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Aerosolized Anthrax Actions Steps/Issues


 Actions/IssuesLead Agency/
Supporting Agencies
Trigger Point #1 – Credible Intelligence of a Plan to Conduct a Biological Attack Using Aerosolized Anthrax
HHS Strategy:  Begin preparation for a large-scale public health response in the event of widespread infection of the exposed populace.
Planning and Coordination
 1. Consider HHS transition from “normal” to coordinated Departmental emergency response operations.ASPR
 2. Begin structured planning process.ASPR
Situation update.
Required tasks
Available assets
Determine constraints
Identify critical facts and assumptions
Determine critical information requirements
Plan the use of time
 3. Prepare/Initiate response activities through ASPR.ASPR
Initiate notification roster.OPDIVs/Agencies
Determine additional EMG staffing requirements and OPDIV EOC activation requirements. 
Prepare daily or more frequent situation reports for the Secretary on preparedness efforts. 
Establish and maintain contact with appropriate RHAs 
 4. Coordinate/Conduct meeting between ASPR and OSG to determine possible missions, deployments.ASPR,/OSG
POD Reinforcement/Augmentation/EstablishmentOPDIVs
Epidemiology Support 
Medical Treatment Support 
Subject Matter Expert Support 
 5. Consider establishing HHS Emergency Management Group.ASPR
Designate Incident Manager.OPDIVs/Agencies
Begins response planning in coordination with relevant support agencies. 
Begin development of possible ESF #8 mission assignments in coordination with ESF #8 partners, Territory/Tribal/State/local officials and DHS. 
 6. Begin coordination with the Interagency, including DHS and DOS, and the White House.ASPR
Prepare/Detail required liaison officers (DHS, SIOC, NCTC) and other agencies as requested.OPDIVs/Agencies/
Request appropriate agencies provide LNOs to HHS.ESF #8 Supporting Agencies/Federal Partners
Alert ESF #8 partners. 
Begin coordination with appropriate DHS/FEMA contacts (RRCC, RECs, etc) 
 7. Establish and maintain contact with CDC DEOC.ASPR
 8. Schedule/Convene meeting of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Group.ASPR
 9. Support activation/deployment of advance elements of Federal Response Teams (FIRST, ERT-A, ERT-N, IRCT-A, DEST, etc.) as required.  SMEs to consider:ASPR
PODs expertise 
 10.     Alert/Deploy the Incident Response Coordination Team.  Specific SMEs to consider:ASPR
PODs expertise 
 11.     Formalize and distribute ESF #8 response structure, decisional authorities, and trigger points for health & medical interventions.ASPR
ESF #8 Supporting Agencies
 12.     Determine readiness of local, Region, Tribal, Territory, State and Federal public health and emergency agencies to implement anthrax response measures (e.g. Receipt of SNS, PODs, etc.)ASPR/OGC/CDC
 13.     Review risk status (i.e., health screening and vaccination status) of all federal and contractor employees who could potentially deploy in support of ESF #8 anthrax response activities and provide additional screening and vaccination as needed and available.ASPR
ESF #8 Supporting Agencies
 14.     Establish contact with key public health, healthcare, and community partners (e.g. Region/Tribe/ Territory/State Health Department, Region/Tribe/Territory/State OEM, Region/Tribe/Territory/State Hospital Association, etc.)ASPR
 15.     Establish and publish schedule for recurring activities (Conference Calls, VTCs, etc.)ASPR
OPDIVs/Agencies/ESF #8 Supporting Agencies/Federal Partners
Surveillance, Investigation, and Protective Health Measures
 16.     Provide updated information to medical providers and healthcare organizations seeking treatment and management guidance and algorithms for anthrax exposure.CDC
 17.     Coordinate lab surge capabilities with CDC and State/Region/Territory/Tribal/local authorities.CDC
 18.     Begin collecting and collating applicable information for the area.ASPR
GISOPDIVs/Agencies/Federal Partners
Law Enforcement 
Vaccine, Antibiotic, and Anthrax Immune Gloulin Utilization Policies
 19.     Confirm vaccine and antibiotic availability vs. requirements.ASPR
Current inventoriesOPDIVs/Agencies/ Federal Partners
