12.2 100 10.9 90 7.8 64
Broadcasting (except Internet) and Telecommunications 11.9 196 9.4 155 12.6 207
Internet Publishing and Broadcasting, Internet Service Providers, Web Search Portals, and Data Processing Services 5.8 19 4.7 15 6.5 21
Table 3.5 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Industry Category Past Month
Illicit Drug Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Finance and Insurance 6.8 392 4.9 286 6.9 398
Securities, Commodity Contracts, Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities 6.7 75 5.2 58 6.7 75
Insurance Carriers and Related Activities 5.8 123 3.7 77 6.4 134
Banking, Savings Institutions (including Credit Unions), and Related Activities 5.8 99 4.6 79 4.8 83
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 7.5 150 5.6 111 9.8 194
Real Estate 7.3 124 5.7 96 10.5 178
Rental and Leasing Services (including Leasers of Non- Financial Intangible Assets) 8.6 26 5.2 16 5.6 17
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 8.0 598 6.2 469 7.1 531
Management of Companies and Enterprises, Administrative, Support, Waste Management, and Remediation Services 10.9 452 8.7 360 10.4 429
Investigation and Security Services 5.3 30 4.5 26 6.3 36
Janitorial Services 9.1 83 6.7 61 8.1 74
Landscaping Services 14.4 135 12.9 121 16.5 154
Waste Management and Remediation Services 12.2 46 8.8 33 11.1 42
Educational Services 4.0 353 2.9 263 4.0 359
Elementary and Secondary Schools 3.6 255 2.7 187 3.8 265
Colleges 5.2 80 4.1 63 5.4 82
Health Care and Social Assistance 6.1 808 4.0 532 4.3 578
Home Health Care Services 6.3 37 4.0 24 3.3 20
Hospitals 5.1 166 3.7 123 4.8 158
Nursing and Residential Care Facilities 7.4 126 4.8 82 6.2 106
Social Assistance 7.6 170 5.1 113 3.6 81
Individual and Family Services 8.1 72 5.4 47 3.2 29
Child Day Care Services 7.2 87 4.8 58 3.5 43
Table 3.5 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Industry Category Past Month
Illicit Drug Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
NOTE: Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
1 Estimates in the Total row include respondents with unknown or other industry information.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 11.6 187 9.5 153 13.6 219
Performing Arts, Spectator, and Related Industries 15.5 83 13.2 71 10.6 56
Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries 10.4 87 8.4 70 15.4 129
Accommodations and Food Services 16.9 975 13.9 804 12.0 694
Traveler Accommodation 7.8 64 6.6 54 7.7 63
Food Services and Drinking Places 18.4 902 15.1 743 12.8 630
Other Services (except Public Administration) 8.8 459 7.3 381 9.9 517
Repair and Maintenance 11.6 281 9.7 235 15.3 371
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 12.5 198 10.8 172 16.3 258
Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment 10.7 38 7.0 25 18.6 66
Personal and Laundry Services 9.5 133 8.1 113 7.4 103
Personal Care Services 9.2 71 8.1 63 7.2 56
Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations 2.3 22 2.0 18 3.3 31
Religious Organizations 0.5 3 0.3 1 0.6 3
Civic and Social Organizations 5.6 16 4.9 14 4.6 13
Public Administration 4.1 261 2.8 182 5.9 373
Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support 6.3 108 4.5 78 4.5 77
Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities 2.0 51 1.3 33 7.2 184
Table 3.6 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Industry Category Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Total1 2.6 3,030 9.2 10,562
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting 2.3 39 8.8 153
Crop Production 2.7 20 8.3 60
Animal Production 1.3 8 7.2 46
Mining 3.3 17 8.6 44
Utilities 1.9 21 9.4 101
Construction 5.1 548 15.6 1,669
Manufacturing 2.4 411 9.5 1,609
Food Manufacturing 3.8 54 10.1 146
Textile Mills and Textile Product Mills * * 11.0 42
Apparel Manufacturing * * 7.2 27
Wood Product Manufacturing 3.3 40 12.2 147
Paper Manufacturing 2.4 13 8.4 46
Printing and Related Support Activities 2.1 17 9.8 79
Chemical Manufacturing 2.4 32 7.4 98
Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 2.4 18 9.9 75
Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 1.8 9 12.3 61
Metal Industries Manufacturing 4.5 77 11.7 199
Machinery Manufacturing 1.7 23 7.8 104
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing 1.5 25 7.7 128
Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing 1.0 5 8.2 43
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 1.9 52 9.5 260
Miscellaneous Manufacturing 1.7 21 9.0 111
Wholesale Trade 2.8 109 12.0 472
Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods 2.6 51 13.2 259
Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods 2.9 58 10.8 213
Table 3.6 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Industry Category Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Retail Trade 3.1 341 9.1 991
Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers 2.7 36 9.9 132
Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores 1.9 11 8.4 47
Electronics and Appliance Stores 3.9 28 12.0 87
Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers 2.7 26 10.0 97
Food and Beverage Stores (including Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores) 3.1 62 9.7 196
Health and Personal Care Stores 3.8 28 9.6 69
Gasoline Stations 5.4 23 11.1 48
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores 4.7 43 9.0 84
Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores 2.7 14 6.5 34
General Merchandise Stores * * 7.5 18
Department Stores 2.5 20 8.5 65
Miscellaneous Store Retailers 2.1 18 4.9 41
Non-Store Retailers 3.5 27 9.4 73
Transportation and Warehousing 2.2 111 8.1 410
Air Transportation 0.6 2 7.9 35
Rail Transportation * * 8.9 22
Truck Transportation 2.7 40 8.7 133
Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation 1.8 11 4.6 29
Support Activities for Transportation 2.2 14 8.8 58
Postal Service 0.8 6 7.5 59
Warehousing and Storage * * 4.5 11
Information 2.2 61 8.9 250
Publishing Industries (except Internet) 3.4 28 7.2 59
Broadcasting (except Internet) and Telecommunications 1.7 28 9.5 156
Internet Publishing and Broadcasting, Internet Service Providers, Web Search Portals, and Data Processing Services 1.7 5 8.3 27
Table 3.6 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Industry Category Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
See notes at end of table. (continued)
Finance and Insurance 1.9 112 8.4 485
Securities, Commodity Contracts, Funds, Trusts and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities 1.9 22 10.2 114
Insurance Carriers and Related Activities 1.5 31 8.3 174
Banking, Savings Institutions (including Credit Unions) and Related Activities 1.5 25 6.1 104
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 2.3 45 8.2 162
Real Estate 2.1 35 8.3 141
Rental and Leasing Services (including Leasers of Non- Financial Intangible Assets) 3.5 11 7.2 22
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 1.9 142 8.5 635
Management of Companies and Enterprises, Administrative, Support, Waste Management, and Remediation Services 4.3 176 12.4 511
Investigation and Security Services 2.9 16 8.7 50
Janitorial Services 4.9 45 9.3 85
Landscaping Services 6.0 57 19.3 181
Waste Management and Remediation Services 1.9 7 * *
Educational Services 0.7 64 4.7 416
Elementary and Secondary Schools 0.8 56 4.6 322
Colleges 0.3 5 4.0 62
Health Care and Social Assistance 1.7 226 5.6 740
Home Health Care Services * * 5.1 30
Hospitals 0.9 31 5.5 181
