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No. 96-137                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                                 (Wednesday, October 9, 1996)

                        PLANT DESIGN 

     The Nuclear Regulatory Commission today issued letters requiring commercial
nuclear power plants to submit comprehensive information on their programs for
maintaining accurate and accessible design information on their plants.  

     NRC team inspections and reviews at a number of plants over the past several
months have turned up discrepancies between the plant's original design and its actual
configuration and operating procedures.  There were instances where procedures,
practices and drawings did not match the design and where the original design
installation was incorrect, modifications did not reflect design or were based on
incorrect assumptions.

     In some instances, these deficiencies could adversely affect the operability of
required safety systems.  Because of the potential impact on public health and safety if
safety systems do not respond when needed, the NRC requires each licensee to provide,
under oath or affirmation:

     Information documenting current practices for concluding that the plant is
consistent with its design and processes for identification of problems and
implementation of corrective actions.   The program descriptions should also address
how design requirements are applied to operating, maintenance and testing procedures;
and the overall effectiveness of the current processes in concluding that the plant is
consistent with its design.

     In responding to this letter, licensees are asked to indicate whether they have
undertaken any design review programs. If so, they must describe how these programs
ensure that they have accurate information and are using it and that this information is
being kept up to date.  If not, they are asked to provide the rationale for not
implementing such a program.
     Responses from the licensees are required within 120 days from receipt of the

     The NRC intends to use this information from licensees to plan its sample
inspections of design controls verifying compliance with the terms and conditions of
licenses and agency regulations.

     The NRC letters do not apply to the Millstone nuclear plants in Connecticut,
since Northeast Utilities is under a confirmatory order to contract for a third-party,
independent corrective action verification program for Millstone which will address
essentially the same issues.