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Business Operations
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Human Resources and Adminstration
Business Operations
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Director's Message

Welcome to the Office of Business Operations

Richard D. Updegrove, Director

Welcome to the Office of Business Operations (SP-1.21). SP-1.21 is comprised of financial analysts and procurement specialists dedicated to providing SSA program offices with expert advice and assistance in managing funds and contracts essential to accomplishing the overall SSA mission in accordance with Federal and Departmental regulations and in accordance with White House and Congressional direction.

SP-1.21 is involved in the Departmental, White House, and Congressional budget formulation processes not only for SSA operations but also for security activities across the Department through the safeguards and security crosscut budget process. Budget documentation is developed in accordance with specified requirements and supplemental data is prepared to explain, defend, and justify, budget requests to Congress. These efforts have become increasingly important in an environment of increasing security requirements and decreasing resources. On a day-to-day basis, SP-1.21 manages the execution of appropriated funding for the SSA program offices by distributing approved funding to the appropriate offices, preparing and executing reprogramming actions, and advising Office Directors on budget trends based on analysis of budget related reports.

On the procurement side of the house, SP-1.21 provides experienced procurement advice and services designed to assist SSA program offices obtain the goods and services they need to meet mission requirements while complying with procurement statutes, regulations and policies. SP-1.21 staff act as Contracting Officer Representatives (COR) for SSA support service contracts and provide liaison between the SSA program offices and the DOE procurement office. SP-1.21 is the focal point within SSA for Acquisition Planning and Procurement Strategy development. SP-1.21 also manages the government purchase credit card program for SSA and purchases items for program offices as needed.

Whether it is managing well established financial and procurement programs or incorporating new programmatic requirements, e.g., Presidential Management Agenda, SP-1.21 ensures the financial and acquisition programs throughout SSA are managed in an efficient and effective manner to meet current and future mission challenges.

Any suggestions or comments you may have regarding our operations and products are welcome.

Mission and Functions

This page was last updated on January 09, 2009
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HSS Events
2009 Joint EFCOG/DOE Chemical Management Workshop, March 10-12, 2009
Next ISM Workshop
August 24-27, 2009 in
Knoxville, TN. More to follow.

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