Nursing and Residential Care Facilities 2.2 38 6.9 118
Social Assistance 1.8 41 5.0 111
Individual and Family Services 2.2 20 6.2 55
Child Day Care Services 1.6 20 3.6 44
Table 3.6 Substance Dependence or Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Industry Categories: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004 (continued)
Industry Category Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
NOTE: Dependence or abuse is based on the definition found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
1 Estimates in the Total row include respondents with unknown or other industry information.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 4.0 65 11.1 178
Performing Arts, Spectator, and Related Industries 6.2 33 12.9 69
Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries 3.1 26 10.7 90
Accommodations and Food Services 6.0 349 15.4 890
Traveler Accommodation 2.7 22 10.8 88
Food Services and Drinking Places 6.6 323 16.3 800
Other Services (except Public Administration) 2.3 122 8.3 433
Repair and Maintenance 3.2 78 11.1 268
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 3.5 55 11.4 181
Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment 2.1 7 9.7 34
Personal and Laundry Services 2.8 39 8.4 117
Personal Care Services 2.7 21 9.0 70
Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations 0.3 3 3.3 31
Religious Organizations 0.3 2 1.8 10
Civic and Social Organizations 0.3 1 2.4 7
Public Administration 0.9 56 6.1 388
Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support 1.3 23 6.6 113
Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities 0.4 11 7.1 180
Table 3.7 Illicit Drug, Marijuana, and Heavy Alcohol Use in the Past Month among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Establishment Size: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Establishment Size Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use2
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
2 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
3 Estimates in the Total row include respondents with unknown establishment size information.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total3 8.2 9,413 6.4 7,293 8.8 10,113
Less Than 10 Employees 9.9 2,874 7.9 2,286 10.1 2,935
10-24 Employees 9.7 1,891 7.8 1,513 9.2 1,802
25-99 Employees 8.2 2,165 6.4 1,690 8.5 2,265
100-499 Employees 6.7 1,531 4.9 1,114 8.6 1,956
500 or More Employees 5.7 928 4.1 674 6.8 1,121
Table 3.8 Substance Dependence and Abuse in the Past Year among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Establishment Size: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Establishment Size Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Dependence or abuse is based on the definition found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
1 Estimates in the Total row include respondents with unknown establishment size information.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total1 2.6 3,030 9.2 10,562
Less Than 10 Employees 3.1 891 9.8 2,840
10-24 Employees 3.5 676 9.9 1,935
25-99 Employees 2.4 624 9.4 2,489
100-499 Employees 2.5 577 9.0 2,054
500 or More Employees 1.6 256 7.5 1,227
Table 4.1 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 43.8 47,701 78.7 87,010 58.4 60,929
18-25 33.2 4,685 76.9 10,856 39.7 5,064
26-34 39.6 9,411 79.3 18,993 56.4 12,669
35-49 46.3 20,827 79.8 36,552 62.4 27,107
50-64 48.9 12,778 77.1 20,609 62.6 16,088
Male 44.0 27,630 76.4 48,806 56.5 34,181
Female 43.4 20,071 81.8 38,204 61.0 26,748
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 44.6 42,099 79.5 76,200 61.2 55,324
White 42.7 32,219 78.4 59,920 60.6 43,800
Black or African American 56.3 7,106 86.9 11,210 65.7 8,002
American Indian or Alaska Native 54.1 313 84.2 494 62.7 330
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 54.0 176 * * * *
Asian 41.6 1,862 77.3 3,476 57.5 2,387
Two or More Races 42.1 423 80.1 823 62.0 608
Hispanic or Latino 38.4 5,601 73.1 10,810 40.4 5,604
Table 4.2 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 43.8 47,701 78.7 87,010 58.4 60,929
Less Than High School 34.2 4,670 69.0 9,564 32.1 4,158
High School Graduate 44.3 14,868 78.4 26,952 55.4 17,697
Some College 45.4 12,957 80.9 23,506 61.7 16,924
College Graduate 45.8 15,205 81.1 26,989 69.3 22,149
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 31.9 3,652 68.2 7,876 31.4 3,335
$20,000-49,999 41.5 16,419 77.1 31,106 52.1 19,524
$50,000-74,999 46.6 11,004 82.3 19,681 65.4 14,835
$75,000 or More 48.4 16,625 81.5 28,348 69.2 23,235
Geographic Region            
Northeast 41.2 8,487 75.4 15,587 58.9 11,539
Midwest 43.6 10,723 80.4 20,161 62.0 14,593
South 45.8 18,119 79.9 32,238 56.3 21,472
West 42.8 10,372 77.7 19,024 57.7 13,324
County Type1            
Large MSA 42.0 25,431 78.1 47,795 59.3 34,415
Small MSA 45.9 14,456 80.8 25,857 59.6 17,918
MiSA 45.5 4,609 78.5 8,132 56.1 5,425
Noncore Adjacent with Town 47.5 2,254 75.1 3,665 49.3 2,233
Noncore Adjacent, No Town 49.2 487 77.1 784 47.5 451
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent 41.2 464 69.6 777 47.2 487
Table 4.3 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 32.1 44.8 71.0 79.4 45.4 59.6
18-25 28.2 34.4 70.5 78.4 34.3 41.0
26-34 31.3 40.6 70.3 80.4 44.4 57.9
35-49 35.7 47.1 70.9 80.5 51.9 63.2
50-64 33.2 49.3 76.3 77.1 58.2 62.7
Male 31.7 45.3 68.5 77.3 43.5 57.9
Female 32.8 44.2 76.3 82.2 49.4 61.8
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 32.0 45.8 71.2 80.3 46.4 62.5
White 30.6 43.9 69.9 79.2 47.0 61.9
Black or African American 40.6 57.6 77.9 87.7 43.1 67.7
American Indian or Alaska Native * 54.2 * 84.1 * 63.6
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * 54.5 * * * *
Asian * 41.9 * 77.3 * 57.7
Two or More Races 27.2 44.5 69.7 81.7 31.2 66.8
Hispanic or Latino 32.7 38.9 69.9 73.3 37.1 40.7
Table 4.4 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 32.1 44.8 71.0 79.4 45.4 59.6
Less Than High School 29.5 34.8 66.2 69.4 28.5 32.5
High School Graduate 32.6 45.4 71.2 79.1 43.8 56.5
Some College 34.2 46.5 73.3 81.6 48.2 63.0
College Graduate 30.7 46.7 71.7 81.7 57.5 70.0
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 27.9 32.5 63.1 68.9 25.9 32.3
$20,000-49,999 32.3 42.4 71.9 77.7 44.3 52.9
$50,000-74,999 30.4 47.9 74.8 82.9 51.8 66.5
$75,000 or More 36.2 49.2 72.2 82.1 55.3 70.0
Geographic Region            
Northeast 29.3 42.3 68.2 76.1 48.0 60.0
Midwest 31.4 44.7 73.6 81.0 48.4 63.2
South 33.4 46.9 71.3 80.6 39.5 57.7
West 33.2 43.7 70.7 78.3 48.5 58.6
County Type2            
Large MSA 31.0 43.0 70.7 78.7 47.9 60.3
Small MSA 34.8 47.0 72.6 81.6 43.7 61.1
MiSA 30.6 46.6 69.5 79.2 39.5 57.3
Noncore Adjacent with Town 30.7 48.7 64.3 75.8 34.2 50.3
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 50.5 * 77.8 * 47.7
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 41.8 * 69.2 * 48.0
Table 4.5 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 3,611 44,089 7,240 79,770 4,692 56,236
18-25 703 3,981 1,650 9,206 792 4,272
26-34 906 8,505 1,851 17,142 1,238 11,431
35-49 1,569 19,259 2,811 33,741 2,003 25,104
50-64 433 12,344 929 19,680 659 15,429
Male 2,954 24,676 5,771 43,035 3,736 30,444
Female 658 19,413 1,469 36,735 956 25,792
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 3,194 38,905 6,475 69,724 4,299 51,025
White 2,770 29,449 5,676 54,244 3,828 39,972
Black or African American 330 6,775 596 10,614 338 7,664
American Indian or Alaska Native * 292 * 448 * 298
