Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Commonly Used Abbreviations and Acronyms

         AARCC  Alternative Agricultural Research and Commercialization Corporation
          ABMC  American Battle Monuments Commission
           ACF  Administration for Children and Families
          ACYF  Administration on Children, Youth, and Families
           ADA  Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
           ADB  Asian Development Bank
           ADD  Administration on Developmental Disabilities
          AFAA  Air Force Audit Agency
          AFDB  African Development Bank
          AFDC  Aid to Families with Dependent Children
          AFDF  African Development Fund
          AFSC  Armed Forces Staff College
      AGRICOLA  Agricultural Online Access
   AmeriCorps   AmeriCorps*National 
          NCCC  Civilian Community Corps
           AMS  Agricultural Marketing Service
        Amtrak  National Railroad Passenger Corporation
           ANA  Administration for Native Americans
           AOA  Administration on Aging
         APHIS  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
           ARC  Appalachian Regional Commission
           ARS  Agricultural Research Service
           ATF  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
         ATSDR  Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
           BEA  Bureau of Economic Analysis
           BIA  Bureau of Indian Affairs
           BIC  Business Information Center (SBA)
           BJA  Bureau of Justice Assistance
           BJS  Bureau of Justice Statistics
           BLM  Bureau of Land Management
           BLS  Bureau of Labor Statistics
           BTS  Bureau of Transportation Statistics
           BVA  Board of Veterans' Appeals
         C\3\I  Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
          C\4\  Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
         C\4\I  Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
           CBO  Congressional Budget Office
           CCC  Commodity Credit Corporation
          CDBG  Community Development Block Grant
           CDC  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
           CEA  Council of Economic Advisers
          CEOS  Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (Justice)
           CEQ  Council on Environmental Quality
           CFA  Commission of Fine Arts
           CFR  Code of Federal Regulations
          CFTC  Commodity Futures Trading Commission
           CIA  Central Intelligence Agency
         CITES  Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
           CNO  Chief of Naval Operations
          COPS  Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (Justice)
          CPSC  Consumer Product Safety Commission
           CRS  Congressional Research Service
          CSAP  Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
          CSAT  Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
           CSB  Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
           CSE  Office of Child Support Enforcement
        CSREES  Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
           CSS  Central Security Service
            DA  Department of the Army
         DARPA  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
          DCAA  Defense Contract Audit Agency
          DCMC  Defense Contract Management Command
           DEA  Drug Enforcement Administration
           DIA  Defense Intelligence Agency
          DISA  Defense Information Systems Agency
           DLA  Defense Logistics Agency
          DLSA  Defense Legal Services Agency
           DOC  Department of Commerce
           DOD  Department of Defense
           DOE  Department of Energy
           DOL  Department of Labor
           DOT  Department of Transportation
          DSCA  Defense Security Cooperation Agency
           DSS  Defense Security Service
          DTRA  Defense Threat Reduction Agency
           EDA  Economic Development Administration
          EEOC  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
            EO  Executive order
         EOUSA  Executive Office for United States Attorneys
           EPA  Environmental Protection Agency
           ERS  Economic Research Service
    Ex-Im Bank  Export-Import Bank of the United States
           FAA  Federal Aviation Administration
    Fannie Mae  Federal National Mortgage Association
    Farmer Mac  Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation
           FAS  Foreign Agricultural Service
           FBI  Federal Bureau of Investigation
           FCC  Federal Communications Commission
           FDA  Food and Drug Administration
          FDIC  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
         FEB's  Federal Executive Boards
           FEC  Federal Election Commission
          FEMA  Federal Emergency Management Agency
          FERC  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
           FFB  Federal Financing Bank
           FHA  Federal Housing Administration
          FHWA  Federal Highway Administration
           FIA  Federal Insurance Administration
          FICO  Financing Corporation
          FLRA  Federal Labor Relations Authority
           FMC  Federal Maritime Commission
          FMCS  Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
           FMS  Financial Management Service
          FNCS  Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
          FNMA  Federal National Mortgage Association
           FNS  Food and Nutrition Service
          FOIA  Freedom of Information Act
            FR  Federal Register
           FRS  Federal Reserve System
           FSA  Farm Service Agency
          FSIS  Food Safety and Inspection Service
           FSS  Federal Supply Service
           FTC  Federal Trade Commission
           FWS  Fish and Wildlife Service
           GAO  General Accounting Office
          GATT  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    Ginnie Mae  Government National Mortgage Association
         GIPSA  Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration
          GNMA  Government National Mortgage Association
           GPO  Government Printing Office
           GSA  General Services Administration
          HCFA  Health Care Financing Administration
           HHS  Department of Health and Human Services
          HRSA  Health Resources and Services Administration
           HUD  Department of Housing and Urban Development
        HUMINT  Defense Human Intelligence Service
           IAF  Inter-American Foundation
          IBRD  International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
           IDB  Inter-American Development Bank
           IFC  International Finance Corporation
