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Congressman Brad Sherman, Proudly Representing California's 27th District
  For Immediate Release  
June 26, 2008

Hundreds of San Fernando Valley Residents Make Their Concerns Known in a Telephone Town Hall 

San Fernando Valley - Almost eight-thousand San Fernando Valley residents participated in an innovative and interactive "Telephone Town Hall" Tuesday night hosted by
            Participating from the comfort of their homes and using the latest cutting-edge technology, residents from all over the district were able to call in and participate in a two-way conversation with Congressman Sherman for ninety minutes.  During this time, the Congressman addressed constituents’ questions and concerns on a wide variety of topics, like gas and energy costs, health care, the war in Iraq and environmental concerns.  
            In addition to answering policy questions, Congressman Sherman used the time to direct participants to his district office (818/501-9200) for further assistance in regards to personal problems with federal agencies. At the end of the ninety minute conversation, participants who were unable to ask a question were given the option to leave their own comments and questions for the Congressman by voice mail.  
            "Telephone Town Halls are becoming a regular part of my outreach with my constituents,” said Sherman. “These types of town halls allow me to interact with thousands of Valley residents in a very easy and relaxed manner. These days, we are all so busy.  The technology that we use allows my constituents to participate from home without having to drive in congested traffic. Many who participated in this town hall had a chance to talk with me, one on one,” added Sherman.
Congressman Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks).
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