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * 161 * * * *
Asian 37 1,825 * 3,401 * 2,343
Two or More Races 20 403 * 773 * 574
Hispanic or Latino 417 5,184 765 10,045 393 5,211
Table 4.6 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 37.2 44.4 73.7 79.2 51.1 59.1
18-25 30.3 33.8 71.5 77.9 38.1 40.1
26-34 36.0 40.1 74.1 79.9 53.4 56.8
35-49 43.1 46.6 75.0 80.3 56.5 62.9
50-64 35.0 49.5 73.4 77.3 53.4 63.1
Male 37.8 44.9 73.1 76.9 50.5 57.4
Female 34.6 43.8 76.5 82.0 53.7 61.3
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 36.7 45.4 73.6 80.2 52.2 62.1
White 36.0 43.5 72.7 79.1 52.4 61.5
Black or African American 47.5 56.8 85.2 87.0 51.2 66.6
American Indian or Alaska Native * 55.3 * 83.8 * 61.6
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * 55.1 * * * *
Asian 27.2 42.1 * 77.8 * 58.2
Two or More Races 25.4 43.5 * 81.5 * 62.9
Hispanic or Latino 41.0 38.2 75.0 72.9 41.4 40.4
Table 4.7 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 3,611 44,089 7,240 79,770 4,692 56,236
Less Than High School 495 4,175 998 8,566 460 3,698
High School Graduate 1,318 13,550 2,568 24,384 1,589 16,108
Some College 994 11,963 1,994 21,512 1,353 15,571
College Graduate 804 14,401 1,681 25,308 1,291 20,858
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 327 3,325 716 7,160 299 3,036
$20,000-49,999 1,399 15,020 2,870 28,235 1,710 17,813
$50,000-74,999 912 10,092 1,733 17,948 1,222 13,613
$75,000 or More 973 15,652 1,921 26,427 1,461 21,774
Geographic Region            
Northeast 599 7,888 1,219 14,367 883 10,656
Midwest 988 9,735 1,986 18,175 1,340 13,253
South 1,283 16,835 2,550 29,688 1,468 20,004
West 741 9,631 1,485 17,540 1,001 12,323
County Type2            
Large MSA 1,766 23,665 3,740 44,055 2,560 31,854
Small MSA 1,234 13,222 2,362 23,495 1,447 16,471
MiSA 358 4,251 696 7,436 412 5,013
Noncore Adjacent with Town 194 2,060 325 3,340 208 2,025
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 459 * 720 * 420
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 433 * 724 * 453
Table 4.8 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 37.2 44.4 73.7 79.2 51.1 59.1
Less Than High School 33.1 34.4 66.9 69.3 32.9 32.0
High School Graduate 38.7 44.9 74.1 78.8 49.4 56.0
Some College 38.9 46.0 75.8 81.4 55.1 62.4
College Graduate 35.5 46.5 75.3 81.5 61.2 69.9
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 28.8 32.2 64.1 68.6 29.2 31.7
$20,000-49,999 36.1 42.1 72.8 77.6 47.1 52.7
$50,000-74,999 42.2 47.1 78.5 82.7 58.7 66.1
$75,000 or More 38.2 49.2 75.2 82.0 59.9 69.9
Geographic Region            
Northeast 34.1 41.8 69.7 76.0 53.6 59.4
Midwest 37.2 44.3 74.3 81.1 54.4 62.9
South 37.6 46.6 73.9 80.5 45.0 57.4
West 39.3 43.1 76.4 77.8 55.5 57.9
County Type2            
Large MSA 35.4 42.6 73.9 78.5 53.8 59.8
Small MSA 39.8 46.6 75.9 81.3 49.7 60.6
MiSA 38.1 46.2 72.2 79.2 46.6 57.0
Noncore Adjacent with Town 38.5 48.6 63.6 76.5 45.3 49.8
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 51.0 * 77.9 * 48.6
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 41.6 * 69.9 * 47.8
Table 4.9 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Year Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
No Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
No Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
No Past Year
Illicit Drug Dependence or Abuse
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Dependence or abuse is based on the definition found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 29.5 44.2 70.6 78.9 38.4 59.0
18-25 26.6 33.8 69.3 77.5 30.9 40.5
26-34 29.8 40.0 70.9 79.6 37.5 57.1
35-49 34.3 46.5 73.9 80.0 45.4 62.7
50-64 * 49.0 * 77.2 * 62.7
Male 30.2 44.5 69.2 76.7 37.3 57.2
Female 27.8 43.7 74.1 81.9 40.8 61.4
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 28.9 45.0 69.8 79.8 39.9 61.7
White 27.9 43.1 68.4 78.7 39.3 61.1
Black or African American 34.5 56.9 76.6 87.2 40.5 66.5
American Indian or Alaska Native * 55.0 * 85.6 * 63.9
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * 53.9 * * * *
Asian * 41.9 * 77.5 * 57.6
Two or More Races * 42.8 * 80.0 * 62.9
Hispanic or Latino 32.6 38.6 74.9 73.0 30.0 40.8
Table 4.10 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Year Alcohol Dependence or Abuse: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
No Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
No Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
No Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Dependence or abuse is based on the definition found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 37.2 44.4 74.9 79.1 51.0 59.2
18-25 29.2 34.1 73.4 77.7 36.7 40.4
26-34 34.1 40.4 73.4 80.2 49.8 57.4
35-49 43.1 46.6 77.0 80.1 58.6 62.7
50-64 45.8 49.0 75.8 77.1 61.8 62.6
Male 38.0 44.8 73.1 76.9 49.5 57.5
Female 35.0 44.0 80.3 81.9 55.5 61.3
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 38.1 45.2 76.0 79.9 54.1 61.9
White 36.3 43.4 74.8 78.8 54.7 61.2
Black or African American 51.6 56.6 84.8 87.1 51.5 66.9
American Indian or Alaska Native * 54.9 * 83.8 * 65.1
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * * * *
Asian * 42.0 * 77.5 * 58.2
Two or More Races * 42.7 * 80.3 * 63.4
Hispanic or Latino 32.1 39.2 68.5 73.6 32.9 41.3
Table 4.11 Workplace Provides Educational Information, Prepares a Written Policy, or Maintains an EAP concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Year Alcohol Dependence or Abuse: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Educational Information about Drug or Alcohol Use Written Policy about
Drug or Alcohol Use
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
No Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
No Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
No Past Year
Alcohol Dependence or Abuse
EAP = Employee Assistance Program.
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Dependence or abuse is based on the definition found in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
1 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 37.2 44.4 74.9 79.1 51.0 59.2
Less Than High School 29.0 34.9 66.6 69.4 28.1 32.6
High School Graduate 41.0 44.6 76.4 78.6 48.6 56.1
Some College 38.6 46.1 76.3 81.4 55.3 62.4
College Graduate 36.3 46.6 77.0 81.4 64.4 69.7
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 28.8 32.4 64.4 68.7 28.7 31.9
$20,000-49,999 34.9 42.2 74.3 77.4 47.1 52.7
$50,000-74,999 41.8 47.1 81.2 82.4 59.9 66.0
$75,000 or More 42.0 48.9 77.0 81.9 62.3 69.7
Geographic Region            
Northeast 33.1 41.9 70.9 75.8 52.6 59.5
Midwest 39.5 44.1 76.8 80.8 56.0 62.7
South 37.1 46.7 74.9 80.4 46.7 57.2
West 37.8 43.3 75.8 77.9 50.7 58.5
County Type1            
Large MSA 35.8 42.6 74.4 78.5 52.1 60.0
Small MSA 39.0 46.7 77.1 81.2 50.8 60.5
MiSA 38.1 46.1 75.6 78.8 50.4 56.6
Noncore Adjacent with Town 39.0 48.4 66.8 76.0 42.4 50.0
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 49.9 * 77.8 * 47.8
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 41.2 77.2 69.0 * 47.3
Table 5.1 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 35.4 38,743 48.8 54,019 42.9 47,050 29.6 32,015
18-25 30.5 4,306 46.7 6,654 39.0 5,534 27.3 3,799
26-34 34.2 8,175 49.9 12,058 44.3 10,631 29.6 6,978
35-49 37.5 16,934 50.4 23,025 44.7 20,220 30.6 13,669
50-64 35.3 9,328 46.0 12,282 40.8 10,666 29.1 7,569
Male 37.7 23,969 51.4 32,953 45.8 29,034 33.0 20,736
Female 32.1 14,775 45.1 21,065 39.1 18,016 24.9 11,279
