ADC Author Index N

This document is a comprehensive author index to the ADC's public archives as of March 05, 1999 (Last Updated 03/05/99). The entries to the right of each name are the ADC short title identifiers for catalogs or journal tables by that author. Click on the first letter of the last name of the author of interest, then scroll down the alphabetical listing to find the name. The identifiers are hyperlinks to the FTP directory for data sets by that author. Click on the first letter of the last name of the author of interest, then scroll down the alphabetical listing to find the name. The identifiers are hyperlinks to the FTP directory for data sets by that author.

[A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z]


Nadeau D.
K magnitude of Pleiades low-mass binaries (Bouvier+ 1997)
Nadzhip A.E.
UBVJHKLM Photometry of Nova Cygni 1992 (Kolotilov+, 1994)
Nagy T.A.
Two-Micron Sky Survey, Nearest SAO Stars on POSS (Nagy 1983)

Dearborn Catalogue - HD Cross Index (Nagy 1983)

HD-YBS Cross Index (Nagy unpub)

YBS-HD Cross Index (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 1 Nomenclature (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 6 BD/CD/CPD Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 4 Flamsteed Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 2 Bayer Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 5 HR=BS Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 12 Ross Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 13 Innes Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 14 Bamberg Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Tables 15-18 OK,VB,VV,TV Correspondences (Nagy)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 10 Sonneberg Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 7 HD Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 21 CSV Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 8 AN Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 9 HV Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 11 SVS Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 20 Prager Correspondences (Nagy unpub)

Gen Cat Var Stars 2: Table 19 Zinner Correspondences (Nagy unpub)
Nahar S.N.
IRON Project VII. FeII radiative transitions (Nahar, 1995)

IRON Project. XVII. Radiative transition in Fe III (Nahar+, 1996)

IRON Project XXXV. Fe XXIV and Fe XXV (Nahar+ 1999)
Nakada K.
Galaxies Behind Milky Way (Saito+ 1991)
Nakada Y.
SiO maser sources (Jiang+ 1996)
Nakagawa M.
Relativistic Free-Free Gaunt Factor (Nakagawa+ 1987)

Relativistic Free-Free Gaunt Factor. II. (Itoh+ 1990)
Nakamura F.E.
Galaxies in Abell 168 (Tomita+ 1996)
Nakanishi K.
Galaxies Behind the Milky Way (Saito+ 1990-91; Roman+ 1996-98)

Galaxies in Abell 168 (Tomita+ 1996)

Redshift survey for IRAS galaxies (Nakanishi+ 1997)
Nakano M.
H-alpha emission stars in the Orion region (Wiramihardja+ 1989,91,93)
Nakos T.
CCD UBV photometry of close visual doubles (Nakos+ 1997)
Nalezyty M.
New variables in NGC 288 (Kaluzny+ 1997)
Nan R.
Miyun 232MHz survey (Zhang+ 1997)
Nandy K.
Stellar Ultraviolet Fluxes, SKYSCAN/TD-1 (Thompson+ 1978)

2-D Classification, Vilnius Photometry M56 Region (Smriglio+ 1986)
Napier W.M.
Redshift of 97 spirals (Guthrie+, 1996)
Nardo G.
Asiago Catalogue of Quasistellar Objects (Barbieri+ 1982)
Merged Log of IUE Observations (1978 Jan - 1992 Dec)
Nasi E
Theoretical isochrones (Bertelli+ 1994)
Natale V.
HII Regions and IRAS PSC sources: the reliability (CODELLA 1994)

H2O masers in HII regions (Cadella+, 1994)

Classification and statistical properties of gal (PALAGI 1993)
Nations H.L.
Collected photometry of FK Comae Berenices (JETSU 1994)
Nauber U.
Extragalactic Radio Sources, Flux Den >1 Jy at 5 GHz (Kuehr+ 1981)
Naugolnaya M.N.
RATAN-600 RC radio sources (Parijskij+ 1996)
Naumann M.
Long-term Photometry of Variables III (Manfroid+ 1995)

An astrometric catalogue of southern and equatoria (BRUCH 1992)
Naumova A.A.
Second Cat of Fundamental Stars (SPF-2; Santiago-Pulkovo unpub.)

