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Office of Corporate Safety Analysis
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Office of Analysis
(Reports to Office of Corporate Safety Analysis)

Mission and Functions

The Office of Analysis provides analysis of Department of Energy (DOE)-wide performance in protecting the public, the workers and the environment while performing the missions of DOE. This analysis is valued in corporate decision-making and synthesizes operational information to support continuous environment, safety and health (ES&H) improvement across the DOE complex.


  • Manages and directs corporate ES&H analyses to support line management decision-making by identifying ES&H performance issues as well as areas of good or improving performance.
  • Ensures meaningful and easily understood assessments of the Department's overall effectiveness in protecting the public, the worker, and the environment are produced in a timely manner and communicated to senior management.
  • Thru analysis identify and communicate trends in ES&H performance and candidate areas for entry into the corporate issues management process or outliers in performance.
  • Provides analysis to determine the effectiveness of actions to address cross cutting ES&H issues.
  • Provides a focal point for cross-cutting ES&H performance information. Coordinates, validates, and distributes statutory, regulatory and executive order-mandates and corporate ES&H reports.
  • Ensures active liaison with Federal agencies, private industry and international organizations on performance measures.
  • Conducts event reviews to validate or improve the investigation, evaluation, and reporting of occurrences and the dissemination of lessons learned.
  • Provides operational data analysis in support of other organizations including inspections conducted by the Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations.
  • Provides input to ES&H policy on opportunities to enhance protection for workers, public and environment from the hazards associated with DOE operations based on the results of analysis.

This page was last updated on July 19, 2007

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