Hispanic Origin and Race                
Not Hispanic or Latino 35.1 33,235 49.1 47,130 43.1 40,828 29.7 27,862
White 33.3 25,181 46.9 35,975 40.5 30,691 28.3 21,201
Black or African American 46.7 5,914 63.1 8,058 58.1 7,340 41.9 5,201
American Indian or Alaska Native 48.1 277 59.9 342 50.8 289 48.0 272
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * 56.5 203 53.5 191 35.3 119
Asian 30.3 1,368 44.5 2,048 41.8 1,881 17.4 759
Two or More Races 34.4 347 49.1 504 42.8 436 30.9 311
Hispanic or Latino 37.4 5,508 46.5 6,888 42.3 6,222 28.7 4,152
Table 5.2 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristics: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 35.4 38,743 48.8 54,019 42.9 47,050 29.6 32,015
Less Than High School 38.6 5,351 48.1 6,698 42.5 5,890 32.9 4,497
High School Graduate 40.6 13,773 54.6 18,786 48.5 16,528 35.0 11,805
Some College 37.9 10,866 51.7 15,068 45.7 13,142 32.1 9,109
College Graduate 26.5 8,753 40.4 13,467 35.0 11,490 20.4 6,603
Family Income                
Less Than $20,000 30.9 3,521 42.2 4,846 36.3 4,143 27.2 3,053
$20,000-49,999 36.7 14,690 49.8 20,137 44.0 17,643 31.2 12,336
$50,000-74,999 38.7 9,178 52.3 12,563 45.9 10,858 32.1 7,508
$75,000 or More 33.0 11,354 47.3 16,472 41.9 14,407 26.8 9,118
Geographic Region                
Northeast 26.8 5,557 38.7 8,058 34.4 7,073 20.4 4,150
Midwest 36.7 9,080 50.6 12,675 44.5 10,986 27.9 6,814
South 39.6 15,771 54.7 22,079 48.2 19,304 36.7 14,538
West 34.3 8,335 45.6 11,207 39.9 9,688 27.3 6,513
County Type1                
Large MSA 33.3 20,244 46.6 28,628 41.7 25,307 26.5 15,873
Small MSA 37.4 11,813 51.7 16,506 45.1 14,253 32.3 10,074
MiSA 38.7 3,949 51.9 5,379 44.7 4,571 35.1 3,581
Noncore Adjacent with Town 39.9 1,940 50.3 2,462 42.7 2,074 35.2 1,698
Noncore Adjacent, No Town 36.3 365 48.2 494 41.4 420 37.7 378
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent 38.6 433 48.3 549 37.7 425 36.8 411
Table 5.3 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 25.3 36.3 39.5 49.6 31.9 44.0 20.9 30.4
18-25 21.0 32.8 37.6 48.8 29.4 41.3 19.7 29.1
26-34 23.5 35.5 38.3 51.3 32.0 45.8 20.0 30.8
35-49 29.5 38.1 42.4 51.0 34.2 45.5 22.6 31.2
50-64 29.6 35.5 38.1 46.2 31.3 41.0 20.4 29.3
Male 26.1 39.0 40.0 52.7 32.7 47.2 21.9 34.2
Female 23.7 32.6 38.5 45.5 30.2 39.7 18.7 25.3
Hispanic Origin and Race                
Not Hispanic or Latino 25.4 36.0 39.9 50.0 31.9 44.1 21.2 30.6
White 24.0 34.2 38.3 47.8 30.1 41.5 20.0 29.1
Black or African American 32.5 48.0 48.9 64.3 42.9 59.5 29.4 43.0
American Indian or Alaska Native * 48.3 * 59.6 * 50.0 * 48.6
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * * * * * *
Asian * 30.4 * 44.7 * 42.0 * 17.4
Two or More Races * 35.1 40.1 50.5 24.0 45.7 * 32.2
Hispanic or Latino 25.1 38.3 36.7 47.2 31.6 43.0 17.8 29.5
Table 5.4 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 25.3 36.3 39.5 49.6 31.9 44.0 20.9 30.4
Less Than High School 27.8 40.0 39.6 49.2 31.5 43.9 24.0 34.0
High School Graduate 29.8 41.7 45.5 55.5 35.8 49.8 23.7 36.1
Some College 25.5 39.1 40.0 52.9 33.7 46.8 20.8 33.2
College Graduate 16.0 27.1 29.1 41.1 23.7 35.7 13.9 20.8
Family Income                
Less Than $20,000 20.8 32.5 34.8 43.3 26.2 37.9 20.2 28.3
$20,000-49,999 26.4 37.8 41.0 50.7 33.3 45.1 24.4 31.9
$50,000-74,999 29.7 39.4 44.1 53.0 34.5 46.9 19.4 33.2
$75,000 or More 23.1 33.6 36.4 48.0 31.5 42.6 16.3 27.5
Geographic Region                
Northeast 17.7 27.8 28.2 39.8 23.8 35.4 14.5 21.0
Midwest 26.3 37.7 42.6 51.3 35.9 45.3 21.1 28.5
South 29.9 40.4 45.1 55.5 35.3 49.3 26.1 37.6
West 24.6 35.3 38.4 46.3 30.5 40.9 18.7 28.1
County Type2                
Large MSA 24.3 34.1 38.1 47.4 31.5 42.6 18.6 27.3
Small MSA 26.2 38.6 41.3 52.7 32.0 46.4 23.9 33.1
MiSA 27.0 39.6 42.6 52.6 34.1 45.5 23.2 36.0
Noncore Adjacent with Town 29.9 40.6 39.7 51.0 33.4 43.4 24.9 35.9
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 36.1 * 48.5 * 41.4 * 38.4
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 39.6 * 49.3 * 38.8 * 37.5
Table 5.5 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 3,313 35,431 4,892 49,127 4,071 42,980 2,922 29,093
18-25 559 3,748 989 5,664 802 4,732 560 3,238
26-34 818 7,357 1,253 10,804 1,025 9,605 721 6,257
35-49 1,428 15,506 1,964 21,061 1,664 18,556 1,220 12,449
50-64 508 8,820 685 11,597 580 10,086 420 7,149
Male 2,825 21,143 4,115 28,839 3,436 25,599 2,538 18,197
Female 487 14,287 777 20,288 635 17,381 384 10,895
Hispanic Origin and Race                
Not Hispanic or Latino 2,958 30,277 4,376 42,755 3,642 37,186 2,615 25,247
White 2,546 22,634 3,778 32,198 3,102 27,588 2,258 18,943
Black or African American 321 5,593 455 7,603 415 6,924 271 4,931
American Indian or Alaska Native * 250 * 304 * 256 * 235
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * * * * * *
Asian * 1,343 * 1,996 * 1,832 * 739
Two or More Races * 321 * 467 * 406 * 290
Hispanic or Latino 355 5,154 516 6,372 428 5,794 307 3,845
Table 5.6 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 33.6 35.5 49.5 48.7 41.5 43.1 30.0 29.6
18-25 24.0 31.8 42.4 47.5 34.4 39.9 24.5 27.8
26-34 32.2 34.5 49.2 50.0 40.4 44.8 28.8 29.7
35-49 38.7 37.4 52.8 50.2 45.0 44.7 33.1 30.4
50-64 39.6 35.1 53.5 45.7 46.4 40.5 33.3 28.9
Male 35.7 38.0 51.8 51.4 43.5 46.1 32.3 33.1
Female 25.3 32.4 40.3 45.3 33.1 39.3 20.3 25.1
Hispanic Origin and Race                
Not Hispanic or Latino 33.5 35.2 49.3 49.1 41.4 43.2 29.9 29.7
White 32.4 33.4 48.0 46.8 39.8 40.6 29.1 28.2
Black or African American 45.7 46.8 64.4 63.0 58.8 58.1 39.2 42.0
American Indian or Alaska Native * 47.6 * 58.4 * 49.4 * 45.7
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * * * * * *
Asian * 30.7 * 44.8 * 42.0 * 17.5
Two or More Races * 34.4 * 49.0 * 43.0 * 31.1
Hispanic or Latino 35.1 37.5 51.6 46.1 42.4 42.2 30.7 28.5
Table 5.7 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 33.6 35.5 49.5 48.7 41.5 43.1 30.0 29.6
Less Than High School 37.3 38.8 49.9 47.9 39.1 42.9 32.2 32.9
High School Graduate 36.9 41.0 53.6 54.7 45.3 48.8 33.7 35.1
Some College 34.4 38.2 51.0 51.8 44.3 45.8 31.5 32.2
College Graduate 25.4 26.6 41.2 40.3 33.9 35.1 20.9 20.4
Family Income                
Less Than $20,000 26.0 31.4 38.5 42.6 30.8 36.9 24.9 27.5
$20,000-49,999 34.4 37.0 50.7 49.7 42.5 44.1 30.5 31.3
$50,000-74,999 39.3 38.6 56.5 51.9 46.1 45.9 34.9 31.8
$75,000 or More 30.9 33.1 46.5 47.3 40.7 42.0 27.2 26.7
Geographic Region                
Northeast 24.3 27.1 37.6 38.8 32.8 34.5 21.4 20.4
Midwest 35.7 36.9 50.7 50.5 43.9 44.6 29.4 27.8
South 36.4 39.9 53.6 54.8 44.5 48.5 35.7 36.8
West 34.4 34.3 51.6 45.1 40.7 39.9 28.5 27.2
County Type2                
Large MSA 30.2 33.6 46.9 46.6 39.9 41.8 26.3 26.6
Small MSA 35.8 37.6 52.2 51.6 42.9 45.4 32.7 32.3
MiSA 41.0 38.4 53.9 51.7 44.1 44.7 35.2 35.1
Noncore Adjacent with Town 38.6 40.0 51.0 50.2 44.1 42.6 35.7 35.2
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 36.2 * 48.6 * 42.1 * 37.5
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 38.5 * 48.0 * 37.3 * 36.4
Table 5.8 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Marijuana Use: Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 1,580 37,163 2,667 51,351 2,066 44,985 1,338 30,676
18-25 445 3,862 827 5,827 625 4,910 410 3,389
26-34 398 7,777 702 11,356 560 10,070 351 6,627
35-49 610 16,324 962 22,063 742 19,478 492 13,177
50-64 127 9,201 * 12,106 139 10,526 85 7,484
Male 1,164 22,805 1,917 31,036 1,501 27,533 1,006 19,730