First Santiago-Pulkovo Fundamental Stars (SPF-1; Anguita+ 1975)
Naundorf C.E.
Radio & optical observation of UX Arietis (Elias+ 1995)
Navarrete M.
Light Curves of 29 SNe (Hamuy+ 1996)
Nave G.
Highly-excited levels of Fe I obtained from (NAVE 1993)

New Multiplet Table for Fe I (Nave+ 1994)
Naylor T.
Optical Identifications of ROSAT EUV Sources (Mason+ 1995)
Neale L.T.
Recombination coefficients for NeII lines (Kisielius+ 1998)
Neckel Th.
Polarization Catalogue (Mathewson+ 1978; Klare+ 1978)

Catalogue of Extinction Data (Neckel+ 1980)
Neff J.E.
TY Pyx IUE FES observations (Neff+, 1996)
Neff S.G.
UV Observations of the SMC (Cornett+ 1997)
Negoro H.
X-ray lightcurves of bright AGNs from Ginga (Hayashida+ 1998)
Neill J.D.
BV photometry in Fornax globulars (Smith+ 1996)

Fornax Globular 3 (Smith+ 1997)
Neilsen E.H.
NGC 4478 globular clusters (Neilsen+ 1997)
Neizvestnaya O.M.
Catalogue of Seyfert Galaxies (Lipovetsky+ 1988)
Neizvestny S.I.
Catalogue of Seyfert Galaxies (Lipovetsky+ 1988)
Nelson R.H.
BVI photometry of V728 Her (Nelson+ 1995)
Nemec J.
BV photometry in Carina dwarf galaxy (Hurley-Keller+ 1998)
Nemec J.M.
CCD photometry of M 71 (Hodder+, 1992)

Pop. II Variable Stars (Nemec+ 1994)

RR Lyrae Stars in NGC 5053 (Nemec+ 1995)

SX Phe stars in NGC 5053 (Nemec+ 1995)

gr photometry of NGC 5053 blue stragglers (Nemec+ 1989)
Nesci R.
BV(RI)c photometry of S5 0716+714 (Ghisellini+ 1997)

BV(RI)c photometry of ON 231 (Tosti+ 1998)
Nesterov V.V.
HDE Charts: positions, proper motions (Nesterov+ 1995)
Neuforge-Verheecke C.
Spectroscopy of Alpha Cen (Neuforge-Verheecke+ 1997)
Neugebauer G.
Two-Micron Sky Survey (TMSS; Neugebauer, Leighton 1969)

IRAS Surface Brightness Maps Large Optical Galaxies (Rice+ 1988)
Neuhaeuser R.
T Tauri stars ROSAT survey (Neuhaeuser+, 1995)

New T Tauri stars in Taurus-Auriga (Wichmann+, 1996)

New WTTS in the Chamaeleon complex (Alcala+ 1997)

T Tauri UBVRIcJHKL photometry (Wichmann+ 1997)

High-resolution spectra south of Taurus (Neuhaeuser+ 1997)

MBM 7 and MBM 55 X-ray sources (Hearty+ 1999)

New weak-line T Tauri stars in Lupus (Krautter+ 1997)

Young stars south of Taurus-Auriga (Magazzu+ 1997)
Neumann M.
Multifrequency observations of ROSAT selected (NEUMANN 1994)
Neupert W.M.
EUV spectrum of solar active region (Thomas+, 1994)
Neuschaefer L.
NGC 5548 BR photometry (Tyson+ 1998)
Newberry M.V.
Case blue/emission-line galaxies (Salzer+ 1995)
Newell E.B.
Southern Groups and Clusters of Galaxies (Duus, Newell 1977)
Newton L.M.
Magellanic Clouds bridge region HI profiles (McGee+ 1986)
Ng Y.K.
Long-Term Photometry of Variables at ESO. II. (Sterken+ 1993)

F & G solar neighbourhood stars new ages (Ng+ 1998)

Field 3 Palomar-Groningen survey. II. (Schultheis+ 1998)

Variables stars in Palomar-Groningen field 3 (Ng+ 1997)
Ni-Ino M.
Binaries speckle observations. IV. (Miura+ 1992)
Niarchos P.G.
Long-Term Photometry of Variables at ESO. II. (Sterken+ 1993)

Photometry of V700 Cyg and AW Vir (Niarchos+ 1997)

V photometry of YY CMi (Niarchos+ 1998)
Nichol R.C.
Edinburgh-Durham Southern Gal Cat - Cluster Cat (Lumsden+ 1992)

