United States Department of Veterans Affairs

National Center for Patient Safety

Dr. Thibault's Medical Resources on the Internet
Created by and used with permission from Glenn F. Thibault, MD, Family Physician at the Pulaski Health Center, Pulaski, NY

Index Links
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  • American Academy of Family Physicians Online CME   Online CME from AAFP-includes American Family Physician journal on-line quizzes, AFP Monographs, Case studies, etc.
  • Cyberounds CME Online   Online CME on recent topics in the news.
  • Doctors Guide to Medical Conferences, Congresses & Meetings   A list of medical conferences being given worldwide, with addresses to write to for further information, sorted by date/location or subject( your choice). The AAFP annual meeting is listed, as well as most CME conferences I know about.
  • Federal Practitioner CME   Online free CME from our Federal Practitioner journal.
  • MedConnect   A Continuing Medical Education resource with Q&A quizzes, cases of the month, pearls, interactive case studies, etc.
  • Medscape CME Center   Medscape has CME for all specialties, this link is for their Family Practice CME.
  • Medscape-Family Practice   Has dermatology atlas, journal club, medical self-assessment quizzes, Dermatology case of the week, Clinical Pearls, other educational tools.
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  • Codes of Ethics Online: Health Care   Has a large list of links to ethics resources online, organized by topic and by medical association or organization authoring the codes.
  • Jewish Medical Ethics   From Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem , provides the Jewish viewpoint on medical ethics with a series of well-written articles on a wide variety of topics---abortion, death & dying, artificial insemination, etc.
  • Islam and Medical Ethics    Provids the Islamic viewpoint on medical ethics, also with a series of well-written articles on Islamic medicine in general and on specific topics-such as abortion, sterilization and on examination of the opposite sex.
  • NIH Links to BioEthics Resources on the Web   A nice set of links from the National Institute of Health.
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  • American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)   This website has a section for members called American Family Physician On-line, and a section free for anyone called Family Medicine On-Line. The journal Americal Family Physician is now on-line, in the free section.
  • FP Notebook   A large collection of resources for FPs, grouped by specialty (Pediatric, Gyn, etc.). Includes a "virtual dietician" and a nice patient education video about vasectomies.
  • GeneClinics Database of Genetic Diseases   A growing collection of the latest, detailed (possibly TOO detailed) information on genetic diseases, including disease characteristics, laboratory testing/diagnosis, differential diagnosis, genetic testing, and treatment.
  • Hardin MetaDirectory: Family Medicine Links   Many links to links for family medicine resources, a virtual "catalogue of catalogues."
  • Hardin MetaDirectory: Geriatrics Links   Many links to links for Geratrics resources, a virtual "catalogue of catalogues."
  • MD Choice: The Ultimate Medical Information Finder.   Formerly called NetMedicine, this site now has both medical provider access and patient access. The medical provider access area has Medline, EKG of the Month, Radiology, Photo Rounds, etc.
  • MDChioce Photo Rounds   Test your mettle with some nice clinical cases and color photos.
  • Rural Family Medicine   Information for rural physicians, including grant opportunities and clinical information such as farm equipment and farm hazards.
  • Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians   A nice site for military FPs. Also has a downloadable version of Dr. Thibault's Medical Resources on the Internet.
  • World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA)   Updates, a newsletter, and membership information regarding this international physician organization dedicated to improving the quality of life.
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  • Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services   Information on Medicaid and Medicare for both physicians and patients. Includes information on what is covered by both programs.
  • National Center for Health Statistics   From the CDC. Has the latest pediatric growth charts, statistics on life expectancy, birth rates, etc.
  • National Library of Medicine Homepage   Has Health Information, Library Services, Research Programs, Online Exhibits on medical problems and a variety of other resources.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration   OSHA's regulations, directives, manuals and guides are on-line, along with links to detailed technical information, such as Permissible Exposure Levels, etc.
  • Virtual Office of the Surgeon General   Access to SG's reports, such as the most recent ones on Youth Violence, Reducing Tobacco Use, Oral Health in America , and Mental Health Access. Also has access to the SG's Health People initiative and a website for kids.
