The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1988. Its main objective was to assess scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to the understanding of human induced climate change, potential impacts of climate change and options for mitigation and adaptation. The IPCC has completed three assessment reports, developed methodology guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories, special reports and technical papers. For more information on the IPCC, its activities and publications, please see the IPCC homepage.
The IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme (IPCC-NGGIP) had been undertaken since 1991 by the IPCC WG I in close collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Energy Agency (IEA).


IPCC-NGGIP Publication


What's New
  • The electronic file of nomination form for the EFDB Editorial Board members (Attachment III to the letter No: 5393-08/IPCC/TFI) is available here. Due date for nomination is 10 October 2008. (3 October 2008)
Software for 2006GLs
  • Expert Meeting on Software for the IPCC 2006 Guidelines was held in Geneva, 15-17 April. The meeting report has been uploaded. (25 July 2008)
  • An introduction to the compiling good practice inventories and to moving from the 1996 Revised Guidelines to the 2006 Guidelines has been produced and can now be downloaded from "Support to Inventory Compilers". (9 June 2008)
  • A list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) has been produced based on questions received by the TSU and which are of interest to a wider audience. These can be read on on line downloaded. These FAQ will be expanded from time to time as more questions arise. (9 June 2008)
  • Some brochures introducing the NGGIP and its work have been produced and are now available for download on Support to Inventory Compilers page. (9 June 2008)

[ Previous News ]

Future Meetings
  • Expert Meeting on Revisiting the Use of Managed Land as a Proxy for Estimating National Anthropogenic Emissions and Removals
    5-7 May 2009, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Nomination Form
Previous Meetings
  • Expert Meeting on Software for the IPCC 2006 Guidelines
    15-17 April 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
    Meeting Report & List of Participants
  • IPCC Workshop on estimating emissions and removals from land-uses 13-15 May 2008, Helsinki, Finland
    Government Nomination Form
    (Other information has been made available on IPCC Home as "Upcoming Meetings".)
  • Emission Factors Database (EFDB): Editorial Board meeting (4th meeting)
    10-12 October 2006, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Meeting Report & List of Participants
  • 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Eighth Authors/Experts Meeting :
    15-17 December 2005, Sydney, Australia
    List of Participants

[ More Meetings ]