Edinburgh-Milano cluster redshift survey (Collins+ 1995)
Nichols J.S.
IUE Atlas of B-type Stellar Spectra (Walborn+ 1995)

High-dispersion microfiche atlas of OB stars for (BOHLIN 1994)

Variability in O-stars wind (Kaper+, 1996)
Nichols-Bohlin J.
IUE Atlas of O-Type Stellar Spectra, 1200-1900 A (Walborn+ 1985)
Nicholson W.
Cape Photographic Catalogue 2 (CPC 2; Nicholson+ 1984)
Nicolaci Da Costa L.
The morphological catalogue of galaxies equatorial (HUCHRA 1993)
Nicolet B.
Hipparcos Input Catalogue, Version 2 (Turon+ 1993)

Photoelectric Photometric Measurements, UcBV System (Nicolet 1975)

A Reference List for the UBV System (Nicolet 1976)

Geneva Photometric Boxes (Nicolet 1982)

Light variations on Beta Pic (Lecavelier des Etangs+, 1995)

Photometric and radial velocity of RRLyr stars (Carrillo+ 1995)

B to G stars calibration in Geneva photometry (Kunzli+, 1997)

Mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites (Arlot+ 1997)
Nicollier C.
UVBGRI Photometric Catalogue (Nicollier, Hauck 1978)
Nicolson G.
Radio reference frame (Johnston+ 1995)
Nicotra M.A.
APM elliptical galaxies radial velocities (Muriel+ 1995)
Niedzielski A.
IUE spectra of WR stars (Niedzielski+, 1994)
Niehues M.
Long-term Photometry of Variables III (Manfroid+ 1995)
Niell A.E.
Selected Compact Radio Sources (Argue+ 1984)
Niemela V.S.
The open cluster NGC 346 (Niemela+, 1986)
Nieto J.-L.
UBVRI photoelectric photometry of bright southern (POULAIN 1994)

Classification of Coma early galaxies (Andreon+ 1996)
Nieuwenhuijzen H.
Rates of Mass Loss (de Jager+ 1988)
Nikanorova I.N.
Pulkovo Spectrophotometric Catalog (Alekseeva+ 1997)
Niklas S.
Shapley-Ames Galaxies at 2.8cm (Niklas+, 1995)
Nikoloff I.
Perth 75, Positions of 2589 FK4/FK4S Stars (Nikoloff, Hog 1982)
Nilson P.
Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies (UGC; Nilson 1973)
Nilsson K.
SEST obs. of extragalactic radiosources (Nilsson+, 1996)

AO 0235+164 BVRI photometry (Takalo+ 1998)

BV(RI)c photometry of ON 231 (Tosti+ 1998)

Kinematical models for double radio sources (Nilsson 1998)

On the redshift-apparent size diagram of double (NILSSON 1993)
Ninkov Z.
UBVRI photometry of stars in Berkeley 86 (Deeg+, 1996)
Nisenson P.
Double stars measurements 1995-1997 (Aristidi+ 1999)
Nissen P.E.
uvby-beta Phot Hi-Vel and Metal-Poor Stars (Schuster,Nissen 1989)

The chemical evolution of the galactic disk I. (EDVARDSSON 1993)

Chemical composition of halo and disk stars (Nissen+, 1997)

The chemical evolution of the galactic disk II (EDVARDSSON 1993)

uvby-beta photometry of metal-poor stars. VIII. (Schuster+ 1996)
Nitschelm B.
Mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites (Arlot+ 1997)
Nitschelm C.
Up-to-Date Walraven VBLUW Photoelectric (Nitschelm, Mermilliod 1990)

DDO Photoelectric Photometric Cat (Mermilliod, Nitschelm 1989)

ubvy (Eggen) Photometry (Nitschelm, Mermilliod 1990)

Washington CMT1T2V Photometric Cat (Mermilliod, Nitschelm 1990)

General Catalogue of Photometric Data (Hauck+ 1990)

Light variations on Beta Pic (Lecavelier des Etangs+, 1995)
Nizhel'skii N.A.
The Zelenchuk Surveys (Amirkhanyan+, 1989)

3.9GHz survey declination -1 to 0deg (Larionov+, 1994)

Giant H II region Ratan-600 obs. (Berlin+ 1985)
Noble R.G.
Main-sequence CCD photometry of the globular clus (NOBLE 1991)
Noel F.
Observations of the Sun during 1990-1992 with the (NOEL 1993)