  • Welcome to the White House   The official White House web page. Includes pictures of our favorite leaders, a virtual tour of the White House, access to the White House library (including an extensive archive of White House documents), and information on recent trips the President has taken.
  • World Health Organization   This well-known organization has information on its website on communicable diseases, tropical diseases, and vaccinations, family & reproductive health, health policies, health technology, and non-communicable diseases. There is an excellent collection of WHO fact sheets-for example, one on cholera will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about that disease, including recognizing it and treating it.
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  • Internal Medicine World Report   An online presentation of a tabloid newspaper that provides coverage of clinical news from major medical conferences worldwide and from peer-reviewed journals.
  • AIDS:
    • AIDS Research Information Center Homepage   Nicely organized site with all of the latest, up-to-date info.
    • AIDS Treatment Information Service   Newspaper-style with the latest new on AIDS Treatments.
    • CDC National Prevention Information Network   AIDS publications, posters, database on-line, latest "straight from the horse's mouth."
    • HIV InSite Gateway   A website with comprehensive up-to-date information on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention and policy. From the University of California San Fransisco. Has a link to the HIV InSite Knowledgebase, a great textbook of AIDs free on-line.
    • Johns Hopkins AIDS Service   Another very nice with HIV/AIDS news and information. Has a link to The 2002 Abbreviated Guide to Medical Management of HIV Infection by John G. Bartlett, M.D., which is an on-line textbook with the latest information on Post-Exposure Prophylaxis guidelines and treatment of HIV/AIDS.
    • BC Cancer Agency, Care & Research   From British Columbia , a center dedicated to improving and coordinating cancer care and research in the province. Has many helpful resources, including chemotherapy protocols, chemotherapy drug patient information, info on cancer treatments, and info to assist researchers.
    • BloodLine: The On-Line Hematology Resource   An On-Line Hematology reference, sponsored by Bayer. Has a small hematology atlas, nice lecture notes, and complete journal articles on hematology topics. Small at present, but promising.
    • Children's Cancer Web-A Guide to Internet Resources for Children's Cancer   Has patient information and support information as well as a page with pediatric oncology links for health professionals.
    • HemoSurf Interactive Hematology Atlas   Very educational teaching program. Compares the different WBC types side to side, has case presentations, etc.
    • NCI's Cancer.gov   An excellent site with information for both patients and medical professionals from the National Cancer Institute. It has information on all types of cancer on the latest treatments, prognosis statistics, clinical trials available, etc.
    • Oncolink: The University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center   Has a lot of information on "cutting edge" cancer research, including a section in which a patient can ask an Oncologist if there are any ongoing clinical trials suitable for them to participate in, and a section on psychosocial support.
    • The Sickle Cell Information Center   A nice site with patient and physician educational materials, clinical practice guidelines, Powerpoint slide presentations, and other resources dealing with sickle cell disease.
    • Thomas DeLoughery's Famous Hematology Handouts   Very well-done discussions on a wide variety of hematology topics, thorough, practical. Thorough enough to be book chapters rather than handouts.
    • Hardin MetaDirectory: Respiratory Medicine Links   Many links to links for pulmonary resources, a virtual "catalogue of catalogues."
    • The RALE Reponsitory--Lung Sounds   From the Respiratory Acoustics Laboratory Environment--Try out your new sound card and speakers with these normal and pathologic lung sounds. Gives 12 examples of lung sounds, including wheezing, crackles, stridor, grunting, etc.
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    • Euzéby's List of Bacterial Names with Standing in Nomenclature   A nice resource to use to search for information on bacteria you have never heard of. I used it to look up Stenotrophmonas maltophilia, which came back on a culture result.
    • Hardin MetaDirectory: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Links   Many links to links for Path/Lab resources, a virtual "catalogue of catalogues."
    • Pathweb: Virtual Pathology   A massive, searchable, collection of pathology slides-many not particularly high resolution, many also with writing across them, but tons of slides. Has photos of genetic anomalies and diseased organs.
    • The Visible Human Project   From the National Library of Medicine, a collaborative project between numerous agencies, organizations and medical schools to put human anatomy on-line in a variety of formats-cross-sections, CT scans and MRI scans-for teaching purposes. Not included previously in my links because it was very incomplete, but now coming into its own.
