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Smith Kicks-Off Anti-Human Trafficking Caucus
January 15, 2009  - Congressman Chris Smith kicked off the first session of the Congressional Caucus on Human Trafficking this week for the 111th Congress, outlining past successes and offering a preview to future challenges.      As Co-Chairman and a Ranking Republican on the caucus, Smith briefed caucus members on... More

Local Fire Department to Receive Grant
January 13, 2009  - Congressman Chris Smith today announced that a federal grant has been awarded to the Freehold Fire Department by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). “Members of the Freehold Fire Department have a long history of protecting the borough,” Smith said. “This grant of $123,975 will help th... More

House Passes Resolution on Gaza
January 9, 2009  - Congressman Chris Smith today voted for H. Res. 34, a resolution recognizing Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas attacks from Gaza and reaffirming the United States strong support for Israel. The measure passed the House this afternoon. Congressman Smith is a cosponsor of the resolution. ... More

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