Current/Surge production capabilities 
 20.     Develop a plan to determine the use of scare resources (Vaccine, Antibiotic, and Anthrax Immune Gloulin)ASPR
OPDIVs/Agencies/ Federal Partners
Healthcare and Emergency Response
 21.     Request/Review appropriate Region, Tribe, Territory, State, and local emergency management plans, focusing on:ASPR
Point of Dispensing (POD) operationsCDC
City Readiness Initiative 
Patient regulating and movement processes 
High acuity care expansion capability 
 22.     Consider increasing the capacity of medical and emergency response systems to meet expected needs by identifying/alerting/deploying/distributing:ASPR
Federal healthcare assets, including NDMS, FMS and ESF #8 partner assetsOPDIVs/Agencies/ ESF #8 Supporting Agencies
o Epidemiological support 
o Veterinary surveillance 
o Laboratory activities  
o Critical care capability  
o POD capabilities (augmentation/establishment) 
o Commissioned Officer Corps 
o Pharmacy activities 
o NDMS Teams 
SNS stockpile of antibiotics, vaccine, and other appropriate supplies and material 
Additional reagents and consumables for surge testing at appropriate LRN laboratories 
Communications and Outreach
 23.     Review Communications Plan.ASPA
o MitigationASPR
o Preparedness 
o Response 
o Recovery 
 24.     Review Media Campaign Plan.ASPA
Information requirements 
 25.     Identify SMEs on medical and public health aspects of anthrax exposureASPA/CDC
 26.     Identify HHS spokesperson(s).ASPA
 27.     Identify public affairs liaison officer assignments and responsibilities.ASPA


 Actions/IssuesLead Agency
Supporting Agency
Trigger Point #2 – Notification of a BioWatch Actionable Result (BAR)
HHS Strategy:  Take aggressive actions to assist Region, Tribe, Territory, State and local officials in establishing an effective postexposure prophylaxis program (PEP) and in the management of inhalation anthrax cases.  
Planning and Coordination
 1. If in combination with credible intelligence, HHS transitions from “normal” to coordinated Departmental emergency response operations.ASPR
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies
 2. If in combination with credible intelligence, establish HHS Emergency Management Group.ASPR
Designate Incident Manager.OPDIVs/HHS Agencies
Begins response planning in coordination with relevant support agencies. 
Begin development of possible ESF #8 mission assignments in coordination with ESF #8 partners, State/local officials and DHS. 
 3. Begin/Continue supporting activation/deployment of advance elements of Federal Response Teams (FIRST, ERT-A, ERT-N, IRCT-A, DEST, etc.) as required.  SMEs to consider:ASPR
EpidemiologistOPDIVs/HHS Agencies
PODs expertise 
 4. If in combination with credible intelligence, deploy Incident Response Coordination Team (IRCT)ASPR
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies
 5. Review Federal BioWatch Conference Call Agenda.EMG
 6. Identify Federal BioWatch Conference Call participants from HHS.EMG
 7. Obtain BioWatch Area Profile for the affected regions.EMG
 8. Participate in Federal BioWatch Conference Call.EMG
 9. Begin/Continue response activitiesEMG
Maintain contact with appropriate RHAs and other public health agenciesOPDIVs/HSS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA,  DOJ, ARC, etc)
Maintain communications with appropriate DHS/FEMA contacts (RRCC, RECs, etc) 
 10.     Establish contact with key public health, healthcare, and community partners (e.g., Region/Tribe/ Territory/State Health Department, Region/Tribe/Territory/State OEM, Region/Tribe/Territory/State Hospital Association, etc.)EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies
 11.     Monitor completion, assess quality of, and provide guidance to fill gaps in anthrax—related public health and medical preparedness and response plans at Federal, Region, Tribe, Territory, State,  local, and private-sector levelsEMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA,  DOJ, ARC, etc)
 12.     Initiate/Increase deployment activitiesEMG
Roster personnelOPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
Conduct any necessary fit testing, health screening and/or vaccination (as applicable and available)   