Female 416 14,358 751 20,315 565 17,452 332 10,946
Hispanic Origin and Race                
Not Hispanic or Latino 1,455 31,780 2,452 44,678 1,890 38,938 1,245 26,617
White 1,145 24,036 1,960 34,015 1,476 29,215 978 20,223
Black or African American 249 5,665 394 7,664 338 7,002 224 4,977
American Indian or Alaska Native * 269 * 328 * 277 * 265
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * 184 * * * *
Asian * 1,356 * 2,026 * 1,862 * 752
Two or More Races * 316 * 461 27 410 * 286
Hispanic or Latino 125 5,383 215 6,674 175 6,047 93 4,059
Table 5.9 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 22.2 36.3 37.3 49.5 29.0 43.9 18.9 30.4
18-25 19.6 32.6 36.2 48.7 27.4 41.2 18.2 29.1
26-34 20.4 35.4 35.8 51.2 28.6 45.7 18.0 30.7
35-49 25.7 38.2 40.2 50.9 31.1 45.5 20.6 31.2
50-64 25.0 35.5 * 46.3 27.5 41.0 16.8 29.3
Male 23.1 39.0 37.8 52.6 29.7 47.2 20.0 34.1
Female 20.2 32.6 36.0 45.5 27.2 39.6 16.2 25.3
Hispanic Origin and Race                
Not Hispanic or Latino 22.7 36.0 37.9 49.9 29.3 44.1 19.4 30.5
White 21.3 34.2 36.2 47.7 27.4 41.5 18.2 29.1
Black or African American 30.5 47.9 48.0 64.1 41.3 59.3 27.7 42.8
American Indian or Alaska Native * 49.0 * 60.3 * 51.0 * 49.2
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * 56.4 * * * *
Asian * 30.5 * 44.7 * 42.0 * 17.5
Two or More Races * 35.2 * 50.3 23.8 45.1 * 31.8
Hispanic or Latino 18.4 38.3 31.2 47.2 25.5 43.1 13.5 29.4
Table 5.10 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Marijuana Use: Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 1,580 37,163 2,667 51,351 2,066 44,985 1,338 30,676
Less Than High School 299 5,052 455 6,242 349 5,541 269 4,228
High School Graduate 638 13,134 1,063 17,723 792 15,737 538 11,267
Some College 448 10,418 758 14,310 621 12,521 356 8,753
College Graduate 195 8,558 391 13,076 303 11,187 175 6,429
Family Income                
Less Than $20,000 208 3,313 383 4,463 276 3,867 213 2,841
$20,000-49,999 685 14,005 1,143 18,994 900 16,743 637 11,699
$50,000-74,999 370 8,808 588 11,975 427 10,430 247 7,261
$75,000 or More 317 11,038 553 15,919 463 13,944 242 8,876
Geographic Region                
Northeast 250 5,307 441 7,617 368 6,705 211 3,939
Midwest 372 8,707 642 12,032 516 10,470 293 6,521
South 588 15,183 965 21,114 713 18,591 560 13,978
West 369 7,966 619 10,588 469 9,218 273 6,239
County Type1                
Large MSA 836 19,408 1,459 27,169 1,152 24,154 654 15,218
Small MSA 518 11,295 877 15,630 657 13,596 488 9,586
MiSA 146 3,802 230 5,149 173 4,397 122 3,459
Noncore Adjacent with Town 66 1,874 84 2,378 69 2,005 60 1,638
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 358 * 486 * 413 * 373
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 426 * 538 * 418 * 402
Table 5.11 Workplace Tests Employees for Alcohol or Drug Use, during Hiring Process or on a Random Basis concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Tests for Alcohol Use Tests for Drug Use Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 22.2 36.3 37.3 49.5 29.0 43.9 18.9 30.4
Less Than High School 25.0 39.9 37.8 49.1 29.2 43.8 22.6 33.8
High School Graduate 26.5 41.7 43.6 55.5 32.6 49.7 22.2 36.0
Some College 22.2 39.0 37.4 52.8 30.7 46.8 17.8 33.2
College Graduate 13.2 27.1 26.4 41.0 20.5 35.7 11.8 20.8
Family Income                
Less Than $20,000 18.0 32.4 32.9 43.3 23.7 37.7 18.6 28.2
$20,000-49,999 23.2 37.8 38.3 50.7 30.4 45.1 21.6 32.0
$50,000-74,999 26.9 39.4 42.3 52.9 30.8 46.9 17.9 33.0
$75,000 or More 19.7 33.6 34.2 47.9 28.7 42.5 15.0 27.4
Geographic Region                
Northeast 16.0 27.7 28.0 39.6 23.4 35.3 13.6 21.0
Midwest 24.0 37.6 40.7 51.2 33.0 45.3 18.9 28.6
South 25.8 40.4 42.1 55.4 31.2 49.2 24.6 37.5
West 21.7 35.3 36.2 46.3 27.4 40.9 16.0 28.1
County Type1                
Large MSA 20.7 34.2 35.9 47.4 28.4 42.6 16.2 27.3
Small MSA 23.5 38.5 39.5 52.6 29.8 46.3 22.2 33.1
MiSA 25.8 39.4 40.1 52.6 30.5 45.5 21.3 35.9
Noncore Adjacent with Town 29.8 40.4 37.8 50.9 31.0 43.3 27.2 35.6
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 36.8 * 49.0 * 42.1 * 38.4
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 39.4 * 49.1 * 38.4 * 37.3
Table 5.12 Type of Testing Program Reported concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Establishment Size: Percentages and Numbers in Thousands, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Establishment Size Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
Percentage Number
(in Thousands)
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
NOTE: Respondents with unknown workplace testing information were excluded.
1 Estimates include respondents with unknown establishment size information.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total1 42.9 47,050 29.6 32,015
Less Than 10 Employees 19.0 5,383 14.5 4,097
10-24 Employees 33.7 6,313 26.2 4,867
25-99 Employees 44.1 11,118 32.4 8,099
100-499 Employees 61.6 13,279 40.2 8,537
500 or More Employees 70.6 10,832 42.6 6,311
Table 6.1 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring or Who Test Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Employer Tests before Hiring Employer Tests Randomly
More Likely Less Likely Would Make
No Difference
More Likely Less Likely Would Make
No Difference
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 46.0 4.9 49.1 39.8 8.7 51.4
18-25 36.7 5.6 57.8 31.4 10.0 58.6
26-34 43.1 4.8 52.1 36.6 9.1 54.3
35-49 47.1 5.1 47.8 40.9 9.1 50.0
50-64 51.6 4.2 44.2 45.5 7.1 47.4
Male 47.4 5.6 47.1 41.1 9.8 49.1
Female 44.1 4.0 51.9 38.2 7.3 54.5
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 44.8 5.1 50.0 38.3 9.3 52.4
White 43.4 5.5 51.1 36.8 9.7 53.5
Black or African American 51.4 2.7 45.9 45.7 6.5 47.8
American Indian or Alaska Native 51.8 4.0 44.2 47.2 7.0 45.8
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 54.0 * 33.5 50.6 11.1 38.3
Asian 49.2 5.3 45.4 40.8 10.1 49.1
Two or More Races 43.6 6.0 50.4 37.4 10.6 52.0
Hispanic or Latino 53.3 3.5 43.2 50.1 5.1 44.9
Table 6.2 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring or Who Test Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Employer Tests before Hiring Employer Tests Randomly
More Likely Less Likely Would Make
No Difference
More Likely Less Likely Would Make
No Difference
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 46.0 4.9 49.1 39.8 8.7 51.4
Less Than High School 51.3 4.3 44.3 48.7 6.1 45.1
High School Graduate 50.0 3.7 46.3 44.7 6.0 49.3
Some College 48.0 4.0 48.0 40.7 8.3 50.9
College Graduate 37.9 7.1 55.0 30.6 12.9 56.5
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 46.2 5.4 48.4 42.6 8.2 49.2
$20,000-49,999 46.7 4.6 48.7 41.6 7.7 50.7
$50,000-74,999 47.4 4.3 48.3 40.6 8.1 51.2
$75,000 or More 44.1 5.4 50.5 36.4 10.5 53.1
Geographic Region            
Northeast 35.6 6.2 58.2 30.4 10.6 59.0
Midwest 46.1 4.4 49.6 38.3 8.5 53.2
South 51.1 3.4 45.5 45.8 6.1 48.1
Midwest 46.3 6.8 46.9 39.8 11.7 48.5
County Type1            
Large MSA 43.2 5.6 51.2 36.8 10.5 52.7
Small MSA 48.5 4.4 47.1 42.0 7.6 50.4
MiSA 50.3 3.2 46.5 45.2 5.0 49.8
Noncore Adjacent with Town 52.0 3.2 44.8 48.8 4.2 47.0
Noncore Adjacent, No Town 52.4 3.1 44.5 46.9 3.7 49.5
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent 54.3 3.6 42.1 49.3 4.6 46.2
Table 6.3 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Employer Tests before Hiring
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 20.6 48.2 18.2 3.7 61.2 48.1
18-25 17.7 41.1 16.9 2.9 65.4 56.0
26-34 19.9 45.7 17.5 3.4 62.6 50.9
