Site Index -

Introduction to
the OSC - Agency authority, mission and organization.
OSC Achievements
The Special Counsel -
U.S. Office of Special Counsel.
Special Counsel speaks out on protecting
Prohibited Personnel
Practices - Protecting federal employees and applicants from prohibited
personnel practices including reprisal for whistleblowing
- Political Activity (Hatch Act) -
A discussion of restrictions on political activity by federal government employees, and by employees of
certain state and local government agencies.
- Alternative Dispute Resolution - Used
to resolve selected prohibited personnel practice complaints primarily using mediation
to provide parties the opportunity to resolve an OSC complaint without the need for a
lengthy investigation or costly litigation.
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - OSC Freedom of
Information Act policies and procedures
- Press Releases - Find out what OSC has to say about significant events and cases.
- E-Library - OSC publications, annual reports, speeches, testimony,
legal briefs, and other significant documents.