Confirm logistical capability to support deployments, including transportation 
Ensure that laboratories in support of the LRN are operational and verify their analytical capability 
Expand Interagency/Intergovernmental coordination 
Identify and coordinate medical credentialing requirements as required 
 13.     Request interagency representatives to staff the ESF#8 EMG branches.EMG
Unified Planning Branch ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
Unified Logistics Branch (includes Private Sector Assistance, and Mortuary Affairs) 
Unified Operations Branch 
Unified Administration and Finance Branch 
Combined International Assistance Branch (OMSPH, OGHA) for possible reception of international relief effort assets  
Patient Movement Branch 
Surveillance, Investigation, and Protective Health Measures
 14.     Maintain situational awareness public health activities ongoing in the affected area.EMG
Laboratory AnalysisCDC
Public Health Surveillance 
o Environmental Surveillance 
o Human Surveillance 
o Veterinary Surveillance 
 15.     Support Event Reconstruction and Plume Modeling efforts.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 16.     Monitor Intelligence Analyses and Law Enforcement efforts.EMG
Vaccine, Antibiotic, and Anthrax Immune Globulin Utilization Policies
 17.     Begin/Continue to confirm vaccine and antibiotic availability vs. requirements.EMG
Current inventoriesOPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
Current/Surge production capabilities 
 18.     Begin developing estimates of possible requirementsEMG
o VaccinesOPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
o Antibiotics 
Healthcare and Emergency Response
 19.     Begin to alert, roster and deploy Federal medical and public health personnel.EMG
Activate Occupational Safety and Health Plan.OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
If needed, use HHS Intermittent Hiring Authorities to roster and redirect available civilian volunteers to areas most in need. 
Coordinate requirements with appropriate Region, Tribe, Territory, State and local public health officials. 
 20.     Review appropriate Emergency Management Assistance Compacts (EMAC).EMG
 21.     Support Region, Tribe, Territory, State and local public health activities ongoing in the affected area.EMG
Epidemiological supportOPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
Veterinary surveillance 
Laboratory activities  
Critical care capability  
POD capabilities (augmentation/establishment) 
Commissioned Officer Corps 
Pharmacy activities 
NDMS Teams 
 22.  Consider increasing the capacity of medical and emergency response systems to meet expected needs by identifying/alerting/deploying/distributing:EMG
Federal healthcare assets, including NDMS, FMS and ESF #8 partner assetsOPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
o Epidemiological support 
o Veterinary surveillance 
o Laboratory activities  
o Critical care capability  
o POD capabilities (augmentation/establishment) 
o Commissioned Officer Corps 
o Pharmacy activities 
o NDMS Teams 
SNS stockpile of antibiotics, vaccine, and other appropriate supplies and material 
Additional reagents and consumables for surge testing at appropriate LRN laboratories 
Communications and Outreach
 23.     Begin/Continue review and update of Communications Plan.ASPA
 24.     Begin/Continue review and update of Media Campaign Plan.ASPA
 25.     Review BioWatch Area Communications Plan.ASPA
 26.     If a JIC is established at the local and/or Region, Tribe, Territory, State level, coordinate communications and media activities as appropriate.ASPA
 27.     Coordinate communications plan with local and Region, Tribe, Territory, State Public Information Officers.ASPA
 28.     Coordinate press releases with local and Region, Tribe, Territory, State Public Information Officers.ASPA


 Actions/IssuesLead Agency
Supporting Agency
Trigger Point #3 – Confirmed Cases of Inhalation Anthrax Identified in a U.S. City
HHS Strategy:  Take aggressive actions to assist Region, Tribe, Territory, State, and local officials in providing surge capacity and continued recommendations and assistance in the management of inhalation anthrax cases.