35-49 23.1 48.9 19.2 4.1 57.7 47.0
50-64 23.2 52.3 21.2 3.7 55.6 43.9
Male 20.6 50.2 19.8 4.0 59.7 45.7
Female 20.7 45.6 14.9 3.3 64.4 51.1
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 19.3 47.2 19.0 3.8 61.7 49.0
White 17.0 46.0 20.5 4.0 62.5 50.0
Black or African American 31.5 53.1 9.4 2.1 59.0 44.8
American Indian or Alaska Native * 53.6 * 3.5 * 42.9
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * * * 31.9
Asian * 49.7 * 5.1 * 45.2
Two or More Races 24.3 46.6 22.0 3.6 53.7 49.9
Hispanic or Latino 31.2 54.9 11.8 2.9 57.0 42.2
Table 6.4 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Employer Tests before Hiring
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 20.6 48.2 18.2 3.7 61.2 48.1
Less Than High School 25.5 54.6 14.0 3.1 60.5 42.3
High School Graduate 23.2 52.7 17.1 2.4 59.8 44.9
Some College 21.2 50.6 15.0 3.0 63.8 46.5
College Graduate 11.9 39.5 27.5 5.8 60.6 54.7
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 24.2 49.5 20.3 3.2 55.5 47.3
$20,000-49,999 21.7 49.2 18.0 3.2 60.3 47.5
$50,000-74,999 19.2 49.7 16.4 3.4 64.4 47.0
$75,000 or More 17.4 45.8 18.6 4.6 64.0 49.6
Geographic Region            
Northeast 13.8 37.8 21.0 4.7 65.3 57.5
Midwest 22.3 48.1 16.6 3.3 61.1 48.6
South 24.4 53.3 14.1 2.5 61.5 44.2
West 19.8 48.9 23.0 5.2 57.2 45.9
County Type2            
Large MSA 19.7 45.4 18.7 4.4 61.6 50.2
Small MSA 21.4 51.1 17.9 3.1 60.6 45.8
MiSA 22.5 52.4 16.9 2.1 60.6 45.4
Noncore Adjacent with Town 20.8 54.0 15.7 2.4 63.5 43.6
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 53.3 * 2.3 * 44.3
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 56.1 * 2.7 * 41.2
Table 6.5 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Employer Tests Randomly
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 15.9 42.0 29.1 6.9 55.0 51.1
18-25 13.4 35.6 27.6 5.9 59.0 58.6
26-34 14.8 39.1 30.8 6.6 54.4 54.3
35-49 17.6 42.6 28.6 7.6 53.8 49.7
50-64 21.6 46.2 30.5 6.4 47.8 47.4
Male 15.8 43.8 31.0 7.5 53.2 48.7
Female 16.0 39.7 25.0 6.1 58.9 54.2
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 14.6 40.5 30.3 7.4 55.0 52.2
White 13.3 39.0 31.5 7.6 55.3 53.3
Black or African American 21.5 47.8 24.5 4.9 54.0 47.3
American Indian or Alaska Native * 48.4 * 6.2 * 45.4
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * 7.8 * 36.4
Asian * 41.1 * 9.9 * 48.9
Two or More Races 14.2 41.0 32.7 7.2 53.1 51.8
Hispanic or Latino 26.5 51.8 18.6 4.1 54.9 44.1
Table 6.6 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Illicit Drug Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Employer Tests Randomly
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
No Past Month
Illicit Drug Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 15.9 42.0 29.1 6.9 55.0 51.1
Less Than High School 20.3 52.4 24.7 3.8 55.0 43.9
High School Graduate 18.5 47.3 24.8 4.1 56.7 48.6
Some College 15.2 43.2 28.7 6.4 56.2 50.4
College Graduate 9.3 31.9 39.8 11.3 50.9 56.9
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 19.1 46.1 29.9 4.9 51.0 48.9
$20,000-49,999 17.7 44.0 28.1 5.7 54.2 50.3
$50,000-74,999 13.7 42.8 29.3 6.4 57.0 50.8
$75,000 or More 12.4 37.9 29.9 9.2 57.7 52.8
Geographic Region            
Northeast 11.2 32.3 30.8 8.6 58.0 59.1
Midwest 15.4 40.3 29.5 6.7 55.1 53.0
South 19.4 48.0 23.6 4.6 57.0 47.4
West 15.6 42.2 34.8 9.5 49.6 48.4
County Type2            
Large MSA 15.0 38.8 31.7 8.5 53.3 52.7
Small MSA 16.8 44.4 27.2 5.7 55.9 49.8
MiSA 18.8 47.2 21.6 3.8 59.6 49.1
Noncore Adjacent with Town 16.2 51.0 21.7 3.0 62.2 46.0
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 48.6 * 3.0 * 48.4
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 51.0 * 3.4 * 45.6
Table 6.7 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Employer Tests before Hiring
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 33.7 47.1 8.2 4.6 58.0 48.3
18-25 23.6 39.2 10.2 4.7 66.2 56.1
26-34 31.9 44.4 7.5 4.5 60.7 51.1
35-49 38.3 47.9 7.6 4.9 54.0 47.2
50-64 42.7 52.0 7.9 4.0 49.4 44.0
Male 35.6 49.0 8.7 5.1 55.8 45.9
Female 26.4 44.9 6.5 3.9 67.1 51.3
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 32.1 46.1 8.4 4.8 59.4 49.1
White 30.9 44.8 8.9 5.1 60.2 50.1
Black or African American 43.7 51.8 4.2 2.6 52.1 45.6
American Indian or Alaska Native * 52.7 * 4.1 * 43.3
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * * * 31.5
Asian * 49.6 * 5.4 * 45.0
Two or More Races * 44.0 * 5.4 * 50.5
Hispanic or Latino 47.7 53.7 6.6 3.3 45.8 43.0
Table 6.8 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Employer Tests before Hiring
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 33.7 47.1 8.2 4.6 58.0 48.3
Less Than High School 38.9 52.8 8.3 3.8 52.8 43.3
High School Graduate 36.9 51.5 7.9 3.2 55.2 45.3
Some College 34.8 49.3 7.6 3.7 57.6 47.0
College Graduate 24.5 38.9 9.5 6.9 66.1 54.2
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 28.6 48.1 12.0 4.7 59.3 47.2
$20,000-49,999 33.5 48.1 8.5 4.2 58.0 47.7
$50,000-74,999 35.8 48.5 7.4 4.0 56.8 47.4
$75,000 or More 34.6 44.8 6.9 5.3 58.4 49.9
Geographic Region            
Northeast 25.2 36.6 10.8 5.8 64.0 57.6
Midwest 34.3 47.5 6.8 4.1 58.8 48.5
South 39.4 52.2 5.5 3.2 55.1 44.6
West 30.9 47.6 12.7 6.3 56.4 46.0
County Type2            
Large MSA 31.7 44.2 9.4 5.3 58.9 50.5
Small MSA 35.7 49.9 7.1 4.1 57.2 46.0
MiSA 34.0 51.9 7.6 2.8 58.5 45.3
Noncore Adjacent with Town 39.0 53.5 5.7 2.9 55.3 43.6
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 54.7 8.2 2.6 * 42.6
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 54.5 * 3.4 * 42.2
Table 6.9 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Employer Tests Randomly
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 28.0 41.0 15.0 8.1 57.0 50.9
18-25 19.3 33.7 18.1 8.4 62.5 57.9
26-34 26.7 37.7 15.4 8.4 57.9 53.9
35-49 30.9 41.7 14.0 8.7 55.1 49.6
50-64 37.6 45.9 11.7 6.8 50.7 47.3
Male 29.9 42.6 15.3 9.0 54.7 48.3
Female 20.0 39.0 13.8 7.0 66.2 54.0
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 26.1 39.5 15.7 8.7 58.2 51.8
White 24.9 38.1 16.1 9.0 59.0 52.9
Black or African American 37.5 46.2 12.2 6.1 50.3 47.7
American Indian or Alaska Native * 47.6 * 6.9 * 45.5
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * 10.0 * 37.7
Asian * 41.0 7.4 10.1 * 48.8
Two or More Races * 38.5 17.0 10.1 * 51.4
Hispanic or Latino 43.9 50.5 9.3 4.8 46.8 44.7
Table 6.10 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Heavy Alcohol Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Employer Tests Randomly
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
No Past Month
Heavy Alcohol Use1
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Heavy Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 28.0 41.0 15.0 8.1 57.0 50.9
Less Than High School 34.8 50.4 12.0 5.4 53.2 44.1
High School Graduate 31.5 46.2 12.4 5.3 56.1 48.6
Some College 28.0 42.0 16.1 7.6 55.9 50.5
College Graduate 18.2 31.4 19.7 12.4 62.1 56.1
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 25.7 44.4 18.8 7.1 55.5 48.5
$20,000-49,999 27.9 43.0 13.8 7.1 58.3 49.9
$50,000-74,999 31.4 41.6 14.4 7.5 54.2 50.9
$75,000 or More 26.1 37.2 15.8 10.1 58.1 52.7
Geographic Region            
Northeast 21.1 31.2 17.7 9.9 61.1 58.8
Midwest 25.7 39.7 14.1 7.9 60.2 52.4
South 34.5 46.9 11.7 5.5 53.8 47.6
West 25.7 41.0 19.8 11.0 54.5 48.0
County Type2            
Large MSA 25.5 37.8 18.4 9.8 56.1 52.4
Small MSA 30.6 43.2 12.2 7.1 57.1 49.6
MiSA 27.9 46.9 11.2 4.4 60.9 48.7
