
Wolf Receives Committee Assignments for 111th Congress

Contact: Dan Scandling
January 12, 2009
(202) 225-5136

Returns to Subcommittee with Oversight of Justice Department

Washington, D.C. -- Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10th) today announced he has received his committee assignments for the 111th Congress.

Wolf, the senior member of the Virginia congressional delegation, will continue to serve on the powerful House Appropriations Committee, where he will be the top Republican on the Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) Appropriations subcommittee.  He also will continue to serve on the Transportation Appropriations subcommittee.  

Wolf returns to the CJS subcommittee after a two-year stint as the top Republican on the State-Foreign Operations panel.  Wolf was the chairman of the CJS subcommittee from 2001-2006 when it also had jurisdiction over the State Department. It was during his tenure as chairman that the two anti-gang task forces operating in the region were established.  He also pushed for the creation of the National Gang Intelligence Center at the FBI, which serves as a national clearinghouse for information on gang-related activity.

Wolf served as chairman of the Transportation subcommittee from 1995-2000.