         IHA's  Indian Housing Authorities
           IHS  Indian Health Service
          ILAB  Bureau of International Labor Affairs
           ILO  International Labor Organization
           IMF  International Monetary Fund
          IMLS  Institute of Museum and Library Services
           INS  Immigration and Naturalization Service
      INTERPOL  International Criminal Police Organization
           IOM  International Organization for Migration
          IRMC  Information Resources Management College
           IRS  Internal Revenue Service
          ISOO  Information Security Oversight Office
           ITA  International Trade Administration
           JAG  Judge Advocate General
           JCS  Joint Chiefs of Staff
           LMI  Office of One-Stop/Labor Market Information (Labor)
            MA  Maritime Administration
        MASINT  Central Measurement and Signals Intelligence Office
          MBDA  Minority Business Development Agency
          MIGA  Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
           MMS  Minerals Management Service
          MSHA  Mine Safety and Health Administration
          MSPB  Merit Systems Protection Board
          NARA  National Archives and Records Administration
          NASA  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
          NASS  National Agricultural Statistics Service
          NATO  North Atlantic Treaty Organization
           NCA  National Cemetery Administration
          NCPC  National Capital Planning Commission
          NCRR  National Center for Research Resources
          NCUA  National Credit Union Administration
           NEA  National Endowment for the Arts
           NEH  National Endowment for the Humanities
           NHI  National Highway Institute
         NHPRC  National Historical Publications and Records Commission
         NHTSA  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
           NIH  National Institutes of Health
           NIJ  National Institute of Justice
          NIMA  National Imagery and Mapping Agency
          NIMH  National Institute of Mental Health
          NIST  National Institute of Standards and Technology
           NLM  National Library of Medicine
          NLRB  National Labor Relations Board
          NOAA  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
           NPS  National Park Service
           NRC  Nuclear Regulatory Commission
          NRCS  Natural Resources Conservation Service
           NSA  National Security Agency
           NSC  National Security Council
           NSF  National Science Foundation
          NTIA  National Telecommunications and Information Administration
          NTID  National Technical Institute for the Deaf
          NTIS  National Technical Information Service (Commerce)
          NTSB  National Transportation Safety Board
           OAS  Organization of American States
           OCS  Officer Candidate School
          OECD  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
           OGE  Office of Government Ethics
           OMB  Office of Management and Budget
          OPIC  Overseas Private Investment Corporation
           OPM  Office of Personnel Management
           ORR  Office of Refugee Resettlement
           OSC  Office of Special Counsel
         OSDBU  Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (Commerce)
          OSHA  Occupational Safety and Health Administration
         OSHRC  Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
           OSM  Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
           OTS  Office of Thrift Supervision
          OWBO  Office of Women's Business Ownership
          PBGC  Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
           PBS  Public Buildings Service
         PHA's  Public Housing Agencies
           PHS  Public Health Service
        POW/MP  Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel
           PRC  Postal Rate Commission
           PSC  Program Support Center (Health and Human Services)
           PTO  Patent and Trademark Office
          PWBA  Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration
           RHS  Rural Housing Service
          RICO  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
           RIT  Rochester Institute of Technology
           RMA  Risk Management Agency (Agriculture)
          ROTC  Reserve Officer Training Corps
           RRB  Railroad Retirement Board
          RSPA  Research and Special Programs Administration (Transportation)
           RTB  Rural Telephone Bank
           RUS  Rural Utilities Service
          SAIF  Savings Association Insurance Fund
        SAMHSA  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
           SBA  Small Business Administration
           SEC  Securities and Exchange Commission
         SITES  Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
           SSA  Social Security Administration
           SSI  Supplemental Security Income Program
           SSS  Selective Service System
         START  Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
         Stat.  United States Statutes at Large
          TASC  Transportation Administrative Service Center
           TDA  Trade and Development Agency
          TPCC  Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee
           TVA  Tennessee Valley Authority
          U.N.  United Nations (1)
(1) Acronyms for other U.N. agencies can be found under Selected 
Multilateral Organizations in the preceding text.

        UNESCO  United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural 
         UNHCR  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Program
        UNICEF  United Nations Children's Fund (formerly United Nations 
                    International Children's Emergency Fund)
        UNICOR  Federal Prison Industries, Inc.
           USA  United States Army
          USAF  United States Air Force
         USAID  United States Agency for International Development
        U.S.C.  United States Code
          USCG  United States Coast Guard
          USDA  United States Department of Agriculture
          USFA  United States Fire Administration
          USGS  United States Geological Survey
         USITC  United States International Trade Commission
          USMC  United States Marine Corps
           USN  United States Navy
            VA  Department of Veterans Affairs
         VISTA  Volunteers in Service to America
           VOA  Voice of America
           WHO  World Health Organization
           WIC  Special supplemental food program for Women, Infants, and Children
          WNET  Women's Network for Entrepreneurial Training (SBA)
           WTO  World Trade Organization
           YCC  Youth Conservation Corps

Last Review: 7/19/04