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Office on Disability


Understanding Universal Design and Access Modification


As the next step in addressing the New Freedom Initiative (NFI) housing domain, the Health and Human Services Office on Disability sponsored its second-residential-based symposium following the November 5, 2003 Symposium on Homeownership for Persons with Disabilities.  The Symposium on Housing for Persons with Disability - Understanding Universal Design and Home Modifications/Retrofitting took place on Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM in Washington, D.C.  Dr. Margaret Giannini began the morning by providing a welcome and overview to the participants.  Led by expert panelists, the symposium placed emphasis on issues surrounding residential universal design and access modification. 

The Symposium set forth, and successfully met, its four main objectives:

  1. Help national disability-based constituent organization representatives understand theimportant role each has in supporting their membership advocate for and/or sponsor homeownership.
  2. Understand key aspects of universal design and access modifications, such as financing, policy, and technical design issues, so that persons with disabilities can effectively promote the use of these mechanisms.
  3. Provide best practices and lessons learned from experts and state and local communities in addressing universal design and access modifications.
  4. Provide a roadmap on obtaining residential-based universal design and access modifications for persons with disabilities.

The Symposium was sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on Disability with the HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Fannie Mae Corporation, NCB Development Corporation, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A complete webcast of the Symposium is available on the Office on Disability website at DVD and VHS copies of the symposium are also available upon request.

I. The morning session focused on various issues associated with Universal Design.
     A. Universal Design, Understanding Residential Universal Design
     B. Panel One: “Lessons Learned/Promising Practices In Planning for Residential Universal Design”
     C. Action Strategies and Question & Answer Session

II. The afternoon session focused on various issues associated with access modification.
     A. Access Modification Understanding what it is and its Importance
     B. Panel Two: Lessons learned/Promising Practices in Planning for Access Modification
     C. Action Strategies

III. Additional questions addressed during the wrap-up period
     1. Please address more low to moderate income feasible solutions. How much is available to Medicaid recipients?
     2. Please describe the Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program.

I. The morning session focused on various issues associated with Universal Design.

II. The afternoon session focused on various issues associated with access modification.

III. Additional questions addressed during the wrap-up period

Question 1
Question 2

Last Revised: December 3, 2004


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