Noncore Adjacent with Town 35.4 50.3 8.7 3.7 55.9 46.0
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 49.3 6.4 3.4 * 47.3
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 50.0 * 4.2 * 45.8
Table 6.11 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Employer Tests before Hiring
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 15.5 48.0 21.2 3.8 63.3 48.2
18-25 14.7 40.8 19.0 3.0 66.3 56.2
26-34 14.2 45.6 20.8 3.4 65.0 51.0
35-49 17.4 48.7 22.8 4.2 59.8 47.1
50-64 15.6 52.3 24.7 3.8 59.8 43.9
Male 16.1 50.0 22.3 4.1 61.6 45.8
Female 14.1 45.5 18.4 3.3 67.5 51.2
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 15.0 47.0 21.9 3.9 63.1 49.1
White 12.8 45.7 23.5 4.1 63.6 50.2
Black or African American 27.7 53.0 11.1 2.1 61.2 44.9
American Indian or Alaska Native * 53.7 * 3.5 * 42.9
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * * * * * 31.8
Asian * 49.7 * 5.2 * 45.1
Two or More Races 23.0 46.1 26.1 3.6 50.9 50.3
Hispanic or Latino 20.4 54.9 14.8 3.0 64.9 42.2
Table 6.12 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing before Hiring concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Employer Tests before Hiring
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 15.5 48.0 21.2 3.8 63.3 48.2
Less Than High School 20.3 54.3 16.8 3.2 62.9 42.6
High School Graduate 18.2 52.5 19.9 2.5 61.9 45.1
Some College 16.2 50.4 17.9 3.0 65.9 46.6
College Graduate 6.4 39.3 31.2 6.0 62.3 54.7
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 19.7 49.1 24.2 3.4 56.1 47.5
$20,000-49,999 16.2 49.1 20.9 3.3 62.8 47.6
$50,000-74,999 14.1 49.4 18.8 3.5 67.1 47.1
$75,000 or More 12.5 45.6 21.5 4.7 66.0 49.7
Geographic Region            
Northeast 12.0 37.5 22.8 4.9 65.2 57.6
Midwest 17.0 48.0 20.2 3.3 62.8 48.7
South 18.3 53.1 16.7 2.6 65.0 44.3
West 13.7 48.8 26.6 5.3 59.8 45.9
County Type1            
Large MSA 14.9 45.2 21.3 4.5 63.8 50.3
Small MSA 15.9 50.9 21.3 3.2 62.9 45.9
MiSA 17.3 52.2 21.1 2.2 61.5 45.7
Noncore Adjacent with Town 18.1 53.6 16.7 2.6 65.3 43.8
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 53.7 * 2.3 * 44.0
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 55.6 * 2.9 * 41.5
Table 6.13 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Demographic Characteristics and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Demographic Characteristic Employer Tests Randomly
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 11.4 41.8 33.5 7.1 55.1 51.2
18-25 10.5 35.3 30.9 6.1 58.6 58.6
26-34 9.9 38.9 35.5 6.9 54.6 54.3
35-49 12.6 42.4 33.9 7.8 53.5 49.8
50-64 * 46.1 35.8 6.5 48.9 47.4
Male 11.9 43.5 34.6 7.7 53.5 48.8
Female 10.1 39.5 30.9 6.2 59.0 54.3
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino 10.9 40.2 34.6 7.5 54.6 52.3
White 9.8 38.8 35.8 7.8 54.5 53.4
Black or African American 17.3 47.7 27.4 5.0 55.3 47.3
American Indian or Alaska Native * 48.5 * 6.1 * 45.4
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * 55.1 * 7.7 * 37.2
Asian * 41.2 * 9.9 * 48.9
Two or More Races * 40.1 34.5 7.7 50.1 52.2
Hispanic or Latino 16.3 51.7 23.4 4.2 60.3 44.1
Table 6.14 Employees' Feelings toward Working for Employers Who Conduct Drug Testing Randomly concerning Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64, by Educational Attainment, Family Income, Geographic Characteristics, and Past Month Marijuana Use: Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002-2004
Educational Attainment, Family Income, and Geographic Characteristic Employer Tests Randomly
More Likely Less Likely Would Make No Difference
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
Past Month
Marijuana Use
No Past Month
Marijuana Use
*Low precision; no estimate reported.
1 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Total 11.4 41.8 33.5 7.1 55.1 51.2
Less Than High School 14.5 52.0 29.4 3.9 56.1 44.1
High School Graduate 14.3 47.0 29.1 4.3 56.6 48.8
Some College 11.2 42.9 32.1 6.6 56.7 50.5
College Graduate 4.5 31.7 45.9 11.4 49.7 56.8
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 14.7 45.7 34.6 5.3 50.7 49.0
$20,000-49,999 12.6 43.9 32.6 5.8 54.8 50.4
$50,000-74,999 9.1 42.6 33.8 6.6 57.1 50.9
$75,000 or More 8.9 37.7 34.1 9.4 57.1 53.0
Geographic Region            
Northeast 9.0 32.1 34.0 8.7 57.0 59.2
Midwest 11.9 40.0 34.3 6.8 53.8 53.1
South 14.1 47.7 27.5 4.8 58.4 47.5
West 9.6 42.1 40.1 9.6 50.2 48.4
County Type1            
Large MSA 10.8 38.6 36.3 8.7 52.9 52.7
Small MSA 11.8 44.2 31.4 5.9 56.8 49.9
MiSA 13.3 47.0 26.3 3.8 60.4 49.2
Noncore Adjacent with Town 12.9 50.5 22.8 3.3 64.2 46.2
Noncore Adjacent, No Town * 48.1 * 2.9 * 49.0
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent * 50.4 * 3.8 * 45.9
Table 6.15 Results of Multinomial Logit Model of Willingness to Work for Employers Who Test for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64: 2002-2004
Characteristic Willingness to Work for Employer Who Tests for
Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process
More Likely vs. Would Make
No Difference
Less Likely vs. Would Make
No Difference
Odds Ratio CI (95%) Odds Ratio CI (95%)
CI = confidence interval.
-- Reference level.
a Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
b Statistically significant at the 0.01 level.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Intercept 0.49b 0.45-0.54 0.08b 0.06-0.10
Illicit Drug Use1        
No Lifetime Use -- -- -- --
Lifetime Use, No Past Year Use 0.73b 0.69-0.77 1.24a 1.05-1.47
Past Year Use, No Past Month Use 0.45b 0.41-0.49 1.91b 1.51-2.40
Past Month Use 0.28b 0.26-0.31 5.18b 4.40-6.11
Age Group        
18-25 -- -- -- --
26-34 1.29b 1.21-1.37 1.10 0.97-1.25
35-49 1.53b 1.46-1.62 1.46b 1.31-1.64
50-64 1.69b 1.57-1.83 1.52b 1.27-1.81
Male 1.26b 1.20-1.32 1.38b 1.23-1.54
Female -- -- -- --
Hispanic Origin and Race        
Not Hispanic or Latino        
White -- -- -- --
Black or African American 1.30b 1.19-1.41 0.61b 0.49-0.76
American Indian or Alaska Native 1.21 0.85-1.71 0.88 0.43-1.81
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1.94b 1.25-3.00 2.86a 1.04-7.92
Asian 1.39b 1.19-1.63 1.10 0.80-1.52
Two or More Races 1.06 0.84-1.33 1.01 0.69-1.47
Hispanic or Latino 1.35b 1.23-1.49 0.76b 0.63-0.93
Less Than High School 1.70b 1.55-1.86 0.65b 0.54-0.77
High School Graduate 1.68b 1.57-1.80 0.57b 0.49-0.66
Some College 1.58b 1.47-1.70 0.60b 0.50-0.70
College Graduate -- -- -- --
Family Income        
Less Than $20,000 0.89a 0.81-0.98 1.41b 1.17-1.70
$20,000-49,999 0.90b 0.84-0.97 1.16 1.00-1.34
$50,000-74,999 1.00 0.93-1.08 0.98 0.85-1.14
$75,000 or More -- -- -- --
Geographic Region        
Northeast 0.63b 0.58-0.68 0.76b 0.64-0.90
Midwest 0.96 0.89-1.03 0.66b 0.55-0.79
South 1.10a 1.02-1.19 0.57b 0.48-0.68
West -- -- -- --
County Type2        
Large MSA -- -- -- --
Small MSA 1.23b 1.15-1.30 0.86a 0.76-0.98
MiSA 1.23b 1.14-1.34 0.68b 0.54-0.85
Noncore Adjacent with Town 1.21b 1.08-1.37 0.79 0.56-1.12
Noncore Adjacent, No Town 1.24 0.90-1.70 0.82 0.50-1.37
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent 1.35b 1.10-1.67 0.85 0.54-1.34
Table 6.16 Results of Multinomial Logit Model of Willingness to Work for Employers Who Test for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64: 2002-2004
Characteristic Willingness to Work for Employer Who Tests for
Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
More Likely vs. Would Make
No Difference
Less Likely vs. Would Make
No Difference
Odds Ratio CI (95%) Odds Ratio CI (95%)
CI = confidence interval.