Planning and Coordination
 1. Confirm clinical cases of inhalation anthrax.EMG
 2. Declare a Public Health EmergencySec HHS
 3. Recommend the Secretary of DHS declare an Incident of National SignificanceSec HHS/Sec DHS
 4. Participate in establishment of US Government executive structure for management of the incident.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 5. Begin/Continue to coordinate response efforts with ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc), DHS, other Federal Partners, and the White House.EMG
Provide appropriate LNOsOPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 6. Begin/Continue monitoring the completion of, assessing the quality of, and providing guidance to fill gaps in anthrax—related public health and medical preparedness and response plans at Federal, Region, Tribe, Territory, State, local and private-sector levels.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 7. Begin/Continue deployment activities of appropriate response capabilities.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 8. Establish/Sustain ongoing communication with ESF #8 partners regarding logistical and operational planning.EMG
ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 9. Grant OPHS/OSG the authority to activate all PHS CC and deploy as neededSec HHS 
 10.     Coordinate with FBI to provide support for any criminal investigation.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 11.     Convene Medical Interagency Coordination Group (MIACG) to determine medical regulating policy as well as which FCC PRAs should be alerted and/or activated.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 12.     Establish/Maintain communications with CDC DEOC.EMG
 13.     Maintain contact with key public health, healthcare, and community partners (e.g., Region/Tribe/ Territory/State Health Department, Region/Tribe/Territory/State OEM, Region/Tribe/Territory/State Hospital Association, etc.)EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies
 14.     Process required mission assignments.EMG
ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 15.     Complete ESF #8 Mission Assignment Subtasking Requests.EMG
ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 16.     HHS Incident Response Coordination Team (IRCT)IRCT
o         Deploy to designated area.EMG/OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
o         Conduct/Submit situation assessments.ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
o POD operations 
o Epidemiology investigations 
o Critical care capabilities 
o Establish liaison with appropriate Federal management and support centers (RRCC/JFO, JOC, JIC, DEST, etc.). 
o         Establish “trouble desk” to facilitate coordination of HHS functions with local/State officials. 
o         Coordinate with HHS regional personnel and other Federal assets (e.g. PFO and/or FCO). 
o         Provide Federal field management/coordination for deployed HHS assets. 
o         Participate in appropriate conference calls/VTCs. 
o Track and monitor all missions approved by the Incident Manager and ESF #8 Support Agencies. 
Surveillance, Investigation, and Protective Health Measures
 17.     Maintain situational awareness public health activities ongoing in the affected area.EMG
Laboratory AnalysisCDC
Public Health Surveillance 
o Environmental Surveillance 
o Human Surveillance 
o Veterinary Surveillance 
 18.     Track/map inhalation anthrax cases in coordination with CDC and Region, Tribe, Territory, State and local health officials.EMG
 19.     Use available models and applicable data to assist in the identification of potentially exposed people.EMG
 20.     Continue to prepare and distribute reagents.  CDC will develop, produce, and disseminate confirmatory laboratory tests/reagents to the Laboratory Response Network (LRN), if applicable.CDC
 21.     Issue updated case definitions and guidance for specimen management, laboratory testing, and enhanced surveillance.CDC
 22.     Issue guidance in decontamination and secondary exposureCDC
Vaccine, Antibiotic, and Anthrax Immune Globulin Utilization Policies
 23.     Consult with FDA to ascertain the regulatory status, current data on safety and efficacy, and availability of products (in the SNS, vendor inventories, etc.) such as Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA) and antibiotics appropriate for the treatment of inhalation anthrax patients.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 24.     Assess candidate vaccines for licensure EMG
Explore the rapid development, licensure, and production of new anthrax vaccines.OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
Evaluate dose-optimization strategies to maximize the use of limited vaccine stocks. ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 25.     Work with manufacturers to expedite public-sector vaccine/antibiotic-purchasing.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 26.     Provide regulatory guidance to vaccine/antibiotic manufacturers for the manufacture and shipment of anthrax vaccines and antibiotics.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 27.     Mobilize healthcare partners and request activation of State-based plans for distributing and administering vaccines and antibiotics.CDC
EMG/OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 28.     Allocate vaccines and antibiotics.CDC
EMG/OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 29.     Monitor vaccine use.CDC
Monitor that vaccine distribution follows existing plans for priority groups.EMG/OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
Assist with implementation of a call-back system or immunization registry that would accomplish the goals of vaccination.ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
Monitor anthrax disease outcomes among vaccinated persons 
Monitor reported adverse events associated with vaccine use. 
