OSC Seal U.S. Office of Special Counsel

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OSC Online 


User Guide

Create User Account

  1. To create a new account, click on the "Log in" menu item located on the left side of your screen, then click on the "Register" hyperlink. You will be asked to provide your e-mail address and an electronic signature.

  2. Your e-mail address will serve as your user name when you access the OSC system. (Please be advised that you may not use a government e-mail account without the express permission of your agency.)

  3. Your electronic signature, which must contain at least six characters, will be used for verification whenever you submit a new complaint form.

  4. After you enter your e-mail address and your electronic signature, click on the "Register" button. The system will assign you a unique password and will send this password to the e-mail address you entered.

  5. After you receive your password, you may use it and your e-mail address to log in to the OSC E-Filing System. Once you've logged in, you can change your password or your signature at any time by selecting "Update Profile" from the menu at the left of your screen.


Step 1 - Select the form type

  1. To start, click on the "File New Form" link on the left side of your screen.

  2. Choose the type of form that you want to file: e.g., OSC Form 11 or 12.

  3. Click the appropriate "Electronic Form" image to create a new form.
Step 2 - Save your form

  1. If you have not finished your form and want to save it to complete at a later time, click on the "Save" button. You can retrieve your form at any time by logging into the system from any computer with internet access.

  2. As a security measure, the system will close any open form and log you out if you've made no entries to the form for 30 minutes. The system will display a warning message before actually closing the form.

  3. When you've finished the form, click on "Validate Form" at the bottom of the page. If all required fields have been completed, the system will validate and save your data before proceeding to the submission page.

Step 3 - Submit your form

  1. The Submission page will display information about your current form, and will allow you to view it and its history, as well as to print the form for your records. (To view a form at any time, click the "View" button. A new window containing the form will open. You can print the form by selecting "Print" from the "File" menu of the new window.)

  2. When you're ready to submit your form to OSC, simply click the "Submit" button. If you decide not to submit the form, you can click on the "Delete" button. The form will disappear from the navigation bar after it has been deleted, and you will be unable to retrieve it.

  3. When you submit your form, it will be transmitted immediately to OSC and you will receive an e-mail message confirming its receipt. You cannot modify a form after it has been submitted. However, you can cancel the form at any time before it has actually been docketed for processing. Once the form has been docketed, you can only view it and its history.

  4. When you first create a form, its status is set to "initiated." This status changes to "saved", "submitted", "processed", etc. as your form goes through each stage of the online filing process. You can also see the creation and latest modification dates for the form. Click on the "History" button to display additional information about the form.

User's form table

  1. After you have created a form, a user form table will appear on the left side of your screen, under the navigation menu.

  2. The form table will display all the forms you have created.

  3. You can access the Form Submission Page from the user's form table.