    • WebPath: The Internet Pathology Library for Medical Education   Has laboratory & pathology tutorials , hundreds or thousands of path slides. Nice site. Also has a collection of pictures of Utah , for those who picture Utah as sand dunes and salt.
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    • Army Medical Department   Has links to Army medical facilities and information.
    • Defense Finance and Accounting Service   Provides pay and travel information for military members.
    • Defense Reutilization Management Service   The military has reutilization, transfer and donation programs-ways for getting unwanted equipment into the hands of organizations that can use them, including non-profit civilian organizations. Includes things like medical examination tables, dental chairs, previously owned computers, filing cabinets, desks, etc.
    • Diving Medicine Online   An online complete book of diving medicine, including 500 pages on such topics as decompression illness, gas embolism, psychological problems, seasickness and women & diving.
    • DOD Directives and Instructions Online   Department of Defense Issuances and OSD Administrative Instructions. Nice access to most DOD Directives Online.
    • Health Care ReEngineering Program    The Military Health System (MHS) community has implemented many innovative programs to increase access to care, improve quality of care, increase customer satisfaction, and use resources more efficiently. But often one facility doesn't know what another has accomplished. Why should you "start from scratch" if someone else has lessons learned to share?" Has news, innovations and initiatives involving the implementation of Tricare.
    • Naval Knowledge On-line   Navy education accessible via the Internet
    • Navy Medicine Online Portal   Gives a very good list of Navy Medical sites in the US. Lists Military Hospitals, Tricare, BUMED and other relevant sites.
    • Navy Times   The online version of Navy/AirForce/Army Times. A nice feature not in the regular newspaper version is Frontline Photos, which has a "photo of the day" having to do with our military in action.
    • Tricare Military Health System   Has Tricare benefits, resources and claims processing information
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    • Hardin MetaDirectory: Obstetrics, Gynecology & Womens Health Links   Many links to links for OB/GYN resources, a virtual "catalogue of catalogues."
    • The OB/GYN Network   A site with a variety of information on OB/GYN--neat graphics! See their image library at http://www.obgyn.net/image_library/il.htm for Obstetric images, Gynecologic images, Ultrasound scans, Anatomical images, and Rare & Unusual images.
    • Obstetric Ultrasound   A comprehensive guide in a multimedia format with links to related web sites. Includes methods for determining gestational age based on crown-rump length and biparietal diameter, news items, and an ABC of parenting.
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    • Digital Atlas of Ophthalmology   An online book of pictures of eye diseases, close-ups of eyes, slit-lamp views, some histology. Covers such eye problems as rosacea keratitis, phlyctenule, acanthamoeba, cycstinosis, trachoma, ptyerigium, etc.
    • The Digital Journal of Ophthalmology   Has Grand Rounds, Patient Info, and very thorough Original Reviews of a variety of ocular problems (Diabetic macular edema, Retinoblastoma, etc.)
    • eMedicine's Ophthalmology Textbook   A wonderful, detailed, free textbook on Ophthalmology on-line. Growing.
    • EyeWorld   Includes news, short clinical articles, technology features, practice management, calendar of events, a multimedia theatre, classifieds and marketplace, links to related web sites. Searchable. Some sites are password-protected. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.
    • Hardin MetaDirectory: Ophthalmology Links   Many links to links for ophthalmology resources, a virtual "catalogue of catalogues."
    • Handbook of Ocular Disease Management   Find information on how to manage over 50 commonly encountered ocular diseases. Find information on signs and symptoms, underlying pathophysiology, recommendations on treatment, and "clinical pearls".
    • Lance Hahn's Retina Reference   Gives good descriptions of retina anatomy and physiology.
    • Ophthalmology News from Doctors Guide   Medical and pharmaceutical industry news, product announcements and research developments from conferences, journals, and newswires.
    • Oxford Eye Page   Designed for education, this site presents a large collection of case reports with images, diagnostic tests, tutorials, quizzes, examination questions, ophthalmic trivia, and a historical tour of ophthalmology
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