Observations of the Sun during 1993 with the (NOEEL 1994)

Second catalogue Santiago (Noeel, 1994)

Observations of the Sun during 1994 (Noel, 1995)
Noergaard-Nielsen H.U.
Interstellar matter in Shapley-Ames elliptical (GOUDFROOIJ 1994)
Noguchi M.
Binaries speckle observations. IV. (Miura+ 1992)
Noguchi T.
Search for Ultraviolet-Excess Objects (Noguchi+ 1980; Kondo+ 1984)
Nolan P.L.
The second EGRET catalog (Thompson+ 1995)

Supplement to Second EGRET Catalog (Thompson+ 1996)
Nonino M.
Small Drift Scan Survey Galaxies Northern Sky (Kent+ 1993)
Nordstrom B.
Spectral Survey of the Southern Milky Way I (Sundman+ 1974)

Spectral Survey of the Southern Milky Way II (Nordstroem 1975)

Spectral Survey of the Southern Milky Way III (Loden+ 1976)

Spectral Survey Southern Milky Way Uniform (Andersen 1977)

Radial Velocities of Southern Stars with CORAVEL (Andersen+ 1985)

Radial Velocities of Bright Southern Stars (Andersen+ 1983-1985)

Radial Velocities of Bright Population II F Stars (Andersen+ 1985)

Study of star V9 in 47 Tuc (Storm+ 1994)

Red giants in NGC 3680 and IC 4651 (Mermilliod+, 1995)

NGC 3680 photometry and radial velocities (Nordstrom+ 1997)

CCD photometry & velocities of NGC 3680 stars (Nordstroem+, 1996)

Velocities and duplicity of F-type dwarfs (Nordstroem+ 1997)
Norgaard-Nielsen H.U.
extinction and star clusters in NGC 12 (NORGAARD-NIELSEN 1993)
Norris J.E.
Ca abundance for Omega Cen red giants (Norris+ 1996)

CCD photometry of 6 globular clusters (Sarajedini+ 1994)

Equivalent widths for 54 red giants (Norris+ 1995)
Norris R.P.
1612 MHz OH survey of IRAS point sources (TE LINTEL HEKKERT 1991)

Parkes-Tidbinbilla radio sources (Duncan+ 1993)
North P.
Vilnius Photometric Catalogue (North 1984)

HD 59435 radial velocity & Geneva photometry (Wade+ 1996)

V436 Persei # 1 Persei byBV photometry (Harmanec+ 1997)

Eclipsing binaries with candidate CP stars (North+ 1997)

Properties of He-rich stars I. (Zboril+ 1997)

HIPPARCOS Ba stars (Mennessier+ 1997)

Bp-Ap stars HR-diagram from Hipparcos data (Gomez+ 1998)

Photometry of magnetic CP stars (North+, 1995)

B to G stars calibration in Geneva photometry (Kunzli+, 1997)

Lambda Boo stars consolidated catalogue (Paunzen+ 1997)

Rotation and binary rate among giant F stars (Kunzli+ 1998)

Multiplicity among peculiar A stars I. (North+ 1998)
Nota A.
UV photometry of NGC 6397 (Burgarella+ 1994)

Massive stars in I Zw 36 (Deharveng+ 1994)
Nottale L.
CEDAG Catalogue of Clusters of Galaxies (Fernandez+ 1984)
Novikov V.V.
Pulkovo Spectrophotometric Catalog (Alekseeva+ 1997)
Novopashenny V.B.
Pulkovo Spectrophotometric Catalog (Alekseeva+ 1997)
Noyes R.W.
Ca II H and K Measurements Made at MWO (Duncan+ 1991)
Nuspl J.
HD 163151: a new W UMa type system (Rodriguez+ 1998)
Nyman L.-A.
Composite CO Survey of the Milky Way (Dame+ 1987)

Results of the ESO-SEST Key Programme on CO in the (ISRAEL 1993)

A CS(2-1) survey of UC HII regions (Bronfman+, 1996)

SiO masers in OH/IR stars, proto-PN and PN (Nyman+ 1998)

A survey of circumstellar CO emission from a sample (NYMAN 1992)
Nys O.
Hipparcos Input Catalogue, Version 2 (Turon+ 1993)

Components of Double and Multiple stars (CCDM)

[A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z]