Implement protocols and databases for monitoring vaccine safety, and for tracking vaccine usage, including second and third dose uptake. 
Use existing vaccine-monitoring systems to conduct population-based surveillance for adverse events. 
 30.     Monitor antibiotic use.CDC
Support data-collection efforts on the distribution of State or Federal supplies of antibiotic, the occurrence of adverse events following administration of antibiotics.EMG/OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
Implement existing drug-monitoring systems to allow population-based surveillance for adverse events following the use of antibiotics for treatment and/or prophylaxis.ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
Use existing antibiotic use-monitoring systems to conduct population-based surveillance for adverse events. 
 31.     Anthrax Immune Globulin (AIG) use.CDC
Mobilize healthcare partners and request activation of State-based plans for distributing and administering AIG.EMG/OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
Allocate AIG.ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
HHS to determine use of scarce resources 
Monitor AIG use. 
Monitor that AIG distribution follows existing plans for priority groups. 
Monitor reported adverse events associated with AIG use. 
Healthcare and Emergency Response
 32.     Continue to alert, roster and deploy Federal medical and public health personnel.EMG
Support hospital augmentation in affected communities to offload low-acuity patients from hospitals.OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
If needed, use HHS Intermittent Hiring Authorities to roster and redirect available civilian volunteers to areas most in need. 
Deploy and track Federal mass fatality response assets (NDMS, DoD). 
 33.     Support Region, Tribe, Territory, State use of Emergency Management Assistance Compacts (EMAC) to direct available medical and public health personnel to the affected areas.EMG
 34.     Continue to gather data on bed counts and other critical resources.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 35.     If required, deploy medical materiel and pharmaceuticals from the SNS.  Prepare to requisition/deploy additional vaccine/antibiotics through VMI.CDC
EMG/OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/
ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 36.     Trigger the healthcare community to implement protocols related to the allocation of scarce healthcare resources.EMG
Protocols that triage patients’ access to hospitalization, intensive care, and ventilators.OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
Develop/Issue guidance on allocation of scarce Federal healthcare assets (personnel, equipment, supplies). 
Implement alternative staffing plans to leverage scarce local health and medical personnel. 
 37.     Begin coordinating patient transportation plan to move patients to definitive care facilities nationwide, FCCs, NDMS, VA, DOD (GPMRC), etc.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 38.     Conduct patient movement requests as required.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 39.     Support/Conduct behavioral health operations.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 40.     Begin National Hospital Surge Capacity ActivitiesEMG
•         Contact affected States and Region to determine remaining public health and medical infrastructure and assets (HHS Regional Emergency Coordinator).DOD, VA, DHS
-         Establish medical communications with affected area.National Guard
-         Encourage use of Emergency Management Assistance Compacts (EMAC) for emergency medical services (EMS), other medical and medical support assets. 
•         Contact all HHS Regional Emergency Coordinators to determine and coordinate: 
-         Deployable medical assets; and 
-         Receiving facilities for patient transport. 
•      Request receiving facilities to activate surge plans augment their capacity (e.g., canceling elective surgery, implementing early discharge of patients to nursing facilities / home, etc.)AHA, ASTHO
Communications and Outreach
 41.     Continue execution of Communications Plan.ASPA
Provide information on medical and public health response activities.EMG
Provide anticipatory guidance on how the public health and medical response (including mass fatality management) will unfold over time. 
o Points of Dispensing Sites 
o Post Exposure Prophylaxis 
o City Readiness Initiative 
Provide regular public updates. 
Provide regular public health updates to Congress, Governors, Mayors, State, local, and tribal health departments, local officials, other stakeholders, and the media regularly. 
