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No. 02-013 February 4, 2002

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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is making available its budget to Congress for Fiscal Year 2003, requesting $605.6 million for regulation of the nation's nuclear power plants and nuclear materials to protect public health and safety, to promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment.

Reflected in the budget are a number of challenges now facing the agency, including an increased focus on homeland security as a result of the September 11 terrorist attacks and a renewed interest in building nuclear power plants. The budget includes $29.3 million for NRC's homeland security activities.

To keep pace with industry's renewed interest in possible construction of new nuclear power plants, the budget includes $24.8 million for new reactor initiatives including application reviews, improvements to our regulations, and research to support staff's assessment of new technologies. It also includes $16.9 million to review five license renewal applications expected in FY 2002 and five in FY 2003.

The FY 2003 budget of $605.6 million represents a $27.1 million (approximately 4.7 percent) increase above the current fiscal year. About half of the increase ($14.8 million) is needed for new reactor licensing activities. The remainder of the increase is for Federal pay raises and increases in benefit and retirement costs; reactor license renewal; key safety research; keeping pace with the Department of Energy's High-Level Waste program; and additional investments in the agency's information technology, human capital, and facilities.

Funding for each of the agency's strategic arenas and the Inspector General is as follows:

Nuclear Reactor Safety $ 286.0
Nuclear Materials Safety $ 64.1
Nuclear Waste Safety $ 71.9
International Nuclear Safety Support $ 5.4
Management and Support $ 171.0
Inspector General $ 7.2

The budget for the nuclear reactor safety arena includes resources for regulatory oversight of the 104 reactors licensed to operate, license renewal and new license activities, and research to ensure that licensees design, construct and operate civilian nuclear reactor facilities in a safe manner. The budget for nuclear materials safety supports oversight of 47 fuel cycle facilities, licensing and inspection of approximately 4,800 nuclear materials licenses, and supporting research to assure safety of facilities and materials. For the nuclear waste safety arena, resources provide for high-level radioactive waste activities, spent fuel storage and transportation, nuclear facility decommissioning, and supporting research which includes studies on spent fuel storage in dry casks. Resources for international nuclear safety support allow the agency to continue working with foreign countries and international organizations to help enhance safe and secure civilian uses of nuclear energy worldwide, and to help deter nuclear proliferation. The budget for management and support covers administrative services (including rent and facilities management), personnel services, information technology, financial management, and policy support for the agency.

More detailed information on the budget (NUREG 1100, Vol. 18) is available on the web at: or may be purchased from the Government Printing Office, telephone 202-512-1800. A limited number of hard copies are available from NRC's Office of Public Affairs by calling 301-415-8200. All media inquiries should be made to this office.

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