January 8, 2009

Buyer Introduces Noble Warrior Initiatives

For more information, contact: Brian Lawrence, (202) 225-3527

Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Rep. Steve Buyer, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, initiated his Noble Warrior legislative agenda with the introduction of a number of bills to help improve the lives of veterans and their families. 

“As we begin 2009 and the 111th Congress convenes, it is imperative that veterans’ health care, benefits, and economic opportunities are among our highest national priorities,” Buyer said. “While improving the economy will be a major focus, we must also remember the thousands of men and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. These heroes, and the veterans who served before them, are the pride of our nation and the thin line that stands between our freedom and tyranny. In recognition of their sacrifices, we must ensure that their benefits and services are the best available, and that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) delivers them in a timely and accurate manner.”

“In addition to meeting veterans’ immediate needs, we must envision ways to best serve tomorrow’s veterans and ensure VA remains viable well into the future. Of the bills I introduced today, I have urged House leaders and the incoming Administration to include four of them in any economic stimulus package that might be considered. Certainly, no other segment of our population is more deserving of such focus.”

“The Veterans’ Small Business Promotion Act of 2009, H.R. 294, would put stimulus funding where it would help both veterans and the economy the most. It would renew VA authority to guarantee loans of up to $500,000 for small businesses owned and operated by veterans. VA would be authorized up to $1 billion in loan guarantees for each fiscal year. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and disabled veterans own and operate a significant percentage of small business firms.”

“The More Jobs for Veterans Act of 2009, H.R. 295, would increase funding for the Department of Labor Veteran Work Investment Program (VWIP) by $20 million per year. VWIP helps veterans acquire employment skills relevant to today’s job market.”

“The Veteran Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Subsistence Allowance Improvement Act of 2009, H.R. 297, would increase the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment monthly living allowance rate from $520 to $1,200 per month.”

“The Homeless Women Veteran and Homeless Veterans with Children Reintegration Grant Program Act, H.R. 293, would authorize appropriations of $10 million annually to provide reintegration services for homeless women veterans and homeless veterans with children.”

“In addition to the bills I believe should be included in the stimulus package, I introduced the Armed Forces Disability Retirement Enhancement Act, H.R. 296, to simplify military disability retirement. The system is far too complex, and it is unfair to confront wounded warriors with more difficulties when their focus should be on recovery and their loved ones. Systemic problems were identified more than two years ago but they have yet to be resolved. This bill would ensure that those found unable to serve would automatically receive military retirement benefits based on rank and years of service. This provision would end the offset between military retirement pay and VA disability compensation. Medical retirees would also automatically receive health and dental coverage. Currently, such eligibility hinges on the findings of a military physical evaluation board. Injured servicemembers should not have to endure the added worry as to whether physical evaluation boards will grant such benefits.”

“It should be the commitment of the 111th Congress to ensure that veterans have a solid network of support that includes access to high quality health care, appropriate and timely benefits, and opportunities to achieve financial independence and success in the society they helped to defend. I hope my colleagues will join me in supporting these initiatives for our noble warriors.”

For more news from House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Republicans, please go to: 