-- Reference level.
a Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
b Statistically significant at the 0.01 level.
1 Illicit Drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used nonmedically.
2 Definitions for county type are based on 2003 Urban Influence Codes (UIC), which are provided as a service by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These estimates are not comparable with estimates by county type published in other NSDUH reports. MSA refers to metropolitan statistical area and MiSA refers to micropolitan statistical area. Noncore is defined as a nonmetro area that does not contain an urban cluster of 10,000 or more residents.
Source: SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Intercept 0.36b 0.32-0.41 0.17b 0.14-0.20
Illicit Drug Use1        
No Lifetime Use -- -- -- --
Lifetime Use, No Past Year Use 0.71b 0.67-0.75 1.32b 1.19-1.48
Past Year Use, No Past Month Use 0.44b 0.40-0.49 2.30b 1.95-2.72
Past Month Use 0.29b 0.26-0.32 5.61b 4.96-6.34
Age Group        
18-25 -- -- -- --
26-34 1.27b 1.20-1.36 1.08 0.97-1.19
35-49 1.59b 1.50-1.67 1.29b 1.18-1.42
50-64 1.76b 1.63-1.90 1.21a 1.05-1.40
Male 1.26b 1.20-1.32 1.37b 1.25-1.49
Female -- -- -- --
Hispanic Origin and Race        
Not Hispanic or Latino        
White -- -- -- --
Black or African American 1.34b 1.22-1.46 0.85a 0.72-0.99
American Indian or Alaska Native 1.28 0.89-1.86 0.97 0.56-1.66
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1.96b 1.21-3.20 1.22 0.68-2.20
Asian 1.35b 1.11-1.64 1.08 0.83-1.40
Two or More Races 1.07 0.86-1.34 1.04 0.73-1.50
Hispanic or Latino 1.47b 1.33-1.62 0.65b 0.54-0.77
Less Than High School 1.89b 1.72-2.09 0.54b 0.46-0.63
High School Graduate 1.74b 1.62-1.87 0.50b 0.45-0.56
Some College 1.57b 1.46-1.69 0.67b 0.59-0.75
College Graduate -- -- -- --
Family Income        
Less Than $20,000 0.97 0.87-1.07 1.15 0.98-1.36
$20,000-49,999 0.95 0.89-1.03 1.02 0.90-1.16
$50,000-74,999 1.02 0.95-1.10 0.95 0.85-1.06
$75,000 or More -- -- -- --
Geographic Region        
Northeast 0.65b 0.60-0.71 0.74b 0.64-0.84
Midwest 0.90a 0.83-0.98 0.72b 0.63-0.82
South 1.13b 1.04-1.23 0.57b 0.50-0.66
West -- -- -- --
County Type2        
Large MSA -- -- -- --
Small MSA 1.21b 1.13-1.29 0.77b 0.70-0.85
MiSA 1.27b 1.17-1.39 0.56b 0.48-0.66
Noncore Adjacent with Town 1.34b 1.19-1.51 0.55b 0.41-0.74
Noncore Adjacent, No Town 1.22 0.84-1.77 0.49b 0.30-0.80
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent 1.38b 1.11-1.71 0.55b 0.36-0.85
Table 6.17 Results of Logistic Models of Employers Who Test for Drug or Alcohol Use among Full-Time Workers Aged 18 to 64: 2002-2004
Characteristic Employer Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use Employer Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use during Hiring Process Employer Tests for Drug or Alcohol Use on a Random Basis
Odds Ratio CI (95%) Odds Ratio CI (95%) Odds Ratio CI (95%)
Intercept 0.51b 0.46-0.57 0.36b 0.32-0.40 0.16b 0.14-0.18
Illicit Drug Use1            
No Lifetime Use -- -- -- -- -- --
Lifetime Use, No Past Year Use 1.02 0.97-1.08 0.98 0.93-1.04 1.00 0.94-1.06
Past Year Use, No Past Month Use 0.81b 0.74-0.89 0.77b 0.70-0.85 0.80b 0.71-0.89
Past Month Use 0.62b 0.57-0.68 0.55b 0.51-0.60 0.55b 0.50-0.60
Age Group            
18-25 -- -- -- -- -- --
26-34 1.12b 1.05-1.19 1.21b 1.15-1.29 1.14b 1.07-1.22
35-49 1.08b 1.03-1.15 1.19b 1.13-1.25 1.15b 1.09-1.22
50-64 0.90a 0.84-0.98 0.99 0.91-1.08 1.05 0.96-1.15
Male 1.35b 1.28-1.42 1.39b 1.32-1.46 1.58b 1.49-1.67
Female -- -- -- -- -- --
Hispanic Origin and Race            
Not Hispanic or Latino            
White -- -- -- -- -- --
Black or African American 2.00b 1.85-2.17 2.08b 1.92-2.24 1.82b 1.68-1.98
American Indian or Alaska Native 1.65b 1.18-2.32 1.58b 1.14-2.17 2.08b 1.48-2.94
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1.65a 1.05-2.58 1.96b 1.24-3.09 1.51 0.93-2.44
Asian 1.16 0.96-1.39 1.27a 1.05-1.53 0.70b 0.57-0.86
Two or More Races 1.14 0.92-1.41 1.15 0.92-1.44 1.15 0.92-1.43
Hispanic or Latino 1.00 0.92-1.09 1.08 0.99-1.18 0.95 0.87-1.04
Less Than High School 1.56b 1.43-1.71 1.56b 1.42-1.70 1.97b 1.77-2.18
High School Graduate 1.86b 1.74-1.98 1.88b 1.75-2.01 2.07b 1.92-2.23
Some College 1.63b 1.52-1.74 1.63b 1.53-1.75 1.84b 1.71-1.98
College Graduate -- -- -- -- -- --
Family Income            
Less Than $20,000 0.58b 0.53-0.63 0.57b 0.52-0.63 0.69b 0.61-0.76
$20,000-49,999 0.85b 0.79-0.91 0.84b 0.78-0.90 0.90b 0.83-0.97
$50,000-74,999 1.04 0.97-1.12 1.00 0.93-1.08 1.06 0.97-1.16
$75,000 or More -- -- -- -- -- --
Geographic Region            
Northeast 0.72b 0.65-0.80 0.77b 0.69-0.85 0.66b 0.59-0.74
Midwest 1.15b 1.05-1.25 1.18b 1.08-1.29 0.92 0.84-1.01
South 1.31b 1.20-1.43 1.31b 1.20-1.42 1.36b 1.25-1.48
West -- -- -- -- -- --
County Type2            
Large MSA -- -- -- -- -- --
Small MSA 1.19b 1.12-1.27 1.14b 1.07-1.22 1.26b 1.18-1.34
MiSA 1.16b 1.07-1.26 1.09a 1.01-1.18 1.38b 1.27-1.50
Noncore Adjacent with Town 1.03 0.92-1.14 0.94 0.84-1.04 1.26b 1.12-1.43
Noncore Adjacent, No Town 0.95 0.71-1.26 0.91 0.64-1.29 1.44a 1.08-1.92
Noncore Rural, Not Adjacent 0.94 0.76-1.16 0.77a 0.60-0.98 1.37a 1.07-1.74

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This page was last updated on June 19, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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