U.S. Office of Special Counsel
1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 218
Washington, D.C. 20036-4505
OSC Finds Employees Solicited Political
Contributions and Misused their Authority
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Leslie Williamson, 202-254-3659,
WASHINGTON / January 8, 2009 – Pursuant to a disciplinary action complaint
filed by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) against Paula Acconcia, an
Assistant United States Trustee was ordered removed from her employment with
the U.S. Department of Justice for violating the Hatch Act. Ms. Acconcia
solicited a political contribution from a subordinate employee for a
Missouri gubernatorial candidate. During Ms. Acconcia’s solicitation of the
contribution, she handed a subordinate employee a form that notified the
employee of a campaign event for the candidate and requested contributions.
Ms. Acconcia acknowledged to the employee that she knew her conduct was “a
little outside the rules” but that she was giving the employee the
solicitation material “as a friend.” Ms. Acconcia was in the federal
workplace when she solicited the subordinate employee.
Soliciting a political contribution from a subordinate violates two separate
provisions of the Hatch Act: the prohibition against using one’s official
authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the
result of an election and the prohibition against soliciting, accepting, or
receiving a political contribution. Ms. Acconcia’s activity also violated
the Hatch Act’s prohibition against engaging in political activity while on
duty or in a room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties.
In ruling that Ms. Acconcia violated the Hatch Act, the Merit Systems
Protection Board (Board) recognized that cases involving coercion of
employees are to be taken seriously and the presumptive penalty of removal
will be imposed. The Board stated that one of the purposes of the Hatch Act
is to “make sure that Government employees [are] free from pressure and from
express or tacit invitation to vote in a certain way or perform political
chores in order to curry favor with their superiors rather than to act out
their own beliefs.” Additionally, the Board reaffirmed the principle that
“[w]here the supervisor-subordinate relationship exists no particular words
are required to establish coercion because virtually any language can be
In a similar matter, a GS-15 National Park Service (NPS) supervisor has
received a 90 day suspension without pay for violating the Hatch Act. An
investigation by the OSC found that the employee violated three provisions
of the Hatch Act -- the prohibitions against using one’s official authority
or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of
an election; soliciting, accepting, or receiving a political contribution;
and engaging in political activity while on duty or in federal room or
building. Specifically, OSC found that the GS-15 supervisor hosted a
fundraising event at her home in support of a U.S. Congressional candidate
and, while at an office staff meeting, invited subordinate employees to
attend that fundraising event.
OSC’s investigation also found that, a few days before the fundraiser was
held, NPS management counseled the employee about the Hatch Act and advised
her that her actions may have violated the Act. Management advised her to
contact the subordinate employees and let them know she had made a mistake
in inviting them to the event. The employee contacted the subordinates and
disinvited them to the event, and none attended the fundraiser.
The 90 day suspension is the result of a settlement agreement the employee
entered into with OSC and NPS. The suspension began December 22, 2008.
“These cases illustrate one of the core purposes of the Hatch Act – to
protect employees from being coerced into engaging in political activity,”
said Acting Special Counsel William Reukauf.
The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is an independent
investigative and prosecutorial agency and operates as a secure channel for
disclosures of whistleblower complaints and abuse of authority. Its primary
mission is to safeguard the merit system in Federal employment by protecting
Federal employees and applicants from prohibited personnel practices,
especially retaliation for whistleblowing. OSC also has jurisdiction over
the Hatch Act and the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights
Act (USERRA). For more information please visit our web site at
www.osc.gov or call 1-800-872-9855.
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