 42.     Continue execution Media Campaign. ASPA
Instruct the public on preventive measures.EMG
Instruct the public on response measures. 
Conduct "desk-side briefings" and editorial roundtables with news media decision-makers. 
 43.     Provide behavioral expertise to help craft messages.ASPA
 44.     Coordinate communications plan with local and Region, Tribe, Territory, State Public Information Officers.ASPA
EMG/State and local JICs
 45.     Coordinate press releases with local and Region, Tribe, Territory, State Public Information Officers.ASPA
EMG/State and local JICs
 46.     Participate in the National Incident Communications Conference Line (NICCL) composed of Federal public affairs officers as well as local and state public affairs officers.  ASPA
 47.     Participate in coordinated interagency communications campaign. ASPA
 48.     Activate and surge hotline capacity for medical and behavioral health questions.ASPA
 49.     Update appropriate HHS websites (HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA).ASPA
 50.     Activate the CDC-INFO telephone line to provide relative information to the public.CDC
 51.     Provide healthcare providers clinical management guidelines for hospitals, long-term care facilities, and outpatient settings.CDC
Assess and resolve clinical issues related to inhalation anthrax treatment.ASPA/EMG
Distribute sample model protocols for early detection and treatment of inhalation anthrax and provide healthcare facilities with these protocols. 
 52.     Update and disseminate national guidelines on diagnostic testing and use of antibiotics and vaccinesCDC
 53.     Assist the Department of State (primary agency) in coordinating international activities related to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear incidents and events that pose transborder threats. Cooperate with DOS to assist in communicating real-time actions taken by the United States and U.S. projections of the international consequence of the event (e.g., disease spread, travel restrictions, pharmaceutical supply and distribution, and displaced persons). DOS
 54.     Coordiante with DOS (primary agency) in coordination with foreign states concerning offers of support, gifts, offerings, donations, or other aid. This includes establishing coordination with partner nations to identify the U.S.-validated immediate support in response to an Incident of National Significance.DOS




Lead Agency

Supporting Agency

Trigger Point #4 – Demobilization (Upon Release from Region, Tribe, Territory, State and Local Authorities)

HHS Strategy: Establish effective policies and processes to allow Federal public health response personnel and equipment to rapidly and efficiently redeploy to their homestation.

Planning and Coordination

 1. Review PHS section 319 declaration. (It expires automatically after 90 days, but can be renewed for 90 day periods based on the same or additional facts).Sec HHS
EMG/OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 2. Coordinate with Local and State incident management commands to facilitate a timely and orderly movement and redeployment of Federal assets.EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners/State and local Officials
 3. Determine Demobilization decision (EMG)Sec HHS
EMG/OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)
 4. Notify Federally deployed Units / Entities of pending demobilization and redeployment of personnel and equipment EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 5. Coordinate for Transportation EMG
OPDIVs/HHS Agencies/ ESF #8 Partners (DOD, VA, DHS, DOT, EPA, OSHA, DOJ, ARC, etc)/Federal Partners
 6. Close out financial accounts at the incident area, if required  EMG
(FEMA funds all Incidents of national Significance)
 7. Request / Coordinate for SNS Redeployment EMG
Inventory (SNS and other Federal entities)CDC/ Federal Partners
Repack / Load configuration (SNS) 
Secure SNS (IAW ESF 13) 
Transport SNS and Federal entities (IAW ESF 1) 
 8. Plan/Coordinate Post Deployment Occupational Health and Safety screeningEMG, USPHS
Federal Agencies
 9. Coordinate for post deployment debrief at home station Federal Entities
Surveillance, Investigation, and Protective Health Measures
 10.  Conduct Post deployment health screening 
Vaccine and Antibiotic Utilization Policies
 11.  Begin reconstitution of medical countermeasure suppliesCDC
Healthcare and Emergency Response
 12.  Establish/Conduct Post Deployment Occupational Health and Safety screening program.EMG, USPHS
Federal Agencies
Communications and Outreach
 13.  Evaluate communications plan and media planASPA


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