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No. 96-69                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                                     (Thursday, May 16, 1996)


     The Nuclear Regulatory Commission held its Nineteenth Annual
Awards Ceremony in Rockville, Maryland, today to honor a number of
employees for superior performance.  The ceremony was hosted by
Chairman Shirley Ann Jackson who was joined by James M. Taylor,
Executive Director for Operations, to present individual awards to

     Certificates for the 1995 Presidential Distinguished
Executive Rank Awards were presented to James L. Milhoan, Deputy
Executive Director for Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Regional
Operations and Research, Office of the Executive Director for
Operations (EDO); Carl J. Paperiello, Director, Office of Nuclear
Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS); and William T. Russell,
Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR).

     Certificates for Presidential Meritorious Executive Rank
Awards were presented to:

     Elinor G. Adensam, Deputy Director, Division of Reactor
Projects III/IV, NRR; 

     Thomas J. Barchi, Assistant Inspector General for Audits,
Office of the Inspector General (IG); 

     Samuel J. Chilk, Director, Commission Decision Tracking
System Project, Office of the Secretary; 

     Stewart D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator, Region II in
Atlanta, Georgia; 

     Ellis W. Merschoff, Director, Division of Reactor Projects,
Region II; 

     Vandy L. Miller, Director, Office of Small Business and Civil

     Scott F. Newberry, Project Director, License Renewal and
Environmental Review Project Directorate, NRR; 

     Peter J. Rabideau, Director, Division of Budget and Analysis,
Office of the Controller; 

     Dennis K. Rathbun, Director, Office of Congressional Affairs; 

     Carlton R. Stoiber, Director, Office of International
Programs; and 

     James M. Taylor, Executive Director for Operations.

     An honorary recipient of the NRC's Distinguished Service
Award, the highest honor given by the agency, was Mr. Milhoan.

     Thirty-six employees received the NRC's Meritorious Service
Award.  It is the Commission's second highest honor and is given
for meritorious achievement or service of unusual value which
substantially contributes to the accomplishment of the agency's
mission and has agency-wide significance.  All but honorary
recipients received a $3,000 check.  Recipients of this award


     W. William Brach, Deputy Director, Division of Fuel Cycle
Safety and Safeguards (NMSS);

     Administrative Excellence

     Jeanne Cucura, Contract Specialist, Division of Contracts,
Office of Administration;

     Roland M. Lickus, Regional State Liaison Officer, Office of
the Regional Administrator, Region III in Lisle, Illinois;

     Mary M. Matheson, Senior Transportation Assistant, Travel
Services Section, Office of the Controller;

     Theodore R. Stansbury, Jr., Chief, Distribution and Mail
Services Section, Office of Administration;

     Mary L. Tenaglia, Program Assistant, Office of Commission
Appellate Adjudication;

     Virginia K. Tolson, Resource Management Analyst, Division of
Resource Management, Region I in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania;

     James Turdici, Special Assistant to the Chief Financial
Officer, EDO;

     Engineering Excellence

     Steven A. Arndt, Technical Training Advisor, Office for
Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data;

     Sudhamay Basu, Research Engineer, Accident Evaluation Branch,
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES);

     David E. Bessette, Senior Reactor Engineer, Reactor and Plant
Systems Branch, Division of Systems Technology, RES;

     Edwin M. Hackett, Senior Materials Engineer, Materials and
Chemical Engineering Branch, NRR;

     Larry L. Scholl, Reactor Engineer, Electrical Engineering
Branch, Region I;

     Gene Y. Suh, Senior Reactor Systems Engineer, Inspection
Program Branch, NRR;

     Equal Employment Opportunity Excellence

     Maria E. Lopez-Otin, Federal Liaison Program Manager, Office
of State Programs;

     Thomas E. Smith, Reference Librarian, Public Documents
Branch, Office of the Secretary;

     Health Physicist Excellence

     James P. Dwyer, Senior Health Physicist, Division of Nuclear
Materials Safety, Region I;

     Patricia K. Holahan, Health Physicist, Medical, Academic and
Commercial Use Safety Branch, NMSS;

     Investigating/Auditing Excellence

     Matthew T. Alessandrino, Criminal Investigator, IG.

     Virginia J. Van Cleave, Senior Special Agent, Region IV field
office in Walnut Creek, California, Office of Investigations;

     Legal Excellence

     Marjorie S. Nordlinger, Senior Attorney (International),
Office of the General Counsel;

     Management Excellence

     Richard P. Correia, Section Chief, Quality Assurance and
Maintenance Branch, NRR;

     Jacqueline F. Jackson, Chief, Employment and Staffing
Programs, Office of Personnel;

     Mark S. Lesser, Chief, Reactor Projects Branch No.6 in Region

     George Pangburn, Section Leader, Operations Branch, Division
of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS;

     John L. Pellet, Chief, Operations Branch, Division of Reactor
Safety, Region IV in Arlington, Texas;

     James B. Schaeffer, Chief, Technology Infrastructure Branch,
Office of Information Resources Management;

     Project Manager Excellence

     James Randall Hall, Senior Project Manager, Division of
Reactor Projects III/IV, NRR;

     Region-Based Inspector Excellence

     Edward H. Girard, Reactor Inspector, Division of Reactor
Safety, Region II;

     Linda Joy Smith, Reactor Inspector, Division of Reactor
Safety, Region IV;

     Resident Inspector Excellence

     Thomas R. Farnholtz, Resident Inspector, Summer Resident
Office in South Carolina, Division of Reactor Projects in Region

     Senior Resident Inspector Excellence

     Christopher G. Miller, Senior Resident Inspector, Quad Cities
Resident Office in Illinois, Region III;

     Scientific Excellence (Honorary)

     Martin J. Steindler, member of the Advisory Committee on
Nuclear Waste;

     Secretarial Excellence

     Carol Jo Gordon, Secretary, Office of the Regional
Administrator in Region IV;

     Noble S. Green, Jr., Secretary, License Renewal and
Environmental Review Project Directorate, NRR;

     Support Staff Excellence

     Patricia Janet Noonan, Licensing Assistant, Division of
Reactor Projects III/IV, NRR.
