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For immediate release:
January 14, 2009
Loren Dealy (HASC) 202-225-2539
Skelton Announces House Armed Services Committee Democratic Subcommittee Assignments

 Washington, DC – House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D-MO) released the following list of subcommittee chairmen and members for the 111th Congress:

  • Readiness Subcommittee
    • Chairman Solomon Ortiz, Texas
    • Gene Taylor, Mississippi
    • Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii
    • Silvestre Reyes, Texas
    • Jim Marshall, Georgia
    • Madeleine Bordallo, Guam
    • Dan Boren, Oklahoma
    • Hank Johnson, Georgia
    • Carol Shea-Porter, New Hampshire
    • Joe Courtney, Connecticut
    • David Loebsack, Iowa
    • Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona
    • Glenn Nye, Virginia
    • Larry Kissell, North Carolina
    • Martin Heinrich, New Mexico
    • Frank Kratovil, Maryland
    • Bobby Bright, Alabam
  • Seapower and Expeditionary Forces Subcommittee
    • Chairman Gene Taylor, Mississippi
    • Solomon Ortiz, Texas
    • Jim Langevin, Rhode Island
    • Rick Larsen, Washington
    • Brad Ellsworth, Indiana
    • Joe Courtney, Connecticut
    • Joe Sestak, Pennsylvania
    • Glenn Nye, Virginia
    • Chellie Pingree, Maine
    • Eric Massa, New York
  • Air and Land Forces Subcommittee
    • Chairman Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii
    • John Spratt, South Carolina
    • Silvestre Reyes, Texas
    • Adam Smith, Washington
    • Mike McIntyre, North Carolina
    • Ellen O. Tauscher, California
    • Robert Brady, Pennsylvania
    • Jim Cooper, Tennessee
    • Jim Marshall, Georgia
    • Dan Boren, Oklahoma
    • Joe Sestak, Pennsylvania
    • Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona
    • Niki Tsongas, Massachusetts
    • Larry Kissell, North Carolina
    • Frank Kratovil, Maryland
    • Eric Massa, New York
    • Bobby Bright, Alabama
  • Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee
    • Chairman Vic Snyder, Arkansas
    • John Spratt, South Carolina
    • Loretta Sanchez, California
    • Ellen O. Tauscher, California
    • Susan A. Davis, California
    • Jim Cooper, Tennessee
    • Joe Sestak, Pennsylvania
    • Glenn Nye, Virginia
    • Chellie Pingree, Maine
  • Terrorism and Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee
    • Chairman Adam Smith, Washington
    • Mike McIntyre, North Carolina
    • Rob Andrews, New Jersey
    • Jim Langevin, Rhode Island
    • Jim Cooper, Tennessee
    • Jim Marshall, Georgia
    • Brad Ellsworth, Indiana
    • Patrick Murphy, Pennsylvania
    • Kirsten Gillibrand, New York
    • Bobby Bright, Alabama
  • Strategic Forces Subcommittee
    • Chairman Ellen O. Tauscher, California
    • John Spratt, South Carolina
    • Loretta Sanchez, California
    • Rob Andrews, New Jersey
    • Jim Langevin, Rhode Island
    • Rick Larsen, Washington
    • Kirsten Gillibrand, New York
    • Martin Heinrich, New Mexico
  • Military Personnel Subcommittee
    • Chairwoman Susan A. Davis, California
    • Vic Snyder, Arkansas
    • Loretta Sanchez, California
    • Madeleine Bordallo, Guam
    • Patrick Murphy, Pennsylvania
    • Hank Johnson, Georgia
    • Carol Shea-Porter, New Hampshire
    • David Loebsack, Iowa
    • Niki Tsongas, Massachusetts


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