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Message from Water and Power Subcommittee Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers:

On behalf of the Republican members of the Water and Power Subcommittee, welcome to the Subcommittee’s webpage! I am honored to serve as the Ranking Member of this Subcommittee, which continues to play a historic role in developing our Nation’s water and power infrastructure for millions of consumers, providing recreational pursuits and protecting our treasured natural resources.

Almost everywhere around our great Nation, there are growing water and power supply conflicts due to drought, population growth, ever-increasing environmental regulations and other factors. The federal government’s infrastructure has helped keep the lights on and the water running for generations, but our infrastructure is stressed due to higher and sometimes conflicting demand and dwindling supplies. Our American way-of-life is being compromised unless we do something to reverse this trend.

To that end, we will continue our focus on

  • Promoting low-cost, clean, renewable and emissions-free hydroelectricity generated at federal dams and reservoirs;
  • Developing more water supplies through new surface and groundwater storage and technologies such as water recycling and desalination;
  • Improving our federal regulations to ensure projects are less expensive, cost transparent and not delayed by unnecessary red tape;
  • Modernizing the 35 old Endangered Species Act to ensure that taxpayer and ratepayer dollars are spent more effectively to save species while putting people’s needs back into the equation; and
  • Protecting critical federal water and power infrastructure from post 9/11 terrorist attacks.

I look forward to working on these issues on a bipartisan basis and with interests impacted firsthand by federal policies. I hope you enjoy the valuable information on this website.

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Ranking Member,
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)

Congressional Website

Republican Committee Membership:
Doug Lamborn, (CO-5)
Mary Fallin, (OK-5)
Adrian Smith (NE-3)
Doc Hastings (WA-4), ex officio